Teacher fired for giving Bible to student


Veteran Expediter
US Navy
If you believe in it!! I don't believe In it..not 1 bit. Why is that wrong???..that is a handbook to something I don't believe exists..PERIOD..ok we can put it in the library under the fiction section....not trying to be a smartazz..but the bible to me is fiction...sorry...

There are millions that say the Holocaust did not exist.......guess that is fiction ....now what.


Veteran Expediter
Fleet Owner
I feel sorry for you. Not because of your beliefs, you are allowed to have them. I feel sorry for you because you have no imagination. No thirst. Some beautiful poetry can be found in the bible, but you will never hear it and you would deny others the chance too.

What really...your serious right?? You know what to letters for you pal the last letter is a U ..I have no imagination..please I feel sorry for you for believing that stuff and following the heard...don't feel anything for me I'm fine ..believe your imaginary friend in the sky all you want...NOT in my PUBLIC school to my child...nope
Let me hand out devil stuff @ school you would have your panties in a wad in a hurry..no difference though..not 1 bit...so you like the Bible..GOOD FOR YOU ...I don't its AMERICA
Just keep your handbook away from public schools!!!


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
There are millions that say the Holocaust did not exist.......guess that is fiction ....now what.

Even world leaders in countries that REQUIRE state approved teaching. What is scary it that is EXACTLY what the Obama crowd want, total control, of the STATE, by the STATE of the schools. They are well on their way to getting it too.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
What really...your serious right?? You know what to letters for you pal the last letter is a U ..I have no imagination..please I feel sorry for you for believing that stuff and following the heard...don't feel anything for me I'm fine ..believe your imaginary friend in the sky all you want...NOT in my PUBLIC school to my child...nope
Let me hand out devil stuff @ school you would have your panties in a wad in a hurry..no difference though..not 1 bit...so you like the Bible..GOOD FOR YOU ...I don't its AMERICA
Just keep your handbook away from public schools!!!

I don't wish to banter with a bigot any longer. They are NOT YOUR PUBLIC SCHOOLS. People of ALL faiths, and non faiths are FORCED to pay for them, under the full penalty of law and YOU want to FORCE THEM to adhere to YOUR beliefs only.


Veteran Expediter
Fleet Owner
I don't wish to banter with a bigot any longer. They are NOT YOUR PUBLIC SCHOOLS. People of ALL faiths, and non faiths are FORCED to pay for them, under the full penalty of law and YOU want to FORCE THEM to adhere to YOUR beliefs only.

No I'm not a bigot just because I don't believe in your book...who is forcing who...just keep public schools a RELIGIOUS FREE ZONE ..pretty simple
Worship ...pray..whatever you like.. NOBODY IS STOPPING YOU!!!
just not in a public school.. PERIOD


Veteran Expediter
Fleet Owner
No I'm not a bigot just because I don't believe in your book...who is forcing who...just keep public schools a RELIGIOUS FREE ZONE ..pretty simple
Worship ...pray..whatever you like.. NOBODY IS STOPPING YOU!!!
just not in a public school.. PERIOD

Your right there not mine..there are OURS !!!


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Your right there not mine..there are OURS !!!

ALL of ours. ALL of our ideas, by the force of law. Get rid of public schools. I have NO option but to pay for them or lose my house. The STATE is oppressive and STATE mandated education is the reason.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
So now the bible not allowed in school is like a Nazi book burning..

It is a VERY short goose step from one to the other. THAT is the problem with STATE MANDATED, STATE APPROVED education, which is, after all, what you are demanding.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
No I'm not a bigot just because I don't believe in your book...who is forcing who...just keep public schools a RELIGIOUS FREE ZONE ..pretty simple
Worship ...pray..whatever you like.. NOBODY IS STOPPING YOU!!!
just not in a public school.. PERIOD

It is NOT "My book". Did I DEMAND TEACHING RELIGION, like you wish to ban reading of a book? How come ONLY the bible?


