The Letter


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
No, not about a song from the '60's. I am posting a letter I received from my congressman, Tim Walberg, in response to an email I sent about the HOS mess. I had talked with Tim at the Pointe Mouillee Waterfowl Festival in Sept and he asked me to send him examples, numbers etc, which I did.

I did not save that email, I have no idea why, so I cannot post it. I am posting the letter that his office sent in response.

Letter pg 1.jpgLetter pg 2.jpg


Veteran Expediter
Very good job, well done, Mr. Marra.
it is important to follow up on this issue.
last week i sent an simple update to my congressman.
informed him that the TRUE act finely received an HR# {HR3413}.
that it is buried in the T&I committee.
provided him with a list of members of that committee,
& asked him to contact them and tell them to hurry it out.
i also told him that Rep. Richard Hanna decided to hold on before introducing it to the floor until after the first of the year.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
I'll tell you Moose, we have to been on those jokers in Washington like white on snow. They only pay attention to money and or noisy people. I am an owner/operator so the money part is out. NOISY, however, is one of my fortes, being a hemorrhoid is the other. I intend to excel at both!

I am hunting with Mr. Walberg's local chief of staff in the morning, weather permitting. I have promised no politics so I will have to behave, this time.