Maybe because America is a constitutional republic and not a democracy.
Nor is it autocratic, which has been lost by others.A pesky fact that is lost with some.
Maybe because America is a constitutional republic and not a democracy.
Nor is it autocratic, which has been lost by others.A pesky fact that is lost with some.
The most glaring example of autocracy in our lifetimes is the administration that currently occupies the White House. It's not just the dotard in the oval office, it's his handlers and the party that ignores America's laws and best interests. The open southern border and flagrant refusal to enforce our immigration laws is just one of many examples.Nor is it autocratic, which has been lost by others.
That is why the office of the president is term limited.....Nor is it autocratic, which has been lost by others.
Agreed.....Start the petition to amend the Constitution, I'll sign.That is why the office of the president is term limited.....
Congress should have term limits as one should be in office for 50 years.
It was already tried and well some Congress members worked quite hard to stop member is now president.Agreed.....Start the petition to amend the Constitution, I'll sign.
Yep. Trump was for term limits and Biden was against them.It was already tried and well some Congress members worked quite hard to stop member is now president.
It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out congressional members would be against it.It was already tried and well some Congress members worked quite hard to stop it..
Because of a pesky document called The Constitution, except Trumpeters don't know much about it.Yup but why not let the people decide that.
Trumps people know it better than many Democrats including our current president.Because of a pesky document called The Constitution, except Trumpeters don't know much about it.
Going back to 1996, term limits was one of the top priorities of the "Contract With America" and the only one that failed (by two votes). Democrats, along with a few Republicans in the Senate killed it with a filibuster - the same filibuster that Biden wants to eliminate now. Term limits haven't been seriously considered since.It was already tried and well some Congress members worked quite hard to stop member is now president.
We're not discussing abortion right now. SMHTrumps people know it better than many Democrats including our current president.
Even I know abortion is not a constitutional right.
Well let's discuss....We're not discussing abortion right now. SMH
While we're at it let's also discuss the crime raging in almost every major metro area in the country, thanks to Democrat prosecutors who won't put criminals in jail. 54 shot, 7 dead in Chicago this weekend through Sunday. How about Biden's non-border that's wide open to the world's human debris and China's fentanyl that's being hauled in and dumped on us by Mexican cartels? Considering these little issues and the other things we've mentioned, I'll bet term limits will be imposed on quite a few Democrats at the local, state and national levels in Nov.Well let's discuss....
Biden's follies like the baby formula shortage or the high gas prices or even the crazy inflation.
You know Biden picked the people running the nation so you can't blame trump because he's been out of office for 1.5 years.
But, but this didn't happen in Chicago.But but Chicago has the strictest gun control in the nation outside of new York.