Sprint WI FI


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Hello All,

We recently purchased a Sprint Wireless card for our new laptop. It loads at half the speed of dial-up and we were told it should be as quick as DSL. Is anyone else who has a Sprint card experiencing the same problem?


Kitty Litter and Ms Puss


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
Not with Sprint, but had similiar luck with a home DSL THAT WORKED AT ABOUT 4.8K. Quite a speeddown from my 56k modem.

My solution was to spend some late night hours online/phone with tech support. After getting the 4th different rep, finally found someone who could troubleshoot and fix it.

Good luck.

Vernon in C2197


Expert Expediter
I had the same experiance as Vernon. I spent some time with tech support (you have to get past the first level) got the bugs worked out, the software updated and my card has been working great. Sprint will be cranking up the speed soon, but you should be connecting at speeds of 115.2 or better right now.

The Gibster

Expert Expediter
We have 2 Sprint Cards and experience the same thing. The connect speeds differ according to the strength showing, the green bars. But we've never had fast downloads. They usually end up somewhere between 9kb and 11.5kb.

I echo that Sprint appears to be working the problem . . I've watched the signal strength jump from 1 bar to 4 bars back to 1 up to 5, and we were sitting still in a house! And we recently had a bunch of 'remote computer did not respond' messages. Then it cleared up.

If you find out any speed tricks please pass them along.

The Gibster


Expert Expediter
The key factor to the sprint cards is signal, signal, signal. I have the older airprime card that uses a standard antenna connector, I plug that in to my amp (you can buy them at road ranger for 200 bucks) and I get consistant connections and 14-19kbs downloads.

I bought the amp manly for the weak signals on my company cell phone, however it is nice that it also works with the sprint phones and cards.


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We have been using the T-Mobile aircard and it seems to work ok. Hard to beat at $30.00 a month. Only complaint is it does fade from time to time when traveling down the road or in between towers.
All in all it works pretty good and we have better coverage, especially out west when compared to the Sprint we had.
20 years


Staff member

Is your T-Mobile card broadband speed?

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Expert Expediter
I also have a sprint card and for 99% of the time it is not a WIFI card, it will only work at WIFI speeds when you are in a sprint WIFI area. The actual number of sprint WIFI areas is very limited, usually to just major airports and the surrounding major hotels.
For the remainder of the time it is just using the dialup speeds it can maxinixze.
The other negative is the cost. My plan gives me 20 MB for 40.00, after that I start paying thru the nose. That explains that I have since changed to a T mobile card. For 50.00/month, I now get unlimited usage via dialup speeds while on the road and for when i'm stopped I then look for starbucks, fedex kinkos or borders to get WIFI speeds at their hot spots. T mobile hot spots also include the airports and major motels, as with sprint. So far today i have been at the forum for over 6 hours. If I had been still been with sprint, I would have used up all my alloted time/MBs.