Veteran Expediter
Fleet Owner
If we allow the bible in school then every religious sect will be bombarding our children with there material ...
can the Jehovah Witnesses hand out the watchtower to your children..bet you would have a problem with that...
so you let 1 in they all will want in...what's makes the bible special over some other religions book??
What your rock is better than there rock??
That is my point...RELIGION FREE SCHOOL ZONE...KEEP IT SIMPLE..learning is hard enough.. let the kids learn the basics ..


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
As long as there not a public school teacher on public payroll not on public grounds handing out handbooks to a religion ..pretty simple.
with the parents approval first and foremost ..sure do it off campus

I don't think they should have been fired on a 1 st offense but reprimanded for sure...Bible is not part of the state curriculum.

OK, so you are saying we lose our first amendment right when we walk onto a school campus. Got it. Oh, and on our own time during lunch, off the clock, we have no first amendment right either. Got it. Oh, and kids have no personal rights, even to have conversations without parental approval. Got it. Oops, I forgot, they have the right to kill innocent unborn life at will, just not to have a private conversation. Oh, and we have to keep calling it curriculum etc. when that has absolutely zero to do with it because that might give the slightest credibility.


Veteran Expediter
Fleet Owner
ALL of ours. ALL of our ideas, by the force of law. Get rid of public schools. I have NO option but to pay for them or lose my house. The STATE is oppressive and STATE mandated education is the reason.
No public schools..the diesel exhaust getting to you... come on your intelligent man..that's crazy

That's why schools should be religious free AND we would not be arguing..


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
" I don't think they should have been fired on a 1 st offense but reprimanded for sure...Bible is not part of the state curriculum."

OK, you believe that the STATE should control the curriculum, what ELSE should they control?

Do you not see STATE controlled schools as a MORTAL danger to freedom? IS that not EXACTLY what was done in Soviet Russia and Nazi Germany? Your words, not mine.


Veteran Expediter
Fleet Owner
OK, so you are saying we lose our first amendment right when we walk onto a school campus. Got it. Oh, and on our own time during lunch, off the clock, we have no first amendment right either. Got it. Oh, and kids have no personal rights, even to have conversations without parental approval. Got it. Oops, I forgot, they have the right to kill innocent unborn life at will, just not to have a private conversation. Oh, and we have to keep calling it curriculum etc. when that has absolutedly zero to do with it because that might give the slightest credibility.

What parent would want anyone discussing or having stuff given ESPECIALLY religious material with out there consent....come on your kidding right...so you kids teachers can hand out phamplets on devil worship to YOUR kids ...and you would be OK with it....right..no different...not a bit.. I have a problem with some one giving my child a bible on school grounds during school hours.. hello.. of course I would..
What does a abortion have to do with this
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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
No public schools..the diesel exhaust getting to you... come on your intelligent man..that's crazy

That's why schools should be religious free AND we would not be arguing..

NO, we are arguing because you are opposed to the Bill of Rights. The First Amendment in this case. THAT is the ONLY one of reasons we are arguing. That you believe that the STATE should have authority over what is, or what is not taught, is the other.


Veteran Expediter
What parent would want anyone discussing or having stuff given ESPECIALLY religious material with out there consent....come on your kidding right...so you kids teachers can hand out phamplets on devil worship to YOUR kids ...and you would be OK with it....right..no different...not a bit..

If they are old enough fine go for it. If i taught my kid right they will come home and discuss.it. Now if my kid had a fear of discussing certain issues with me I might worry.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
What parent would want anyone discussing or having stuff given ESPECIALLY religious material with out there consent....come on your kidding right...so you kids teachers can hand out phamplets on devil worship to YOUR kids ...and you would be OK with it....right..no different...not a bit.. I have a problem with some one giving my child a bible on school grounds during school hours.. hello.. of course I would..
What does a abortion have to do with this

I would find that teaching that abortion is OK the same as you find the Bible is a problem. Bet you would FORCE that on MY kids, if they were in school now. My YOUNGEST is 35.

IF I had kids these days I would either have them in a private school of some sort, or home school them, to keep them away from YOUR ideas.