What is the Perfect Load?


Senior Member
Retired Expediter
There was reference in another thread to the "perfect load." That got me to wondering, what is the perfect load?

Thinking about it, the closest thing to a perfect load Diane and I have had was the one where we got dispatched one morning to pick up freight but did not move because the load canceled. We got paid $500 for truck ordered but not used.

What is your perfect load or what would it be?


Veteran Expediter
The load that takes you where you want to go at a rate you like.
We delivered 08:00 last Fri finishing off a great week.
Opps ! Here's 2800 miles for Mon that's ready now, 25 miles away. Very good rate. Turned into our best week ever.


Veteran Expediter
Throwing a good paying load of air freight out the window,
I would say a load that puts me on top of the next load. (By my definition of on top not dispatch) :D


Expert Expediter
A load last year for me. It delivered 20 miles up the road on Friday morning of the EO Expo. Like getting paid to go to the expo.

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Veteran Expediter
100 mile deadhead for some air freight that delivered 22 miles from the airport...pay to the truck was $ 940.00 and I was home by midnight and slept in my own bed.

I told my wife I wish this could be a dedicated run each day...ahhh wishful thinking.


Veteran Expediter
My perfect load was to Havre MT. Took the load but figured I'd be DH out of there. Drove to their Walmart, took a nice long nap. Then the call, the place I just dropped that morning had one going back. What I thought was a dead end run turned into a great trip.

Did a run to Laredo, got empty Friday morning and dispatch kept me busy all day friday running local stuff within a couple hundred miles of Laredo. Did my last local delivery early Monday and got a load out by noon. It was a busy weekend for sure.


Veteran Expediter
US Army
I think a perfect load is one that you pick up and deliver on time, pays more than your rate, has clear skies, good roads and no traffic back ups. It should also go to a good freight area and while driving there should be no accidents, law enforcement stops, DOT inspections, break downs or equipment failures. A pre dispatch while enroute would be nice too.


Veteran Expediter
My perfect run happened just once. I was five miles away from the pu, got three small boxes, took them to the airport, which was ONE mile away. Got paid $250!


Senior Member
Retired Expediter
Another aspect of "the perfect run" for us has to do with being obviously and urgently needed, and appreciated. It's the kind of run where the pick-up is immediate, maybe on a Saturday or Sunday at a business that is normally closed on the weekends. Someone came in special to put that truly hot freight on your truck. And you drive straight-through, knowing that people are tracking your location and eagerly awaiting your arrival, whatever odd hour that may be.

On the perfect run, it matters a great deal to a good number of people that you the expediter are doing what you do best. The shipper, consignee and dispatcher (agent, broker) all say, "Wow! You did a fantastic job. Thank you!"


Veteran Expediter
my perfect load was to havre mt. Took the load but figured i'd be dh out of there. Drove to their walmart, took a nice long nap. Then the call, the place i just dropped that morning had one going back.


Veteran Expediter
Burlington Railroad. BNSF
Yeah I know. What I meant was that very thing happened to E.O. member ARLENT several years ago. I believe he picked up in K.C. yard, delivered in Havre and got loaded back to K.C.

I thought maybe RLENT sold his Sprinter and changed his name to billg27:). I guess he just gave you that horseshoe he's been sitting on. Hope he cleaned it up first. The only thing I ever got out Havre was a broken windshield.