The Trump Card...


Veteran Expediter
Some pretty disturbing news out of New Hampshire for Liddle Donnie, considering that they were previously claiming he had Nikki by 30 ... but he was only able to eek out a little over 10 point win.

Meanwhile Joe trounced his next nearest competitor by slightly over 34 points ... and Uncle Joe wasn't even on the ballot !




Veteran Expediter
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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter

Trump legal news brief: Jury orders Trump to pay E. Jean Carroll $83.3 million in damages​

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Veteran Expediter
Another one bites the dust....

This past couple of weeks has seen a lot of action on holding the MAGA Jan 6th wannabe insurrectionist domestic terrorists to account.

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Veteran Expediter

Trump legal news brief: Jury orders Trump to pay E. Jean Carroll $83.3 million in damages​

She grabbed The El Donaldo by the wallet ...

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Trump legal news brief: Jury orders Trump to pay E. Jean Carroll $83.3 million in damages​

Fact: Trump sexually assaulted E. Gene Carroll.
Fact: Trump defamed E. Gene Carroll.
Fact: A jury in a court of law found Trump liable for those acts.
Fact: That jury ordered Trump to pay $5 million in damages to E. Gene Carroll

Fact: Trump had previously defamed T. Gene Carroll while he was president.
Fact: Trump continued to defame T. Gene Carroll after he was found liable the first time.
Fact: In another trial, Trump was found liable for those acts.
Fact: In the penalty phase of that trial, a jury ordered Trump to pay $83.3 million in damages.

Conclusion: Trump sexually assaulted T. Gene Carroll, he repeatedly defamed her, and now he has been held accountable under the law.

Question: Has Trump learned his lesson? Will he stop defaming T. Gene Carroll or will he continue. If he continues, Carroll's lawyers stand ready to sue Trump again, and collect even more or Trump's millions. So far, Trump has exhibited self-control. While he lashed out against the court and verdict, he said nothing about Carroll. But Trump is not known for self-restraint. He may well put his foot in his mouth again.

Trump appealed the $5 million verdict and says he will appeal the $83.3 million verdict. That is his right, but he will lose, The cases against him are strong and his grounds for appeal are weak. In time, T. Gene Carroll or her estate will receive $85.3 million of Trump's money. And if that time comes soon, we may see that Trump has nowhere near the liquid assets he claimed to have.

Trump testified under oath that he has $400 million cash on hand and that he is worth billions. If that is so, it will be easy for him to pay the money the juries ordered him to pay. But my sense is he was lying about his wealth, and when push comes to shove and he is required to actually produce $85 million in cash, his weaker financial condition will be exposed.

Related: We are just days away from Judge Engoron's ruling in Trump's NY civil fraud case. There, the state AG seeks over $300 million in damages.
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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Did Trump get screwed in NY, and is there more to come? Many people don't fully understand the circumstances surrounding the E. Jean Carroll case and their many inconsistencies. Victor Davis Hanson has posted a great column on X about this totally unreasonable verdict from a biased court in a biased state in which more cases are yet to come.

"Her claims of defamation injuries arise from being fired from her advice column job at ELLE magazine. She claimed that Trump’s sharp denials and ad hominem retorts led to her career ruin. But the loss for anyone of a column at 76 does not seem such a rare occurrence, and the absence of a salaried job in one’s late seventies for four years does not seem to equate to a $83 million hit. And note the allegation that her dispute with Trump led to her firing was strongly denied by the very magazine that cut her loose."



Veteran Expediter
US Navy
Im having a cold one, everything is physics , you know, that equal and opposite reaction......and we are not even to the rest of the story............good day....
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Retired Expediter
Many people don't fully understand the circumstances surrounding the E. Jean Carroll case
Many people choose to ignore the fact that Trump sexually assaulted E. Jean Carroll, and repeatedly defamed her ... even as Trump defames her in full view on CNN and Truth Social. They whine and cry that fair trials are biased, and completely ignore the actual crimes Trump commits. And they ignore Trump's childish tantrums and storming out the courtroom; behavior that demonstrates his contempt for the jury. How stupid do you have to be to slap in the face the jury that is deciding on the damages against you? You have to be as stupid as Donald Trump.

The intentional ignorance Trump supporters show toward everyone and everything that disagrees with Trump, or threatens to hold him accountable under the law. is disgusting. It undermines the justice system and America at large.

