Things Someone told You That You Never Forgot


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
Those homolies, the advice, the sayings that you heard over and over when you were growing up. The things your parents and family pounded into you brain. You pass them on to your own kids. For example, when I was young I was always wishing. I would say "I wish I had"....And my father would say.."Wish in one hand and sh-t in the other and see which one fills up the fastest".
My grandmother gave me advice on love. She said " It´s just as easy to love a rich girl, as a poor girl". She also told me "Women are like busses, there will be another one along in 10 minutes".
Post yours.


Expert Expediter
Everytime I'd try to add a fancy piece of chrome to a car I was building, or when I would dress-up nice for a family get together, or when a neighbor would do something to fix-up their house, my dad would always say: "That's like putting a gold doorknob on the outside sh*thouse!"


Expert Expediter
A couple more I just thought of. I had a mentor who used to always say to me "Don't look at me like a west Texas frog cought in a hail storm." Or he would say "Bless their darling little hearts and their stupid little heads" about people when they did something pretty stupid.

I'm sure I'll think of more later.


Veteran Expediter
Safety & Compliance
US Coast Guard
When my German wife (yeh, Rene's a German) does something foolish, she often reminds me with one of her favorites: "that's why we lost the war"


Expert Expediter
On the backside of my front door I have a little sign, it's the last thing I see as I leave the house. It says "It's only funny till somebody gets hurt....then it's hillarious". 'nuff said
Happy Ramahanukwanzmas! - X (politically correct holiday greeting).


Expert Expediter
Got a bumper snicker on my truck that says:


I actually thought it might make a good sign for over the front door of our church! :D


Administrator Emeritus
Charter Member
When we'd argue, my Momma always told me, "Someday, when you have kids, you'll understand why! (or why not)"....

I always thought "Yeah ..right..."... well now... my son is 15, and my daughter just turned 18, and ... I understand! And guess what, I'm just as over protective as she was, and they think I'm being mean.. but I've 'been there, done that'.. LOL... I KNOW what happens out there in the 'real world'.

Father knows best!


Tom Robertson

Veteran Expediter
here are a few of my favorites...

from my father who is a very puny guy...

"it will feel better when it quits hurting"
about most of the population...
"it only matters if it is happening to them"
when asked a question...
"it's none of your business, and I would'nt have told you that much if you weren't a friend"
when observing less than respectable behavior from another...
"you can't polish a turd"
of friendship...
"in order to have a friend... you have to be a friend"
about life, love and profession...
"you normally get out of something what you are willing to put into it"

a couple of my own...
when asked why I was wearing sunglasses in a high school class...
"for those who are cool, the sun always shines"

and when my patience is being tested by someone doing something stupid
"thank God for the ignorant...they're what make us special"
that may sound arrogant but think about it... if everyone had the same capabilities how would we select who became a physican and who becoame the garbage man... Lottery?

from Don Merideth (Monday Night Football)
'If, ifs and buts were candy and nuts... oh what a merry christmas there would be"

and on that note... a "Merry Christmas" to all


Expert Expediter
My pastor has told me several things that I will always remember: (1) If you don't meet the devil every now and then it means you are traveling in the same direction. (2) We live life looking forward but understand it looking backward (3) What comes out of a man's mouth reveals what is in his heart (4) The word of God, nothing more, nothing less and nothing else (5) What you do when you don't have to will determine what you will be when you can't help it (6)Life is like a roll of toilet paper, the closer you get to the end, the faster it goes. (7) You are not what you think you are but what you think, you are.


Expert Expediter
I stopped by the Rex Allen museum in Willcox Arizona a few weeks ago and met a fine gentleman cowboy and retired Sheriff R. Lewis Bowman. Mr. Bowman has written a book titled "Bumfuzzled" which contains many cowboy sayings and homolies. He says that "Bumfuzzled" means confused; assembled without order or reason; discombobulated. Some of the sayings he shared with me are: (1)The worst trouble with loafing is you never know when you're done (2)You can tell a lot about a cowman by just looking at his cows (and I'm sure you can tell a lot about a truck man by looking at his truck) (3) Ya never have to jumpstart a good cowboy, he is wound up all the time (4) When you're on cruise control, don't forget where the brake is... (5) There's no substitute for commitment (6) The dog woulda' caught the rabbit if he hadn't stopped to take a leak (7) You'll never get a diploma from the school of hard knocks but you will sure as hell remember its lessons (8) To a cowboy, the difference between a good meal and a bad one is the lenght between them (9) Any job outside is a helluva lot better than one in the house (10) When a cowman throws a party he usually opens a keg of nails (11) Ya have to live it to feel it (12) Running a cow outfit is like dancing with a bear, you're not done until he is. (13) Never do business with a man who reserves the right to change his mind. It has often been noted that cowboys & truckers share a common bond.


Expert Expediter
Good stuff, Dawg. Especially #5.

As my teacher at Bible college used to say: "The road least traveled is the one with the extra mile."


Expert Expediter
Hi preacher, I'm new to EO and trying to get into the business. I appreciate your posts. EO is the best industry related web page I've ever seen. It's like a free education, everyone shares the good, the bad, and the ugly. Reading EO is like sitting in a big truck stop and getting advice one on one with the most knowledgeable truckers. EO promotes cameraderie and support for each other. We need that in life and trucking. I've found information on EO to help me with every concern I have about expediting. It's tough being a newbie. We know some of our questions may seem stupid to a veteran operator, which reminds me of one of my favorite quotes: THERE ARE NO STUPID QUESTIONS, JUST STUPID MISTAKES. Any advice is always appreciated: my email is [email protected] PS: what am I thinking about? I don't need any advice or information, I have 3 teenage daughters. I'll just ask one of them.


Expert Expediter
Yeah! They can tell you everything you need to know! LOL!!:7

OOPS! By the way, I've made plenty of stupid mistakes, so I now ask alot of stupid questions. They are easier to live with!


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
You folks are jogging my memory. Here´s a couple more. My father used to tell me the only substitute for experience is to be 18. I heard it often as I have two younger brothers.
My mother was a quiet woman with a great sense of humor. Whenever sombody in or out of our family would ask her "Is something the matter"? she would reply "Why, do you see a crowd around me"? I still use that one.


Expert Expediter
I just remembered one of my favorites. "A man is not complete until he is married and then he is finished".