article on oil additives, what about fuel?


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
The article on oil additives is an interesting piece. What about fuel additives? Who uses what additive and when do you use it? Do you use them to help prevent gelling? Do you use the ones that clean injectors etc. in the fuel system? Can you tell any difference before/after using?

Leo Bricker
OOIDA 677319
truck 4958
73's K5LDB
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Senior Moderator
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RE: homepage article on oil additives

Yes. We use Howes Power Cleaner. Helps on fuel economy and keeps deposits off the injectors. KW 300 has 500,000 and no injector issues.
And they are the original ones.



Not a Member
RE: homepage article on oil additives

I am with Dave, we use a bottle at every fill and as a consequence we average another mpg on every tank. Pay's for itself and keeps her purring.
Kitty Litter and Ms Puss:)


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
RE: homepage article on oil additives

Both of you report fuel economy benefits. Did you do a number of fills without to have a pretty accurate baseline before using the Howe's full time?

Leo Bricker
OOIDA 677319
truck 4958
73's K5LDB
Support the entire Constitution, not just the parts you like.


Senior Moderator
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RE: homepage article on oil additives

We looked at a 90 day report verses another 90 days with using it.
Can't count the winter months because of using other additives that could provide misleading results. I am referring to using anti-gel in the winter. Also, the blend of fuel in the winter will be different than spring or summer.



Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
RE: homepage article on oil additives

I also use Howes Meaner Kleener religiously. Seem to take 1 fillup to see results. I get 1 MPG better then without it.


RE: homepage article on oil additives

Are we talking about fuel additives or oil additives? I think fuel additives are essential. I feel that they more than pay for themselves through better mileage and better performance.

As for oil additives, however, I am probably in the minority, but I do not think that oil additives should generally be used. Why? For the same reason that you shouldn't mix prescription medications on your own--i.e., the effect of certain combinations is hard to predict. Today's oils are carefully balanced cocktails of lubricants, detergents and other additives. In my view, if Lucas really caused Rotella to perform significantly better, wouldn't Shell sell Rotella pre-blended with whatever is in Lucas and sell the Rotella for a higher price? The problem the folks over at demonstrated with Lucas in particular is that it doesn't interact well with the anti-foaming additives in the base oil, and you get foaming in the oil treated with Lucas.

I'm not saying that oil additives are necessarily bad, I'm just saying that people get into this mindset that they are ALWAYS doing their equipment a favor by using additives, and I don't think that is true. That is, however, only MY opinion. There are many different perspectives on this matter, and I say do whatever you think works for you, but make sure that what is working is something more than an oil additive's advertising.

I recently switched over to Schaeffers 15w-40 synthetic blend after running Rotella with additives and Rotella alone and I am very happy with the Schaeffers. There are other great premium oils out there (Amsoil, Royal Purple), but my conclusion after reading and reading and reading is that the Schaeffers 15w-40 (with no additional additives) combined with the Filtration Solutions bypass filter system on my CAT 3126 is going to give me the best overall results.

I do not sell Schaeffers, by the way.


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
Retired Expediter
US Navy
RE: homepage article on oil additives

myself like tk7 or ac2, and a couple of oil's that bnd
auto make

with tk7 i have increase the milages on my sprinter from 21 to 27 and higher the colder it is better it works


RE: homepage article on oil additives

21 to 27? We're not getting into that "bundling mileage saving devices" area are we? You better be careful with that oil, you'll blow your fuel cap off while you're driving down the road because you won't be burning enough fuel to keep up with the amount you are saving.

If you've gone from 21 to 27 that is awesome. But that is a BIG change.


Expert Expediter
RE: homepage article on oil additives

Where do you get Howes products? I live in Canada but run Chicago/Toronto I-69/I-94 2-3 times a week so any place along the way I can pick it up. What engines are you running it in with a 1 mpg gain in mileage. I drive a Volvo 770 425hp 13spd

Thanks Brad


Expert Expediter
RE: homepage article on oil additives

Would somebody please translate or unabreviate Message # 7, for those that are not familiar with these products..



Expert Expediter
RE: homepage article on oil additives

I use Howe's Meaner Power Kleaner. I see a marked improvment with every use of it.Engine runs smoother & MPG's Increase significantly.
I also use Lucas oil additive. I see 5-7 p.s.i. increase & oil's samples come out good. Jimmy


Veteran Expediter
RE: homepage article on oil additives

I will make this as short as possible. This also ties into the Getting Ripped Off Thread about being in Vancouver. Exactly one week earlier I was in Nova Scotia, Salisbury.

Had a 34 hour restart layover and the truck was ideling very rough. Took it to a Intl. Cummins dealer. Ran a computer test, everything OK so took off both Water Seperator, and fuel filter. Mechanic asked are you using additives, "YES" well he said "STOP" smell this and now smell Diesel Fuel. Big difference, I admit I was following instructions on the can but I went from 3 to 6 which was allowable but it was clogging my fuel at idle. Attempting do everything to improve fuel economy.

Nice quick fix soaked both filters in a gallon of Diesel for ten minutes reinstalled and went to pay the bill. Not covered under warranty.

Hourly Rate $75.00 one and a quarter hours, the GM just said ah give me $60.00 and we will call it even. Not $95.00 at every minute rounded up to the next hour. That is another reason I was in shock out West.

Just a warning learn from my error do not go over 3.


Expert Expediter
ive been using fuel adatives for a bought 3 years the howes for the price is good lukis on fuel ur paying for the name so use howes i have a 250 cat i us it all year around it cleans ur injectores an for mr gives me abought 150 extra miles per fill up winter u have to use it to keep ur fuel from geling up ut i found it very usful during somer to ull see diference after a vey times:7