Trump did not get screwed. He got held accountable for his crimes he committed; namely, sexual assault and defamation.
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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Many people choose to ignore the fact that Trump sexually assaulted E. Jean Carroll,
We'll probably never know if the alleged sexual assault was factual or not. Carroll made the belated claim in court. It was her word against Trump's, and a NY jury in a NY court chose to believe her, in spite of lacking concrete evidence. There was no surveillance footage from the dept store, no "blue dress" DNA, nothing but her story. So guilty verdict - yes; proven, undeniable fact - no. The verdict is being appealed.
and repeatedly defamed her ... even as Trump defames her in full view on CNN and Truth Social. They whine and cry about actually fair trials they claim are biased, while completely ignoring the actual crimes Trump commits. That intentional ignorance is disgusting. It undermines the justice system and America at large.
The defamation was real, but it wasn't that bad. It certainly wasn't $83M bad. As punishment should fit the crime, so should the compensatory and punitive damages fit the level of defamation.
Trump did not get screwed. He got held accountable for his crimes; sexual assault and defamation.
Of course he got screwed and the Trump haters are loving it - especially when they remember their idol Bill Clinton and all the rapes and sexual assaults he got away with. Paula Jones settled her case for $850K. If Clinton had been substituted for Trump in this case, does any serious person think he would've been convicted of anything? It likely would never have gone to trial. What's undermining America at large is the intentional corruption and politicization of our justice system where the Democrats are in power.
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Retired Expediter
We'll probably never know if the alleged sexual assault was factual or not.
Yes we will know it was factual. That question was heard in a court of law and decided by a jury.
The defamation was real, but it wasn't that bad. It certainly wasn't $83M bad.
It was that high because of the punitive damages. The bulk of that amount was not to compensate Carroll, but to punish Trump.

The first verdict produce a $5 million damages number, and it included punitive damages. . It seems to me the second verdict was far higher because Trump himself pretty much forced the jury into it. He repeated, and repeated, and repeated the defamation; even as the trial progressed. Thus the question became not primarily one of compensating Carroll, but one of punishing Trump.

If you're on a jury, how do you punish an unrepentant repeat offender when he is a billionaire and monetary punitive damages are the mechanism you have to use? You hit him with a high amount. How do you know how high is high enough? You look at the amount of wealth the defendant has. How do you know how much that is? In this case, Trump himself told the jury under oath. His sworn testimony in another trial was evidence in this trial. The jury saw a video of Trump himself, under oath, bragging that he had $400 million in cash and billions in other wealth. While the The jury saw that testimony, Trump and his attorneys did not try to back the number down or convince the jury that Trump's boasted amount was inaccurate.


This photo shows $1 million in $100 bills. That's 10,000 $100 bills.

Trump's boasted $400 million in cash is 400 of these stacks. Trump's boasted $3 billion in brand value is 3,000 of these stacks.

When the jury relies on Trump himself to state his worth, and when they consider the vast amount that is, I think they were actually a bit light in the punitive damage amount.

If you have 3,000 marbles in a bag and take away 83, you are left with a lot of marbles. Had I been on the jury, I would have argued for $100 million in punitive damages. While still a modest number compared to Trump's claimed wealth, it's a lot of money and the whole round number is more of an attention getter than the odd amount the jury came up with.
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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
It was that high because of the punitive damages. The bulk of that amount was not to compensate Carroll, but to punish Trump.
Exactly - this was all about Get Trump from the beginning - coincidentally in an election year.
The first verdict produce a $5 million damages number, and it included punitive damages.
At least this was in the realm of reason. Someone behind the curtain must have complained and reminded them of the Prime Directive - Get Trump.
It seems to me the second verdict was far higher because Trump himself pretty much forced the jury into it. He repeated, and repeated, and repeated the defamation; even as the trial progressed. Thus the question became not primarily one of compensating Carroll, but one of punishing Trump.
Carroll was just a willing stooge for the Democrats, just like the Blasey-Ford character the Democrat operatives brought out of the woodwork to defame now Justice Kavanaugh with fantastic accusations. This seems to be a go-to tactic for the Democrats. What exactly did he say that was $83M bad? A reasonable judge and jury would've laughed Carroll and her tall tale out of court, but this group was all about punishing Trump. Lady Justice was nowhere to be found there, but hopefully she'll be present in the appeals chambers.
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