Barack Hussein Obama


Seasoned Expediter
I'm sure I will take some flack for this but refuse to believe I am the only one thinking it. Does anyone really believe this country could elect someone named Barack Hussein Obama president of the United States of America? I realize name alone should not be a deciding factor but come on... I just can't believe this country is really ready for that.


Seasoned Expediter
I have already seen bumper stickers,unbelievable.He is a Socialist like the rest of the New Democratic Party,wants to turn this into France.


Expert Expediter
Thank You lanier1!!!! I have had that same thought for quite awhile. I am glad I am not alone.

It's not gun control
It's people control


Expert Expediter
I am still wondering how a "johnny come lately" like Obama can get the support he has. People just need a little more edumacation. :+


Seasoned Expediter
dpea, I imagine about 70% of the country is thinking the same thing we are but would never admit it because it would be too "insensitive" a thing to say. I doubt they can even admit their feelings to themselves.

I imagine his popularity with many is because they think it is "en vogue" to be backing a black man with a muslim name and heritage.

I just refuse to believe this country would elect anyone born of a radical muslim father and a white atheist mother. While his mother and father divorced when he was two she remarried another muslim who had him educated in a radical muslim school.

simon says

Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
Obama is just another phony lightning rod to corral opposition to war, Bush, etc. into the Dem party. Jesse has gotten too old, Sharpton is a charlatan, etc. Obama has made a name in IL. politics,and becomes a natural to promote quickly. Always been this way in U.S. politics, all the way back to LaFollete in the 30's.

Some of you seem to be the only ones who think every Muslim sounding name is a problem. Better stay off Michigan Ave. in Dearborn- I don't want you showing up while I'm having dinner with my sweetie at one of the better Mid-East restaurants. The multitude of Causasians there will not take you too kindly...


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
Wasn't Obama educated at Punahou High School, in Hawaii? And is a graduate of Harvard Law School. I don't believe that these schools
fit the criteria for a "radical" Muslim education. I don't plan to vote for Mr. Obama, but to toss these verbal bombshells, without citing sources, can't be allowed to happen.


Seasoned Expediter
I will retract the radical school statement but he did attend a Muslim elementary school in Indonesia as well as a Catholic school. His father, it seems, was better known as an athiest, like his mother, or an agnostic.

I'm sure he is fine person as he has not risen to the popularity level he has without possessing charisma and charm.

My original point is still the same. Will this country really elect someone with a Muslim sounding name? I don't think so.

Don't worry Simon I don't even own a Confederate flag, mush less fly it from the back of my pick up truck. So, if I am seen on Michigan Ave. in Deerborn or am eating at a middleastern restaurant near you you will still be safe.


Veteran Expediter
And what does the confederate flag have to do with the price of tea in China?

As for Osama Obama, he's not electable. Neither is Hillary. Neither is Edwards. So that leaves it up to the Republicans. Here's to hoping they don't pull another one out of their arse like W!!!

-Vampire Super Slooth Trucker!!!


Veteran Expediter
You guys are starting to give truck drivers a bad name again.I thought I scolded you once before for this type of behavior.Now stop it this minute!!!


Expert Expediter
The only problem with Bush is Iraq. Iraq would be a winnable war if we weren't over there trying to fight with one armed tied behind our back to make it politically correct. We are losing this war because we give the media free reign to report whatever they want whether it is accurate or not. Did we learn nothing from Vietnam??? It was the same scenario there. We don't lose wars on the battlefield we lose them in Washington DC because of all the yellow belly liberals and their coharts in the media.

2002 GMC Savana 3500 DRW 15' cube 10,000 GVWR "Old Yeller"
former Penske truck


Seasoned Expediter
I have to disagree with you about the only problem with Bush being Iraq. His immigration policies, stance on Mexican trucking companies, support of privatizing our roads, passing of laws regarding on line gambling and his unwillingness to take the actions needed to gain the results desired by the people who elected him have left me very cold towards his administration.


Veteran Expediter
Mr. Singer,it was the liberals that saved our a** and got us OUT of Vietnam,and it will be the liberals that are again saving our a## by getting us out of this stinking pile of a bloody mess in Iraq.
You are living in the nether world Mr. Singer,and represent less then 25% of the population of our Democacy.YOUR WRONG MY FRIEND,just as your type are ALWAYS wrong.The yellow belly belongs to the likes of draft dodgers W and the VP.


