18 Wheelers just don't like me


Seasoned Expediter
I drive a straight truck and I say about half the time I go to pass an 18 wheeler they speed up, and don't let me pass. are they offended a straight truck is trying to pass them?
I actualy was behind a 18 wheeler going about 62mph in a 70mph zone, when I went to pass him he sped up I finaly hit 78mph and slowed back down to get back behind him, then he slowed down.

I don't have a cb radio in my truck, but I'm thinking about getting one for christmas. I wonder what these guys are saying over the cb to me.

Anyone else have troubles with 18wheelers


Staff member
It really is not worth worrying about let them go about their business and you go about yours. Bob is always having issues with big trucks and I don't seem to have any, of course I pay no attention to them. If they don't want me to pass I just pull back in behind them who cares? There are enough things out here to worry about then some silly driver who does not even own his own truck acting like a fool. :)


Expert Expediter
Draft off him and let him break the wind. Saves you fuel. :)

If I wanted to get around him that bad though...I would stay in the left lane beside him. More than likely he will encounter somebody slower than he is and will have to let you around since your next to him. :+


Seasoned Expediter
>I drive a straight truck and I say about half the time I go
>to pass an 18 wheeler they speed up, and don't let me pass.
>are they offended a straight truck is trying to pass them?
>I actualy was behind a 18 wheeler going about 62mph in a
>70mph zone, when I went to pass him he sped up I finaly hit
>78mph and slowed back down to get back behind him, then he
>slowed down.
>I don't have a cb radio in my truck, but I'm thinking about
>getting one for christmas. I wonder what these guys are
>saying over the cb to me.
>Anyone else have troubles with 18wheelers

We drive both... can't say as we've ever had a problem with the combination vehicles or straight trucks. We simply don't engage with anyone looking to have some fun on the highway.

Two trucks winding it up to nearly 80 mph going side by each down the road is not a safe situation, not to mention the fuel being consumed.


Expert Expediter
JCK you are a real smart cookie, you have us big rigs figured out, we have a weekly meeting in cyber space to figure out which straight truck to mess with and each week we keep deciding on your truck. Look on the bright side maybe next week we will pick on someone else, but for right now you are in the spotlight so enjoy it while you can..

Just pulling you chain, don't feel real bad we do it to everyone and even each other, most of the time we don't even realize it, guess we all drive around in our own little world at times. Other than that it's not personal I can assure you of that. }>


Veteran Expediter
And other straight trucks don't like you, and four wheelers don't like you, and RVs don't either - you sure you want to hear what they're saying about you on the CB?
Seriously, almost every driver does something dumb, now & then, and when they do, it helps to remember that whatever it was, it's probably something you've done yourself, when you just weren't paying real close attention.:+ Like Linder says, save your energy for the big stuff: the guy who takes the last Krispy Kreme glazed donut!


Expert Expediter
Set your cruise at the speed you want to run. Let the passes fall where they may.

Sheeesh, 78MPH?!?! What were you thinking????????????

Yeah, it's tough driving a "little" truck sometimes, but I get over it when the settlement hits the bank every Wednesday.



Veteran Expediter
It isn't because you have a straight truck . The drivers that do that would do it to anyone . Four wheel drivers do it too . Often they are on a cell phone and don't realize how slow they are going . At least you can see a big truck . Dumb four wheelers cause a dangerous situation when you pass them then they speed up and run right beside you in a blind spot . Some drivers are just plain stupid . Once I moved to the left lane to let a big truck enter off a ramp . He accelerated until he was by the back 1/2 of my truck and stayed there . We were both governed at 70 and traffic was backing up behind us . He eventually came up on a slower vehicle and I got back in the right lane . When traffic cleared in the left lane I jumped back out there again and it backed up just before Mr. Speed Up OFF The Ramp was able to get in the left lane .


Seasoned Expediter
I would agree - don't worry about it, simply pull pack around him for a bit and sooner or later your time will come to move around him.

Heck, he is in his own world too and more than likely doesn't even notice you trying to move about him.

Like the other post said - there are other things to worry about. I don't know about the Krispy Kreme donut deal, but maybe the last shower room available.

Take it easy and be safe!


Expert Expediter
My 2 cents is it seems most drivers on the road are speeding, tailgating, death begging A**Holes. Last time I checked trucking was the 5th most dangerous job in the country, even more dangerous than police work. Why do you think that is, speeding, tailgating, death begging A**Holes, thats why.

This could be a great job except for other drivers. It's intersting how everybody makes fun of SWIFT and other diploma mill companies for thier unsafe drivers. I have yet to see a swift truck plowed into the back of another vehicle.

The accidents I've seen which include a semi, the tractor has always been a small fleet or independant o/o truck. Come to think about it when I see a truck and the thought pops in my mind
"Here another guy with a death wish" it is invaraibly a small fleet or Ind. OO

Diploma mill grads can't park or dock worth spit, but I never saw a family of four on thier way to Grandmas killed in a truck stop becuase a guy was a crappy parker. No they get killed on the interstate by an experienced OO who could dock his truck blindfold, who has so much confidence in his ability that he thinks doing 70 mph
in a snow blind blizzard is "Safe",especially since he's always done it and never hit nothing before.

I'm sure you're all nice folks but as soon as you get behind the wheel
you become absolutly lawless, when they put speed limiters on your trucks you'll have yourselves to blame because you refused to follow the laws when you had the choice.

Oh Well. . .

By they way if you do turn on your CB all you will hear from the guy driving like and A**hole is "I make the payments on this truck. . .I pay for the fuel" Yadda. . .Yadda...Yada, The same bs you read here when some brings up other drivers.


Veteran Expediter
I see PLENTY of trucks from big fleets in wrecks . A couple of months ago a Swift driver ran off the road on I-75 near the Ohio - Ky line . Wasn't it a Crete Carrier driver that killed those kids in GA by pushing their car into a school bus ? No point debating . Check the stats at safersys.org .


Veteran Expediter
Easytrader, if you ever set foot inside a Swift terminal, you'd see lots of wrecked trucks, mosly in the back of the lot, but the more spectacular wrecks are memorialized in huge blown up photos, inside the building - as a reminder to drive safe. (And none of those wrecks were my truck, either)
The most unsafe driving I see is by 4 wheelers who believe 4 wheel drive means they can drive real fast, on bad roads - forgetting that they can't stop real fast...
Whether you're driving 4 wheels or 18, there are idiots out there, no doubt, and the best thing we can do is set an example.


Administrator Emeritus
Charter Member
Like the old saying goes, some people feel that

"Anyone driving slower than me is an idiot, and anyone driving faster is a maniac!"

Forums Administrator


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