Calling All Ladies - Need Beauty Tips!!!!


Expert Expediter
Help! The last few months I have noticed that I am looking older than I should, which has me very upset!! :-( I am getting horrible bags under my eyes - my Mom has 30 years on me and she does not have bags under her eyes!! Sometimes they are sooo bad that I wear my sunglasses even when I am indoors. Any advice???


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
Not only do I have bags under my eyes,but everything is beginning to droop and sag.
Not thats its doing any good but I keep body lotion constantly on hand.I also try to work in a regular face scrub 2 or 3 times a week.
H-E-L-P...any suggestions?


Expert Expediter
I know what you mean about the lotion, I have it in easy access in any area of the truck! For those of you with cellulite, have you tried the Jergens Skin Firming lotion? That really works, it has done wonders for me :) :) Like you, things are starting to droop and that makes me very unhappy :(, I thought I would stay young forever! lol And the weight gain....I try to watch what I eat but there are times I splurge, like a donut at night while I am driving but that is far and few in-between! I have gained 30 lbs in the past 2 1/2 years, not good....
I even bought myself a compact lateral stepper and use that each time we are sitting. It's too bad I cannot use it while the truck is moving, that way it would get used every day instead of a couple times a week!
Anybody into the yoga?? My doctor told me that one of her other patients has been doing yoga to loose weight and it also brings down the stress level. So if anybody is into Yoga and can tell me what DVD to buy, I will give it a whirl.


Seasoned Expediter
I'm not into Yoga but back to the baggy eye issue.

Caffine does wonders for your skin. Get yourself a small plastic bottle, fill it up with left over coffee and apply it to your face with a cottonball once ot twice a day.

Caffine is a major ingredient in many cosmetics. I believe one company actually mentions it in a TV advertisement.

Why not give it a try? It's free!


Veteran Expediter
There is an E.O. member with a bag on his head, but he has cut-outs for his eyes.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
This should stir things up. The book "The Proper Care and Feeding of Husbands". Other than in his eyes who cares what anyone else thinks anyway and that will definitely put a sparkle in his eyes.

Leo Bricker, 73's K5LDB, OOIDA 677319
Owner, Panther trucks 5507, 5508, 5509
Highway Watch Participant, Truckerbuddy
EO Forum Moderator
Support the entire Constitution, not just the parts you like.


Staff member
Hey Leo You must like Dr Laura also. Reading that book can do amazing things for a marriage.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Yes, I like Laura's, Dr. and Ingraham. Also Dave Ramsey, Michael Medved and Michael Reagan. Talk programs and the old time radio channels are my favorites. You are right, that book can do amazing things and the beauty created by it will never age or fade as long as it's adhered to.

Leo Bricker, 73's K5LDB, OOIDA 677319
Owner, Panther trucks 5507, 5508, 5509
Highway Watch Participant, Truckerbuddy
EO Forum Moderator
Support the entire Constitution, not just the parts you like.


Staff member
I have a copy of that book in the truck I try to adhere to it most of the time but sometimes.... Another book that is really good is The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People by Covey. I noticed also that you wanted to meet the writer of Sherlock Holmes do you listed to XM 163, 8:00 every evening and listen to the short stories? We also bought a box series of Sherlock Holmes adventures and really enjoy them.


Expert Expediter
>This should stir things up. The book "The Proper Care and
>Feeding of Husbands". Other than in his eyes who cares what
>anyone else thinks anyway and that will definitely put a
>sparkle in his eyes.
>Leo Bricker, 73's K5LDB, OOIDA 677319
>Owner, Panther trucks 5507, 5508, 5509
>Highway Watch Participant, Truckerbuddy
>EO Forum Moderator
>Support the entire Constitution, not just the parts you

Thanks for the info Leo, I may just look for that book!
It is not that I worry about what other's think of the way I look, it is how I feel about myself. believe me, there are times I get out of the truck to go in for a shower and it could be very scary!! }>
But like I say to my husband, most of these people I will never see me again so who cares what they think. ;-)