Veteran Expediter

First thing is stop trying to rewrite history, it was a democrat who got us into Vietnam, it was a democrat who escalated Vietnam, it was a democrat who made decisions to misreport information to cover their a**es.

No where is any of this been caused by a post JFK republican president.

It was the liberals who started a campaign to undermine the war effort through the ‘institutes of higher learning’ and the North Vietnamese (openly and confirmed in later writings of generals and diplomats from North Vietnam) counted on this division and support from these liberals to destroy our troops over there. It was liberals who put a twisted ideology before our country and the lives of the troops at the same time claiming that they are exercising their right to freedom of speech and expression by protesting and spitting on troops as they return home.

It is liberals today who that this is Bush's war and it is lost right from the start. It is liberals who ignore the pleas of the soldiers and their families to tell the truth be told about their sacrifice. It is the liberals through protesting that help the enemy accomplish dividing the country. It is liberals who have an agenda to support the subjection of the country for the betterment of the world as they define it.

What we have today as a result of Vietnam and the years of liberal thought is clearly a lack of true debate, the rhetoric of hate, the astounding twisted political correctness, the limitation of open thought and open speech can all be traced back to a liberal/democrat/socialist doctrine.

For those who think that these people in congress like Pelosi, Murtha and Reid to name a few, are doing this all in the best interest of the country need to actual learn from history. The pandering, the political rhetoric/positioning and the actions (actually lack of actions if you know how congress works), all points to what is in the best interest for them and a fringe group of democratic leaders who for the most part are selling out the country. The people are concerned about more important things that affect their lives – taxes, jobs and the border – Iraq and international security is on the list, but not topping those other things. As bad as this all sounds, the repeating of Vietnam in Iraq only has started to happen in reality because of the lies and deceit of the left to make it look like we are in another Vietnam a couple years back.

As for repeating history, back when congress started to cut off funding for the South Vietnamese with the Foreign Assistance Act of 1974 and then cut funding for the military operations in Southeast Asia completely, it set in motion our inability to fulfill promises and triggered more mass murder on a larger scale, meaning Cambodia. It also told the world that we can not be counted on ever again to stop evil.

If you are so d*mn inclined to tell us that it was liberals who saved us from the horrors of Vietnam, please tell the couple of million Cambodians who died under Khmer Rouge, the fall of Laos and the oppression of millions of people which was caused by our running from the fight and leaving a very destabilized region.

One last thing, where was the president or the VP a draft dodger? I just went through both their bios and bush was in the National Guard and Cheney took student and then a hardship deferments, big deal. Anyway you should be complaining about people who are real draft dodgers like the hundreds of scum who protested, burn their draft cards then ran to Canada and England to avoid the draft. These people were not Americans then and not now and never ever should have been allowed to return to the US - honestly they should all have had their citizenship revoked and banned from ever entering the country again like the scum they are.


Veteran Expediter
Funny,I've always thought that Canada did so much to provide a sancutuary to those brave enough to tell Nixon to take his escaltion and stick it.Remeber tricky,the one who won his second term on the promise to wind the war down?He then proceded to do just the opposite(HyFong Harbor bombing)Napalm bombing miles and miles of land killing tens of thousands of innocents(remember it was their country)as we LIBERALS AND HIPPIES AND PEACENICKS brought his facisit administration to its KNEES.
Don't ever forget my friend,I was proud to be among them,and save many American lives by ending the war.A dark time if there ever was one until we took it to the streets.
Ramble as you wish Greg,you cannot change history either.I was there buddy,in the streets(gased by Reagen at the gates of Sprowl Hall in Berkley)as the true spokemen for our country who had seen enough death,once again in a far away land that posed no threat to Americans.
Bodies on TV,remeber,every night.
The current administration will not allow the press to broadcast coffins being unloaded at Andrews these days,not good for the cra& being put out by the liers who are telling us the surge is working.
April was the bloodiest month in 3 yeras.Working alright,if measured in American bodies we are not allowed to see.
The right wing of the Republican party have become the sleaziest group of liers and baffoons this country has ever seen.We are the laughing stock of the world as result of having a semi literate President,and even worse an administration that is dwindeling daily as a result of their lies and cover ups.
Looks like those darned old liberlas(blacks and women among them) are just going to have to sweep the remainder of the garbage out the door and rebuild in the name of truth,justice and the Americn way.And gad oh golly superman,it might be a BLACK or a WOMAN.
Welcome to 2007 Greg,I know it hurts,but 1955 had to die sometime.


