Are you offended, or made uncomfortable, by reading the word 'penis' on this site?


Expert Expediter
RE: Offended?

DD said...
" didn't vote,because I didn't see a choice for the most ridiculous poll on the internet.DD."

Well DD, I must say that I'm shocked by your attitude..!!!

SHOCKED, I say..!!!!! :eek: :eek:

This poll was placed here by a member of the ModSquad.

Another ModSquad guru stated...

"Keep in mind that we view Expeditersonline as a professional web site maintained by professionals for professionals; it is not a juvenile chat room."

Thus, by inference, this poll ("maintained by professionals")
is of vital importance to the to the Expediter professionals who reside on this forum.

So mister ... you just take your inappropriate remarks to some "juvenile chat room" where they belong...!!!!



Critter Truckin

Expert Expediter
RE: Offended?

I would have to say that if we are all alledgedly adults, then I don't see the problem. As long as we all agree that the other 4/5 letter words stay out or at least are self-censored, I don't see the issue. And also, if it's not being used in a deragatory way. Last thing we need is a bunch of sophomorics talking about their stuff in a tasteless way. I know that I crack up a lot in here, but there is always a time to keep things on the up and up (no pun intended).


Veteran Expediter
RE: Offended?

I'm o.k. with it as long as nobody shows me theirs. I do have to wonder why it might be necessary to use it in this type of forum.
I am more offended when some people use alternatives like "Mr. Happy" or "Peter Longfellow".


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
RE: Offended?

The surprising thing here is that the word was not bleeped out on this site.

I remember when our vice presidents name (#####) Cheney was bleeped out.


Not a Member
RE: Offended?

I like "pecker" that is if I have to make a choice..
the funny irony is that we are taking a pole (yeah I know poll) about the word penis:+


Expert Expediter
RE: Offended?

With some the little head seems to do most of the thinking and decision making for the big having a name for the little head is most appropriate. As long as you don't have a First, Middle,and last name, and try to claim it as a dependent on your taxes.
Is this name (Penis) not introduced to elementry students in our schools as part of their education process. Not to mention many others that I would have been punished for using or discussing in public in my day.



Veteran Expediter
RE: Offended?

>I'm o.k. with it as long as nobody shows me theirs. I do
>have to wonder why it might be necessary to use it in this
>type of forum.
>I am more offended when some people use alternatives like
>"Mr. Happy" or "Peter Longfellow".
Yes because Mr. Happy and Peter Longfellow don't always truly describe it . And to show our sexual discrimination , I'm sure many that find posting penis acceptable very few would find a name of that area on a female acceptable for posting . New poll ?


Veteran Expediter
RE: Offended?

Packmule's comment, about how the word is taught to children, who are then expected to use it correctly, is precisely the reason for the poll. One member included the word in a post, using it correctly, and another member took offense. Yet another member referred to 'that disgusting penis post', and I just wondered: how many members find it offensive?
We tread a fine line, here, between humor & taste, and sometimes it's a gray area: what most people are ok with, will be found objectionable by others. (One thing that I find objectionable, is the habit of many men of referring to "the wife", as if she were an object - but I know that objecting would be imposing my personal standards, which is not acceptable)
The standard that I use, deciding whether something is allowable, is this: would I object to it being read by an 8 yr old?
Per that standard, the original post had nothing objectionable in it at all.
Per the poll results, it's perfectly acceptable to use the word, to most of us. Thanks to all who behave like the adults we're presumed to be.


Veteran Expediter
RE: Offended?

I am going to throw this into this thread, no one should ever be offended by referring to or mentioning any parts of the body by their proper name.

"One thing that I find objectionable, is the habit of many men of referring to "the wife", as if she were an object - but I know that objecting would be imposing my personal standards, which is not acceptable"

Well don't paint a wide stroke there with 'the wife' thing because some of us men use it in reference to our wives in the meaning of a deity that is on the pedestal of our home.

Oh God, I bet that offended someone!?!


Expert Expediter
RE: Offended?

Terry (of ModSquad fame) said...

"Keep in mind that we view Expeditersonline as a professional web site maintained by professionals for professionals; it is not a juvenile chat room."

I've raised 4-kids thru their "juvenile" adult years..
You might know of that "special" time in the life of young adults.
When they are just giddy about being able to use
all kinds of words. But, thankfully, in time they matured
out of that stage of life. They learned that to truly
be an "adult", mature and appropriate language and topics
are required in public, "professional" situations.

What's next for this public "professional" website...????
Must we go thru a litany of words/subjects that adults
CAN talk about but the maturing process has taught many to
use in more private venues?

