T.V Goofs!


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
I enjoy finding mistakes and inconsistencies while watching T.V. shows. Today I was watching an old episode of "Hogan's Heros". There was one of the many "escapes" to cover one of thier many operations. During this "escape" the German guards were shown firing thier rifles into the woods where the "escapee" was hiding. The Germans were firing U.S. Army 30/40 Kraige rifles. What a hoot!! A pre-WW2 U.S. Army rifle being used by Germans! Just a funny as a "M.A.S.H." episode that showed a soilder wearing rank that did not exsist in the Korean War. Anyone else like finding these "Goofs" ? I would love to hear about them. Layoutshooter


Seasoned Expediter
I can remember a long time ago I was watching a western (name long forgotten) when way in the background you could see a jet cruising through the sky. That was so funny.


Veteran Expediter
I remember several CHIPS tv episodes where some of the guys were racing motorcycles. The actors were riding the bikes so slowly that they were wobbling all over the track. BTW, when you saw Ponch and the other guy riding their bikes on the streets side by side, they were actually on some kind of cycle trailer.


Seasoned Expediter
CHiPS was the first thing that came to mind for me as well.

Even as a little kid it wasn't hard to find the roll cages and ramps in just about every scene that needed roll cages and ramps. I laugh just thinking about how painfully obvious it was when a scene had vehicles traveling much slower then normal as they "setup" for a pending pileup.

The running of that show must have been in perfect coordination with a large freeway expansion in L.A. because I remember most of those scenes being filmed on brand new unopened roadways.


Expert Expediter
That is funny layout. I enjoy stuff like that also. In Hawaii 5-0, they must have had a product deal with Ford. Every police car, and every criminal being chased, or civilian driving by, was always in a Ford. I also noticed, (because I enjoyed that show), that they had the same actor play different roles. There was this one, kid that played, sort of a "slow-kid" that witnessed a crime.The same kid, about a year later, played a gang member. I also loved how in a lot of TV shows, the car turns and skids.....into cardboard boxes. (I guess so they can recycle....the car.)


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
CHIPS did have a advertising thing with Ford. Many shows did with Ford and all the other car companies. I can't remember which John Wayne movie it was, one of his latter ones, there are High Tension Electric wires visable off in the distance. Any more people? These things are fun. Remember fun? Layoutshooter