Seasoned Expediter
tallcal, please elaborate on the sterling military records of the recent past democratic presidents and candidates. Good grief, don't throw rocks in a glass house.

Furthermore, you take every opportunity to wave the presidential approval rating in our faces. Frankly I don't give that any more credibility than I did when it was 60% and better. To date no one has asked my opinion. I promise you this, if you polled each and every American (and by American I mean that literally) I think you would be shocked at the results. I am not talking about the approval rating as much as the true feelings of real Americans about the state of this country and the track we are on.


Veteran Expediter
“Funny,I've always thought that Canada did so much to provide a sancutuary to those brave enough to tell Nixon to take his escaltion and stick it.Remeber tricky,the one who won his second term on the promise to wind the war down?He then proceded to do just the opposite(HyFong Harbor bombing)Napalm bombing miles and miles of land killing tens of thousands of innocents(remember it was their country)as we LIBERALS AND HIPPIES AND PEACENICKS brought his facisit administration to its KNEES.â€

Sorry TallCal, Canada harbored criminals. There was no sanctuary (look up what Sanctuary means) and there was no need to run from something when so many faced head on by being drafted into the military to what they thought was right. The actions of the people who ran and the ones who supported them cheapen the lives lost and the sacrificed made during that time. This is not only my opinion but the opinion of many who actually served over there.

As for Nixon doing the opposite of what he promised, there is a lot more than just lying and escalating the war during his second term then what the revisionist have put into the new history books. You may have lived the experiences of protesting and other things but you failed to be in tune with the diplomatic efforts and the agreements that were broken by the North Vietnamese during that time. You don’t recall that we were worried about escalation in the entire region by the North Koreans and with the escalations of tensions between the Soviets and Chinese over their split and this pretty much put to rest when Nixon opened the door in China in ’71 and working with the Soviets following that. For all his faults, he did a lot more than you seem to remember.

You also fail to remember, maybe selective memory?, that we did not just appear in Vietnam one day and fight against the communist, but we were asked there to first advise and train and then fight along side the South Vietnamese to save their country. We failed them, they did not fail us. Any way we can actually thank a democrat for allowing the country to be placed in the hands of the French after WW2 instead of recognizing the new government they established.

Also tens of thousands of innocent lives lost by whom?

It seems that every liberal will blame the US all the time but ignores the facts that the North Vietnam killed far more people than we ever did in that conflict. Tying this to the death of hundreds of thousands more in Cambodia and Laos by pro-communist factions, we killed a very small percentage of people.


No you did not bring an administration down, but rather helped. I think that the republicans themselves forced the change and it was clear that many democrats in power forced the hand of the republicans. Also please understand that Nixon’s administration by a true definition was authoritarian but not fascist by any means simply because the gains in minority rights and civil rights progress during his administration that outdid Kennedy and Johnson and Carter combined. But as a lesson for you, fascism by its very nature is an anti-social and anti-individual form of government and if anyone had a near fascist administration it was Johnson’s administration with his creation of the Great Society and the downfall of the individualism in this country.

Words like Fascist, Racist, bigoted and others words that are used to describe people to put them in an undefendible position are misused and redefine in a twisted manner without knowing what the real definition is. I have been told I am a racist because I believe that a person of minority should not get or does not deserve to be elevated above me for any reason but is my equal. I was also told that I am a racist because I believe in equal pay and equal rights in the work place for all, amazing isn’t it? I find calling the present administration fascist is also misplaced as much as I would consider calling FDR’s administration a Collectivism style government.

“Don't ever forget my friend,I was proud to be among them,and save many American lives by ending the war.A dark time if there ever was one until we took it to the streets.
Ramble as you wish Greg,you cannot change history either.I was there buddy,in the streets(gased by Reagen at the gates of Sprowl Hall in Berkley)as the true spokemen for our country who had seen enough death,once again in a far away land that posed no threat to Americans.
Bodies on TV,remeber,every night.â€

Yes your pride maybe missed placed because you and others like you are the only ones who have been saying you saved lives but seem to miss the point that the protester than as now helped the enemy by undermining moral within the troops. You also have not read the memoirs of many who were involved in leadership positions on both sides who were clear that the protesters where a tool and their involvement prolonged the war. Sorry if this gets you mad or anything and I know you think you did the right thing but this is indisputable and well discussed fact.