Must we expect those still matureing to proclaim their
"adult right" to use the c-word, v-word, b-word, l-word..??? :eek:
How about the n-word, h-word, b-word, j-word ...??? :eek: :eek:
Why, the still maturing may even feel it necessary
to talk about body fluids or functions in pubilc.. :eek: :eek: :eek:
You know... the s-word, f-word, v-word, c-word, etc... AD NAUSEUM
These are all "adult" topics, are they not..???

(Well, yes...
but again, are they appropriate for a more private setting..???)

Finally, is it part of the ModSquad's duties to keep
the forums at a MATURE level..??
Is it not true that the Mods do not allow some words/topics
that "adults" often use..???

And, of course, THESE actions by the Mods
are done in the name of website professionalism.

But.... maybe that's just me... :+ :+

Keep smiling.. :7



Veteran Expediter
RE: Offended?

I have to agree with Firegears here, just how many childish and irresponsible words can we see if we can get away with?? Do we have to lower our standards to meet those of other forums or should we just give up and lower them all the way down to cb language?

> Packmule's comment, about how the word is taught to
>children, who are then expected to use it correctly, is
>precisely the reason for the poll. One member included the
>word in a post, using it correctly, and another member took
>offense. Yet another member referred to 'that disgusting
>penis post', and I just wondered: how many members find it

Cherri, this is part of the problem here. Some of us disagree that the word was used correctly to begin with i.e. I HAVEN'T NAMED MY PENIS EITHER! That is not clinical, the person is talking about his OWN private part. To add insult to injury, we start a poll without explaining HOW the word was used and most who have voted probably didn't even see the post. Makes one wonder if those of us that are offended aren't being held up high for ridicule. That's OK, I've got strong shoulders and if you can't understand why I wouldn't want my husband talking to you or any other woman about his body parts then how sad for you. I wonder if it would hit a little closer to home if it were a woman talking to your husband this way......or maybe some of us are so open-minded that our brains have fallen can happen you know.


Veteran Expediter
RE: Offended?

"Childish & irresponsible" is exactly what we are trying to avoid here.
Context is often the difference between offensive and acceptable, with the usage of many words, so the word itself can be either, depending on how it's used.
I stand by my assertion that the word was used properly in the original post: this is The Loading Dock, a place for humor, and the post to which you took offense was clearly poking fun at the tendency of many men to name everything under the sun, including that part of their anatomy.
I don't think that I'm so openminded that my brains have fallen out, but if you think so, then I guess we'll just agree to disagree.


Expert Expediter
RE: Offended?

I will admit that I was NOT offended by Moot's post. But then I must confess that my brains fell out years ago, and I have been much happier since this happened.

I do not consider myself to be a Rude or Crude individual, but I do appreciate a good joke and a person with a sense of humor.

This is what I consider to be an Adult forum, made up of Adult business people that have a tremendous amount of knowledge to communicate and share.
But...All work and no Fun can be boring as H#ll!! That's why we have the loading dock forum and cartoons about Expediting to lighten up a little of the stress load we face daily in this business and life in general.

Me personally am not easily offended by most jokes and verb-age, of course I was in the Navy, so what can I say ???
But I do draw a line on verb-age used in mixed company or on a forum such as this. In the past 3-4 years I have been visiting EO,I have not seen anyone cross that line. Maybe this is because of the Mods who have already censored the post of offensive verb-age or what they consider to be offensive. And I feel they do a very good job of this. They do allow and invite controversy as long as it is done in good taste.

I am and have been an Adult for a LONG time and know that if I find offensive material or verb-age on a web site a)I can Leave the site, b)read it but not respond, or c)publicly condemn the poster for his post, and the Mods for allowing the post. We all have this freedom...Ain't it great!!!!

Just my take,



Expert Expediter
RE: Offended?

I just wanna know what is the "I" word? I was able to fill in the blanks on all the others but this one stumped me?!
So not to offend someone, will someone please IM it to me, I promise I will not cry about it if it offends me and anyway, shape or form!


Expert Expediter
RE: Offended?

Saying you're something is easy but not necessary accurate.
As an example, one can say they are an adult.
But their actions will always speak louder and sometimes
not validate their statement.

Or, one could state this is a "professional website."
This thread is a barometer.. an indicator of sorts.
I believe it speaks loudly about this website and
about those who post here.

Yet, I have not condemned anyone.
Nor have I condemned this website.
I've raised some issues which were important,
from my perspective.
But, you'll note, I've ended my posts by saying,

"But.... maybe that's just me.. :+ :+

Which also applies here ...



Expert Expediter
RE: Offended?

I just wanna know what is the "I" word? I was able to fill in the blanks on all the others but this one stumped me?!

Easyrider, dude...

Please excuse my penmanship... that's "L-word"

Although, I was going to post "I-word" but in the interest
of running too long, I left it out...

I didn't want someone saying I was being idiotic for
going on and on and on with my examples...

