Welcome OVM!!!


Veteran Expediter
Murray do you think that you could handle a small fleet? I would say approximately 3 to 5 CV's.


Veteran Expediter
Murray do you think that you could handle a small fleet? I would say approximately 3 to 5 CV's.

If we decide to do a 3rd fleet, yes.
But it would be Spring, I'm guessing.
Come 1/2/15, Chris will start. He's the "Fleet # 2" agent/dispatcher.
Then we split off his first 3-4 out of our current 10 O/Os.
Then after a month or two we'll add a few more on him, one at a time, provided we've brainwashed him properly.

But we currently have a small "waiting list" to come on. Nothing formal, but several O/Os that they want to join the CE TEAM. I really should start a list.
So that will cap out Chris' fleet.

I've discussed a "Fleet # 3" with Sally and she thinks it's too soon to bring in another trainee and absorb more startup drivers.
But I can see it being a very real possibility.
We already have two MORE agent/dispatchers in mind and have discussed our "small fleets theory" with both of them. ;)

But let's face it, it's the market that determines how successful our business model is as much as our tolerance of the market.

Let's discuss more. But email instead or EO PMs please. There's only so much I want to run through EO servers.

[email protected]
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