the trucker and the scale house


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
There was a driver who had a dedicated run twice a month. For a decade he drove the same stretch of road passing the same scale house as he headed toward his delivery. Over the course of a decade he almost always got a green light to bypass the scale. He did have to go into the scale five times. Of those five runs through the scale house he was told to pull to the back three times and was put out of service.

What percentage of his stops got him shut down? Let's see, 3 out of 5 resulted in being shut down. If you know math you know he was shut down 60% of the time he faced the scale house. If you are a liberal you wrongly believe he was shut down only 1.3% of the time since he passed the house 240 times. The fact that 235 of those times he didn't make an appearance before the scale house mean nothing to you because you only care about getting the incorrect result you desire.


Not a Member
There was a driver who had a dedicated run twice a month. For a decade he drove the same stretch of road passing the same scale house as he headed toward his delivery. Over the course of a decade he almost always got a green light to bypass the scale. He did have to go into the scale five times. Of those five runs through the scale house he was told to pull to the back three times and was put out of service.

What percentage of his stops got him shut down? Let's see, 3 out of 5 resulted in being shut down. If you know math you know he was shut down 60% of the time he faced the scale house. If you are a liberal you wrongly believe he was shut down only 1.3% of the time since he passed the house 240 times. The fact that 235 of those times he didn't make an appearance before the scale house mean nothing to you because you only care about getting the incorrect result you desire.

It is like talking with a child sometimes.

Leo: I never disagreed that 60% of her decisions that were reviewed were reversed.

What I took an exception with was one false statment, that was

"Over 60% of her decisions have been overturned"

without saying reviewed it implies that 60% of all of her decisions have been overturned. It is misleading spin.

It would be the same as saying that trucker had been shut down on 60% of his loads (not scale stops) which would also be false.

Loads equals decision
Scale stops equals reviews

So thank you Leo for proving my point!

You are just wrong here, why not admit it like a man.
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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
I believe I said that 60% of her decisions that went before the s.c. were reversed just as I said 60% of the driver's scale visits resulted in oos. I'm not spinning. I'm commenting on facts. It is a fact, confirmed by audio/video evidence, she violates her oath by making policy by law rather than strictly analyzing and reporting the law as it stands on the books. It is fact, based on centuries of mathematical proof, that 60% of her reviewed decisions are bad and wrong. Logic suggests that her overall record, if reviewed, would not be good since her values are unlikely to vary from case to case.

Facts. Nothing more and nothing less. She's a racist. She believes she's a Senator wearing a black robe. She makes a lot of wrong decisions, even by the loose standards of the liberal leaning court now seated.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
I went back and double checked just to be sure. I never said over 60%. I only said 60%. Had I misstated I'd admit it and correct it. I made no mistake though.


Veteran Expediter
the issue is barry wants a court that reflexs his ideals...he finds the Constitution a hinderence and an obstruction in his way, he has made that clear from his books and his recorded interview when he ran for state office in IL. So he is putting forward a justice that has the same basic ideals as he does.....

as have said from my 1st post on this, she will get the appointment, and barry has very right to stack the court to his advantage, but there will not be a power shift at all, since she is replacing another will be interesting to read her decisions , they should be very telling....

oh and does anyone know if she is "pro-life" or "pro-choice"??? Seems she has no histiry on wouldn't it be a kick in the teeth if she was "pro-life" and provided the swing vote to overturn!


Not a Member
It was Chefs statment not yours, but you keep jumping in to defend him, like I said it is like dealing with a child.

You say she is a rascist eh, did she start an "N" word thread somewhere Mr. Kettle?


Veteran Expediter
oh and does anyone know if she is "pro-life" or "pro-choice"??? Seems she has no histiry on wouldn't it be a kick in the teeth if she was "pro-life" and provided the swing vote to overturn![/QUOTE]

Good point, did you come up with that yourself chef?


Veteran Expediter
come on now.... it was written on the crapper wall at the "J", under a crude drawing of barry getting kicked in the nu....groin..:D


Veteran Expediter
come on now.... it was written on the crapper wall at the "J", under a crude drawing of barry getting kicked in the nu....groin..:D

Just a simple question, was that your original thought? I'd like to give you credit for such attention to the current situation. It would be interesting if she is pro-life.


