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  1. mypie

    Hijackings in Kingman and our Panic Button

    The recent hijackings by escaped prisoners in Kingman, AZ has gotten me to thinking about our panic button. Why? For a while there we had a crack in our QC dome and a couple of times when we got a truck wash our panic button was set off. It was how FDCC responded that got me to questioning...
  2. mypie

    To Lock or Not To Lock . . .

    that is the question. Whether it is better to make yourself available for all qualifying loads . . . or, only those that are WG.:rolleyes: You know, I've heard it both ways . . . Some say, that they want to see everything that is offered and take the power away from FedEx; yet, Others...
  3. mypie

    "Favor" Loads . . . You know, Idiot Loads!

    You know em. We all get em. They're the ones that just don't make sense $ wise, DH wise, time wise, etc. You turn em down on the C-Link, you turn it down a second time, then you get the inevitable "can you do me a FAVOR?" call. You have the sweet voice asking you why you turned down that...
  4. mypie

    Preferential Treatment for Expediter Services . . .

    Today I ran into a couple of E Unit TVal drivers. They blindsided me with some garbage about Expediter Services (the Red Kenworth D Trucks), my owner getting preferential when it comes to getting the better runs (ie., to California, etc.). There was nothing I could say to convince them...
  5. mypie

    What's going on?!?

    Has anyone else been noticing a substantial difference between what C-Link and the VRU say what has been going out from an express center? We're sitting in Louisville. Yesterday VRU said 11 Cs, 4 (I think) Ds - C-Link said 4 Cs and 2 Ds. The same thing is happening today. What's the...
  6. mypie

    Catch 22

    I know there may be no answer to my question, with the exception of we are S.O.L. Even so, I figured I'd ask to see if there was a way around this catch 22. My husband and I are approaching our 1 year anniversary of doing this for a living, and I must say it has been the best year of our...
  7. mypie

    Safety Challenge Weekend

    I hope you all are having a great time in Green, OH. As for us we didn't go and it's been like we're the only available truck on the road. We've had to turn down loads. And, needless to say, Dispatch has been pretty crabby about it. Seems to me that FedEx CC could have chosen a slower time...