“The current administration will not allow the press to broadcast coffins being unloaded at Andrews these days,not good for the cra& being put out by the liers who are telling us the surge is working.
April was the bloodiest month in 3 yeras.Working alright,if measured in American bodies we are not allowed to see.â€

OK I think first thing is if you go back to other conflicts, WW1 and WW2 for example, there was an unwritten rule about publishing fallen American soldiers not just for propaganda purposes but also to show respect for our fallen dead. I do agree with a ban on anything to do with pictures of coffins and such for that reason alone, RESPECT. There is no way to hide death among our armed forces in this day and age, especially when we have the communications we have today and the freedoms that the soldiers enjoy.

As for the surge, there is something about strength in numbers and that you have no clue what type of enemy we are fighting.

“The right wing of the Republican party have become the sleaziest group of liers and baffoons this country has ever seen.We are the laughing stock of the world as result of having a semi literate President,and even worse an administration that is dwindeling daily as a result of their lies and cover ups.â€

Well so has the democratic party become a bunch of sleazy political :censoredsign:s when you come down to it: Liars on both sides, Buffoons on both sides, no exceptions.

As for a laughing stock because of the president, I don’t agree. We do not have to have an articulate leader to have a proper leader and to say that speech delivery is the reason that we are in the position of being disrespected is like saying because our capital is made up of a lot of Hispanics we should change our official language to Spanish, understand?

There are lots of reasons why we are shown a lot of disrespect; one is some of our former leaders, like Carter, make careers out of bashing the US and acting like idiots on the international stage. Oh yea Carter is the real reason no one likes us.

“Looks like those darned old liberlas(blacks and women among them) are just going to have to sweep the remainder of the garbage out the door and rebuild in the name of truth,justice and the Americn way.And gad oh golly superman,it might be a BLACK or a WOMAN.â€

Tallcal, there is a big difference between old liberals and new liberals. You can’t see this at all because only liberals will point out if someone is black or white, male or female and judge them as such and to see this you have to be enlighten beyond the rhetoric of hate and deceit.

As for the subject of this thread, today I read three articles (two were written by liberal writers) about Obama’s use of Marx’s style rhetoric and one writer (liberal) made a point that he is pulling the old playbook stuff to narrow the gap between him and Hillary. But I don’t look at Obama as black or anything other than a man. Sounds funny doesn’t it, I practice what liberals preach, I wish they would.

The problem here is that we are faced with a rather bunch of poor choices in the democratic party that anyone of the candidates in the field today can not be strong enough to defend the country with a single focus on their agenda – destroy the present administration. Gone is the JFKs and the FDRs of the party and now we are faced with the Lenin’s and the Stalinists who want to put down individual freedoms and control every aspect of life in the country. On the republican side, they are weak and without a focus at all. They would rather debate and debate and show that they would put political pandering instead of taking a few issues and standing firm on those issues alone.

Truth, justice and the American way? Oh come on. If you really want to change things, think.

“Welcome to 2007 Greg,I know it hurts,but 1955 had to die sometime.â€

Been here since it started dude, where have you been? I think you failed to actually read anything I have said for a long time and you need to get out of 1968 and into the real terrible world we live in.

Also just to add something to the draft dodger point you made, here is a bit from the Wiki I picked up (by the way, the people who run that site are now really careful about false info before you say it is false);

Bill Clinton registered for the draft on September 08, 1964, accepting all contractual conditions of registering for the draft. He was given Selective Service Number 3 26 46 228. Clinton was classified 2-S on November 17, 1964, and then reclassified 1-A on March 20, 1968. Bill Clinton was ordered to report for induction on July 28, 1969, but disregarded the order to report and was not inducted into the military.

Humm… didn’t report for induction, isn’t that illegal?

Tallcal, Don't throw rocks in a glass house.


Veteran Expediter
I stand proud and firm(and American)on every opinion I spend my valuable time expressing on this forum.In the contest of the number of words utilized to express opinions,you win hands down.
But it never the less is just another opinion.Nothing more and nothing less.And certainly no more right or wrong then mine.Just different.