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  1. pelicn

    Slowly learning

    With all the "talking heads" out there...we are learning quite a bit about our founders and our history while listening to this man. Founders Corner Like all the others, he isn't perfect, but has lead us to looking at more sources.
  2. pelicn

    China and Russia to Dump the Dollar

    China, Russia to dump US dollar for bilateral trade - International Business Times Just another interesting development
  3. pelicn

    Huckabee interviews Michelle Obama

    Mike Huckabee interviews Michelle Obama - Fox News Transcript: 'Huckabee' Interview With Michelle Obama You know.... she only says, "you know" like 74 times.... like..... you know....for a Princeton/Harvard graduate.... that's pretty good. ;)
  4. pelicn

    Generation We

    Who is Generation We? Those born between 1978 and 2000. If you'd like to hear something that is truly frightening listening to this Generation WE: A Generation 95 Million People Strong Progressive, Global, and no one mentions freedom. We "old farts" are in trouble, as one twenty-something...
  5. pelicn

    Nancy Pelosi doesn't like the question

    Not a serious question First Patrick Leahy scoffed at questions over whether the federal government has the authority to order Americans to buy a particular product, even though that has never happened in our 233-year history, and now the Speaker of the House claims that the question is “not...
  6. pelicn

    Seen this yet?

    Just wondering if anyone out there has seen this billboard? Obama-Nation
  7. pelicn

    Census Bureau Severs Ties with ACORN

    The Census Director has sent a letter to the National Headquarters of ACORN notifying the group that the Census Bureau is severing all ties with the community organizing group for all work having to do with the 2010 census. See the story here
  8. pelicn

    Insurance Companies

    Has anyone heard a single peep out of the major insurance companies about health care reform? I've had no luck finding anything and none of the talk radio programs I listen to have spoken about it. Seems strange that if healthcare reform will ultimately put them out of business, that they...
  9. pelicn

    Dodd diagnosed with Prostate Cancer

    I saw this on the Fox news website, but just to make sure that I wasn't accused of taking my news from "that" network, I am posting a link from MSNBC ;) Dodd diagnosed with prostate cancer I don't wish anyone to be ill, but it's really too bad that he won't have to use the system he wants to...
  10. pelicn

    Common Sense

    I'm reading Glenn Beck's Common Sense. Good Read!!!
  11. pelicn

    Acorn and the Census

    I heard about some of the questions that will be asked on this census and in my opinion, it's none of the governments business! Evidently, Michelle Bachmann doesn't think so either :D EXCLUSIVE: Minn. lawmaker vows not to complete Census - Washington Times
  12. pelicn

    Glenn Beck

    Glenn Beck has become my favorite radio/tv personality. I haven't found a single thing that I don't agree with him about. He slams the left and the right, and he just makes sense!
  13. pelicn

    Federal agency warns of radicals on right

    What do you think? We who are conservative in their thinking are now being "watched"? This makes me a "radical"? I've never been active in my political thinking, but the more I read, the angrier I get. My country is becoming an entity that I no longer recognize. Washington Times -...