D Team Brothers

Expert Expediter
I sure am glad I read this forum! I have them bags under my eyes also! And I'm thinking my looks are sagging too! I try to read about ways to improve, and I listen to all the good advice, but all it does is make me aggitated and jittery, keeps me awake and cranky all the time! Now I understand my problem, thanks to this posting. I heard and read about that caffine fixer-upper, but I guess I missed the part about putting it on the outside. Boy, I gotta stoppp drrinnking thisss cofeee. Thanks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:7 x( :)


Seasoned Expediter
A great product is Camille Beckman Body Care Products. Last winter my hands were like ripped plastic (A good scrubbing is given after every use of the restroom). Anyway the Camille Beckman products are great and I use the hand cream on face, legs etc. It smells great (I use vanille) and is sooooo....... soft. You can find it at most Hallmark Stores or you can look on line under the brand name to find distributers. Good luck with those baggie eyes. ;)


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
When I was young I used to be in a rock and roll band, and also had to be on top of it for my day job in sales. Many a night we´d get home from a gig, with just enough time to get showered and changed and head for the office. We used to use PREPERATION H under the eyes. Alot of musicians and models, used that trick and still do. Don´t laugh until you try it. Works great. I know ladies who use it before an evening out to give that fresh look, and then apply the makeup. I still do it too. Get the cream , not the gel. A little dab under the eyes, and in a few minutes voila!


Veteran Expediter
Never thought I'd be giving beauty tips to the ladies, but here it is: I use Target baby wipes for between shower freshen ups. It's great to wipe the persperation from your face or clean your hands as needed. I don't have to worry about make up, as I have natural beauty. I use the unscented rather than the baby fresh. Most babies smell like puke, or worse. Another good tip my wife has taken from me is using sponge sanding blocks on the rough spots on your feetses. Yes, sand paper blocks like you get from the hardware store. Sand those piggies down and lotion 'em up.

:+ :+


Veteran Expediter

If you apply Preperation H under your eyes, where do you put the vanishing cream?


Expert Expediter
I have heard of using the Preparation H before....been scared to try it, wondering what the long term affects might be. Maybe to get rid of them quickly once in awhile...not an expert, just my opinion.

I can say that part of your problem is water retention. Imagine that with our lifestyle. More water and less caffiene will help that and believe it or not you will actually have more energy in the long run if you are well hydrated.

Second, the road is hard on us gals. Gotta use some kind of eye cream. I personally really like Avon's renew Eye duo. If you can get Herbalife products try their "lift" for eyes.

It is so easy to neglect our bodies and faces out here. I try very hard to wash my face and brush my teeth at least once a day and twice if I can. I carry the Oil of Olay total effects age defying wet wipes for times when I don't get the chance to go in the the ladies room. Then use a moiturizer for your skin type and eye cream...always eye cream.....good around the lips also.

btw, another tip on preparation H. For those of you who get cold sores, it dries them up quickly and reduces pain.


Expert Expediter
I have heard about the Preparation H but there is something a little scarey about putting that under my eyes.
I am not much of a water drinker but I bought the Crystal Lite on the Go packets so I am getting better about the water - coffee is still my downfall but I try and get decaf whenever possible.
I carry my Oil of Olay with me constantly and each time I wash my face, I am sure to use it. I really should use the body lotion more but sometimes I just get lazy!!
I will have to try the one from Avon that you suggested. I have seen it advertised but never knew anyone that tried it.
Thanks to all for the suggestions!!


>Help! The last few months I have noticed that I am looking
>older than I should, which has me very upset!! :-( I am
>getting horrible bags under my eyes - my Mom has 30 years on
>me and she does not have bags under her eyes!! Sometimes
>they are sooo bad that I wear my sunglasses even when I am
>indoors. Any advice???

Know what you mean! I'm 54 and have been trucking for 22 years, but most of the time I can pass for 30 something. I usually have bags under my eyes in the morning, but I use a lot of Alpha Hydroxy and Oil of Olay. The AH may sting a little, but it does take care of the bags. I've heard about the Preparation H, but have never tried it. I don't know why it would hurt anything if you didn't get iti in your eyes.



Veteran Expediter
Back to the original subject.

I wish it only happened to women, it happens to alot of men truck drivers also.

Me Included....