Veteran Expediter
lol you giving me credit does an means nothing to be, but to satisfy your curiousity, the original topic, "is she pro-choice or pro life", came up in a conversation with my 15 y/o daughter earlier today ...they were talking about it in her government class and her teacher had no she asked me..and when i looked, there doesn't seem to be much on her opinion on it... the rowe part, that i added and gave her to taunt the teacher with....

so there you go ....personally i like the crapper door story better....
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Veteran Expediter
Just out of curiosity, does your 15 year old daughter listen to Rush? Maybe it's coincidental but Rush had brought up that exact same question during his show yesterday and thought it would be a "kick in the pants" if she was pro-life. First the Glenn Beck and pravda story now this. Things that make you go hmmmmm...........


Veteran Expediter
As I read thur this I'm in wonder that people are defending someone who, When their work is Checked it is found to be below Standard 3 out of 5 times. If this person worked for you any one of you they would fired not Promoted as in this case.

Second, witness due work for Rush or Glenn you seem to know more about what they have said on any given day then most of us who listen. Just Asking.


Veteran Expediter
I pretty much only listen to talk radio and the station I listen to has Glenn Beck and Rush back to back.


Veteran Expediter
Hey chef......Rush is on talking about Sotomayor again, you might want to turn him on so you give your daughter some more ammunition for that teacher of hers. Thought you might want to know.


Veteran Expediter
didn't get up till 11:30 so i haven't turnrd the radio on no rush isn't on , but chances are ill have wilkow on since the XM is already on from last night and i am too lazy to get out of the for my daughter, nope she doesn't listen to talk radio, and she didn't ask the question in class another student did, she simply asked me about it.....and since today is the last day of school with that teacher, she will have to wait till sept to talk to her again.....

But hey, its good to see that you enjoy glen and rush, you might pickup glens books, they are good might look into getting Mark Levins "Liberty and Tyranny" might pickup a few things there too.....


Veteran Expediter
didn't get up till 11:30 so i haven't turnrd the radio on no rush isn't on , but chances are ill have wilkow on since the XM is already on from last night and i am too lazy to get out of the for my daughter, nope she doesn't listen to talk radio, and she didn't ask the question in class another student did, she simply asked me about it.....and since today is the last day of school with that teacher, she will have to wait till sept to talk to her again.....

But hey, its good to see that you enjoy glen and rush, you might pickup glens books, they are good might look into getting Mark Levins "Liberty and Tyranny" might pickup a few things there too.....

Never said I "enjoy" Glen and Rush, simply stated that they are on the station I listen to. I do on the other hand like to listen to their paranoia. You do realize they are entertainers right? Just like Howard Stern, Larry King, Don Imus, Opie and Anthony, etc, etc..... I'm a bit worried that you would take anything serious from what these entertainers have to say.

It's just weird that two days in a row you've posted comments that Beck and Limbaugh both have spotlighted on their shows and you've posted as your own.

Again, things that make you go hmmmmmm..............


Veteran Expediter
Well witness you need to go back and read the older post hear on the soapbox, I have stated more then a few dozen times the all talk show host are nothing but entertainers and if you let them shape your political views with just their viewpoints, you need some help.

Along with that when you read them you will also see (as I said in another post aon this thread) I have had my azz busted on soo many times for cutting and pasting articles that it ain't funny, so rest assured, i have no problem giving credit where credit is due, if i get it from someone or another source, i post it that way, i have no need to appear to be a know all or end all, if i had heard it on glen or rush's shows, id post to that to you finding it funny or not, i find it funny that you are paying sooo much attention to me, just a bible and gun clinging conservative!!!! And my radio listening habits!! :D

PS: as i said i got up late today, glens show was almost over and i didn't listen to rush at all today either, as a matter of fact, i haven't listened to rush for a while , most often i listen to wilkow on xm in that time slot....oh and right now at 3:17 pm 6/3 im listening to my home town radio talkshow on the computer, that would be "Brian Wilson" on wspd..a liberatarian on a conservative talk radio

PSS: if it will help you , i can send you a detailed list of stations and times of what i listen to and when....:D


Veteran Expediter
Well witness you need to go back and read the older post hear on the soapbox, I have stated more then a few dozen times the all talk show host are nothing but entertainers and if you let them shape your political views with just their viewpoints, you need some help.

hmmmm.....okay, let's just say you did make the comments about the pravda article and the pro-life question about Sotomayor on your own without the influence of Beck and Limbaugh. You share the same political views as them to the point you have now, in two days posted shared viewpoints and stories. As you stated above, "you need some help".

I rest my case.