What war?


Veteran Expediter
In my debates with Tallcal, I have pointed out that we as citizens of the US did not elect the dems in congress to end the war because it is not on the radar for most of the population. I said that we go along with our lives as nothing is going on in Iraq, the economy is going good (with exceptions) and the biggest worry is not terrorism but rather what is up with Brittany.

Well this morning I read two good articles, one was base on a Swedish stud that found feminism is bad for society and the other was “Few Americans share Iraq war's sacrifices†at http://www.csmonitor.com/2007/0326/p01s01-ussc.html

Now two things with the latter article, it actually confirms my feelings and statements and that the CSM staff member seems to blame Bush “for failing to mobilize the nation by calling on Americans to join the military or creating national service programs or even raising additional resources to help pay for the war effort. Instead, he has doled out tax cuts and suggested Americans can be true patriots by keeping the economy going strong.â€

The latter of the two is a real problem, mobilize the public?

Shouldn’t the press also be involved and take the blame for the lack of sharing?

I mean from the start the press has been against Bush, he has been dealing with a very aggressive and self-serving press. The problem that I see is that what the press can do, support the troops, help with military recruiting and help the nation understand the truth will never happen until something drastic is done to change the way they are protected. I don’t mean messing with the first amendment but rather have the protection of sources over national security defined.

Unfortunately it has come to blaming the president for a lack of leadership when he has no true conduit to the public for these ideas and decisions. In the past, especially with FDR, the press took it upon themselves to be for the country with a few exceptions. Then the danger was real and threatening our very existence with enemies who were sworn to destroy us. This was true then as it is true now but the difference is that the enemy of the past was identifiable, was easy to see for all but today they are hidden, among us and even more determined.

I read all leaks, all the criticism of the military and their leadership and can’t feel anything but my patriotism is cheapen by the very group of people who should be strengthen it through writing the truth, telling us how to help and showing their patriotism through vigilant self-policing in order to help the country.

But what gets me the most is the idea that tax cuts don’t help, they do. With a strong economy allows us to pay for this operation by generating wealth and it is truly patriotic.

Oh, I got to say something else that may puzzle a few, the press has actually failed the nation (like you didn’t know that) but the people who actually protest replace the press by having the issue of Iraq in the press. This is the only thing I can think would be a positive thing coming out of any protest.


Expert Expediter
This may be a little obvious, so I apologize if some out there go "duh" after reading this.

But, I have concluded one thing in the last few years. It doesnt matter what is said. It doesnt matter what is done. When you have a Republican in the White House there will be a certain group of people who just want to cast stones, complain, and protest current policies. Then when a Democrat is in the White House the same thing happens only with different people playing the mentioned roles.

Some in our nation can look at things rationally with degree of impartiality. Then, you will have some who cannot.

Bob and Hooligan

Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
We could leave Iraq today and still say we had not lost the war. We aren't at war. Haven't been since WWII. Unfortunately people still die and are gravely wounded in a police action or whatever you want to call it.

You say the economy is strong. I think it could be stronger with a good education system, better roads and affordable health care. We aren't getting strong by borrowing money from other countries. The good news is that old guys like me will be dead before our kids have to start paying back for our mistakes.

I didn't like the idea of being shot at when I was in the service, and can't make myself into a chicken hawk now so kids now can fight to correct mistakes made by prevoius administratons or the present one.

Who was it that put Saddam in power anyway? Don't think you can blame that on Clinton.

Funny, you never were critical whan the press was going after Clinton.


Road Hooligan


Veteran Expediter
“We could leave Iraq today and still say we had not lost the war. We aren't at war. Haven't been since WWII. Unfortunately people still die and are gravely wounded in a police action or whatever you want to call it.â€

Yep we could but you know what a vacuum that will leave. I didn’t decide to go after Saddam, I didn’t have the privilege to plan the strategy of the operation but I have said that the leadership has made serious mistakes, like not closing the borders.

“You say the economy is strong. I think it could be stronger with a good education system, better roads and affordable health care. We aren't getting strong by borrowing money from other countries. The good news is that old guys like me will be dead before our kids have to start paying back for our mistakes.â€

I agree everything could be better. We could have true full employment, a better and more stable monetary system, eliminate the cr*ppy public education, and so on. The borrowing does not bother me as much as the uncontrollable spending and the idea that we need more taxes to generate revenue for the government.

“I didn't like the idea of being shot at when I was in the service, and can't make myself into a chicken hawk now so kids now can fight to correct mistakes made by prevoius administratons or the present one.â€

I see your point.

“Who was it that put Saddam in power anyway? Don't think you can blame that on Clinton.â€

No, can’t blame Clinton at all. He had control of the situation and actually wrote the governments policy towards Iraq while in office but I do blame Carter for the problems we have for the past 20 years and now.

“Funny, you never were critical whan the press was going after Clinton.’

I know I didn’t write on the forum when he was in office. The thing is he did not have a press that was against him or trying to destroy him as we do today, it don’t matter anyway he is not in office.


Expert Expediter
I kind of miss those days where Rush Limbaugh would have his little clips of Billy. Then, Rush would explain why Billy was such a bozo. It was great comedy. SNL had some good skits in those days... I was waiting for one with Billy and Hillary taking everything out of the White House and Air Force 1 that wasnt nailed down. Or...maybe they had one and I missed it. x(


Veteran Expediter

Do we live in a different country? Cause I don't agree with any of this.On 09/11/2001 me and a CND driver went to breakfast together and were betting on when "W" was going to be impeached.Within hours he went from goat to hero. The press,the House,the Senate and even foreign leaders started treating him like he was the second coming.Everybody was standing behind him untill he started taking advantage of his power.He knew it all and didn't need to listen to anybody.Which is kind of scary considering he admitted to not knowing anything about foreign policy in a speak during his campaign just one year earlier.

The great economy is a farse.We all did just what he told us to do.GO SHOPPING.Of course most people used credit cards and other high intrest loans to do this.When the credit card companies start to figure out that they are never going to get paid back then what?They can't get blood from a turnip.What is going to happen when the Fed. increases the intrest rate.I bet that a house that had $200,000 morgage gets repo'd and then sold for $20,000 because the market is going to be flooded.The banks will either sell the homes to foreign markets or have to get foreign loans just to stay in business.

The tax cuts can't go on forever.Its simple economics.When you spend more than you make then you have to figure out how to make more.Of course they could just sell more property to foreign countries.In the 80's the Dutch were the largest property owner in the state of California.The country that I see buying up land this time would be China that would help solve their shipping problems and they got the money to do it.

I just hope the next President realizes that he or she is not playing with Monopoly money and that when you over spend you just can ask daddy to bail you out.


Veteran Expediter
Ah, but the tax cuts CAN go on forever, because what the Federal government gives with one hand, they can take away, with the other. They can give you a tax cut of $500 a year on your tax return, but with increases in various fees, licenses, permits, and other taxes, wind up getting back more than double what they 'gave' you.
Until we demand public financing of campaigns, we're only going to have a choice of candidates who can buy their way into office, and it's all Monopoly money for them.