Threads being locked?


Veteran Expediter
Why when a thread is locked and no bad words being thrown around does the person locking it not have his/her name announced? What was wrong with the discussion in Cost Anylistist to be locked? There was also one other Post locked up that had no arguements on it that was locked? Why can't the discussion continue cause someone decided it was offending them?

As for Cost Anylisits, Leo how did you purchase all these trucks in such a short period? By your earnings?

Seems obvious that for one to buy three new trucks in two years one would have a difficult time supporting a family and being this successfull in such short time by running 300 to 400 mile runs with Panther (as so many are complaining about no income) but yet you continue to brag as to hard work and accompolishments by your sheer business savy and hard work when I try to explaine to people its much more difficult than what the naked eye sees.

A Team not everyone is willing to GIVE UP EVERYTHING they have, no home, no children, no nothing just GIVE UP EVERYTHING to live out of a truck. Now that may be for you but 99% of us would not care to do what you do and all you have to show for your efforts is nothing more than a dumb truck and a bank account now thats a smart business plan? I was told of your private internet site explaining every nut and bolt on your truck, who cares? As for personal goals and achivements, yeah I know thats what you want but for the other 99% I doubt what you are doing is anything realistic for the rest of us.

You have nothing to look forward to going home to since you have none, no nice cars, hobbies other than travel or whats inside of your truck no reliefe or escape without the truck being close by unless one rents a car to escape. This is called a balanced life, maybee someone could find this successfull I call it dumb and living to close to what one does. Jack becomes dull when all Jack does is work. Have fun Jack.


Veteran Expediter
broom I one time had three tractors,a 1993,1995,1996,this was in 1996,then in 1999,I traded the 93 for a 98,traded the 95 for a 99,and sold the 96 and bought a 1999 reefer trailer.if I didnt get fed up with the drivers,I'd still have a small fleet,only problem with that is,you end up working harder,cause your drivers wont,they make what they need then go home,whether you made any money or not


Retired Expediter
I gotta say you seem very disturbed somewhat of what other peoples dreams and aspirations are? What gives?
People say we are nuts cuzz we base out of South Dakota 3 hours north of the Black Hills! They say how do you do 1,000m to 1500miles of DH just to get home and the same to get into service? I say becaause I want to and because I love our little home on the prairie 20 acres of sheer relaxation!! No traffic no malls just drop off the earth. With 6 -8 weeks on the road it's sheer heaven to US. We used to live in the east and when we had time off we weren't relaxed going back into service.
I accept my deadhead and I CAN afford it. Is that also bragging and in your words who cares? Not you obviously.
Just who are you to tell other people what thier dream is?? A-Team has thier dream...Leo has his it's what they chose...who are you to critize thier dream and just because they are proud of thier accomplishments and maybe brag a bit, who doesn't? Who are you to critize them? I dare to be different!
It is an inspiration to see and read about success for a change to see business plans(aka dream) come to term...NO, we'll just type up the doom and gloom of this business cause thats what you seem to want to read!
Close to 8 out of 10 people fail in this business. It takes real commitment and real sacrifice to make a living.

Man this IS America where the dream lives!!! This is the land where dreams can come true... If more people supported other peoples dreams and hopes we'd all have a better country!!! heck we even might have a better forum...*lol*

Broom.. I really. really do hope you and yours is having a great day!


Retired Expediter
Quote nightcreacher: only problem with that is,you end up working harder,cause your drivers wont,they make what they need then go home,whether you made any money or not

Thats the nature of the beast your drivers aren't reasponsible for your budget..if your business was designed realistically based on what a drivers average needs should be then I'd say your costs exceed the drivers potential income. You cant' expect a driver to work his or her butt off just to make your preset profit margin.


Veteran Expediter
ovm I agree with what you said,but I didnt ask my drivers much,they just did less than expected,when a tractor team cant gross $12000 a month,there is something wrong,what my drivers would do is work 2 weeks take 2 off,or just work as a single,with one just going for company,i can go on and on.When i bought the reefer trailer,it honestly,cleared me more money than the truck that i sold to buy the trailer.over the years,i had multiple trucks from 1990 til 2004,yes i did make a profit from each and every truck,but not what it should have,they were going to be my retirement,one truck is much easier to manage,then when i'm home i can play with my toy.
this is a 2000 trans am ws6 9000 miles and trophy winner


Retired Expediter
yo....nice car...we have a 98 Camero...

Thats too bad about those drivers, that isn't right...greedy on thier part.


Veteran Expediter
Your correct, I did critize but why was the site locked? We all have dreams and many are different. In helping others here some can and have carved a way into this that others just could not ever do correct? What has worked for some very few just simply will not work for a guy trying to enter into this buying a low budget truck.

I failed in being tactfull by critizing.

Creature, I also tried the other truck had the same results you spoke of. Made $ a little, not worth the time and financial committment not for me either.


Retired Expediter
Broom..this crazy occupation we have chosen has soooo many variables and is so individual by work habits, resources and on and on...One persons success is anothers failure. I guess if we charted all successes and failures and were to isolated the common denominators we could possibly pick a winning formula. But then again maybe not.

as far as the thread being locked? Only the powers to be can answer that and I am sure one will be pleased to answer here.


Senior Moderator
Staff member
Fleet Owner
I believe it was moved to the Newbies Faq area. Basically because it was a good thread with some valuable information. It don't believe it was locked for any other reason.

22 years
EO moderator


Administrator Emeritus
Charter Member
That is correct. Threads being moved to the Newbies FAQ cover frequently asked topics. Most of them may not have been commented on in a few days. Either way, once we have determined a thread good enough to stand alone there, it is locked, as that Forum is a READ ONLY forum.

If your thread was moved there and locked, take it as a compliment, we thought everyone should read it! It's not an insult for cryin out loud...

More threads will be moved this week!

Forums Administrator


"Good will, like a good name, is achieved by many actions and lost by one."

Zig Ziglar