Something to think about....


Expert Expediter
Earlier this year, we were working an area where we would go to Camp Gereshk a lot for fuel. We usually stuck around and had lunch with the guys there. I will attach a few photos here of a memorial in Gareshk that they were adding a couple more names to that day.

The photos are of inside the Camp, the memorial at the base of the watch tower, and a closeup of the memorial.

If you look, the inscription reads:

"Many times I have left the borders of my own land. I am here with good men whom I trust, and who trust me. We set aside out Lives for the benefit of others, with belief in the Democracy that has made our Nation great.we go to give these people the same Freedoms that we enjoy without question. I HOPE I AM ABLE TO KEEP MY RESOLVE, AND TO KEEP FOCUS ON WHAT IS IMPORTANT AND WHAT IS RIGHT. Every day I drive through these gates I am reminded of those who have ridden here with me but will not make the trip home."

The ALL cap sentence, will tell you something about the mindset of the troops fighting.



Expert Expediter
As Paul Harvey would say... Now for the rest of the story...

I let this sit for a couple days, to see if anyone would reply.

The night I posted that, Gareshk was in real danger of being evacuated (read this as abandoned) because it was under intense attack by a large force of Taliban. The folks there were having a very hard time of it.

The purpose of the post was to let you know, that intel reports show a massive influx of people (once again, NOT from Afghanistan) joining the Taliban. Why is this? Because they see in the media the American people loosing stomach for this fight. All the polls, all the complaining, about the war is boosting recruitment for Jihadists. It is making the militarys job a LOT tougher.

So, next time you feel like complaining about what is going on think about it first. We ARE in a war. And if we pull out, they will NOT leave us alone. If you are not happy with the reasons we went into Iraq, thats fine, but the deal is that we ARE there. And if we loose strenght there, or anywhere else for that matter, it will only make things much much worse for us overall.

You may not like the current administration, or its plans. But if making the people in office now look bad is more important to you than winning this, we are in trouble. Please think about this.



Expert Expediter
I saw this post this morning when I had a chance to glance over some of the threads.

This quote hits the nail right on the head.

"You may not like the current administration, or its plans. But if making the people in office now look bad is more important to you than winning this, we are in trouble. Please think about this."

Think back where the country was 5 years ago today, everyone was pulling together, party affiliation did not matter, we were not Democrats or Republicans, we were Americans first and foremost, and we were going to do what needed to be done to help one another get through the difficult times. We were going to work together to do what we needed to get done to make sure this did not happen again. I guess all I can say is that I wish we still had that united attitude today. Today it seems as if we are too busy knocking each other to take time out and look at the whole picture. We need to finish what we started. We need to forget about keeping score between the dems and the reps and be concerned with our enemies that are enjoying watching us fight amongst ourselves. It seems like we have been giving them quite a bit to rejoice in lately.


Veteran Expediter
Why is the Opium crop this year up 60% over 2001 levels?I thought we had the situation in hand,at least thats what Cheany said yesterday?
We were taking the fight to the Taliban,and kicking a**and then left!!!
The tables have now once again turned.Its so that W could settle a personal score with whats his name,some 2 bit dictator in Iraq.
I'm sorry you guys don't have the means to finish what started so well.I really am.But we cut and ran to Iraq.And took the money.
We have to place blame where blame belongs my friend.If we don't,then the guys calling the shots will believe they got it right.
The Taliban are funding their war under the US nose with the now new and improved Opium crops.If only we had not left,and finished the job,you would not be there now.
Write a letter to w and d***k head cheany and enlighten them.They may listen to you.They dismissed the Generals who tried to tell them before.
It's what happens when you let civilians run the Military.
God speed men and women,I pray for you everyday.


Expert Expediter
You are terribly mis informed.

The points you make may sound good as talking points, but they are incorrect. The UN and NATO pushed to take control f the Afghanistan situation, and a lot of Americans pushed also to make it more "Multinational". Well it is now. And what we are seeing is a huge increase in the number of Taliban here in Afghanistan. Two reasons. First, is what I stated above. There is increased recruiting due to the lack of support seen by the bad guys in the American media. This in fighting between Americans is giving them a lot of propoganda to work with. Second, and as important, the bad guys do not FEAR and RESPECT the abilities of the European troops that are up against them now. Take for example Kandahar in the last 3 months. The US gave up Kandahar and let the European forces take control of it. Since I got to Kandahar in Feb, attacks have been stepping up and up. The bad guys KNOW they can get away with it when facing the Frnch, Dutch, and others who are now living on Kandahar. We went from hardly any rocket attacks when the US was in place to several a night recently. The Dutch Army has a UNION. How can you run an Army that has a union. The Dutch recently abndoned a FOB (forward opererating base) because the union said the Dutch troops were getting shot at too much! Might as well be a bunch of Wal Mart greeters manning the FOB.

As for the Opium, I am here DOING opium erad. This was the FIRST year we did it. We got in the country in Feb and started cutting in March. Cutting season is March - May. We destroyed a LOT of plants this year. We will get a lot more next year, since this year we were busy trying to make our living conditions bearable as well as flying missions.

Let me give you a lessson on Opium here. When the Taliban took over, the opium production dropped. For 2 years. Those were the 2 years that the taliban were trying to get international recognition as a legitimate gov. When they did not get what they wanted, the opium production went clear up. Most of the farmers here today, do not want to grow opium. They are being forced to by the Taliban. The Taliban are getting a good part of their money from opium.

This all goes back to my first point on this thread also. We eliminate the Taliban, ad we eliminate most of the poppy. But, as long as people like you are not really thinking things over, and just spouting Liberal talking points, we are in trouble. Once again, I am not reading this stuff, or getting Email about it. I am LIVING it. I see this crap every day. You can call the president, or Vice President all the names you like, but that will not change the facts that I am seeing. You may be able to pull the wool over the eyes of some people, but not me.

If you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem.



Expert Expediter
I found this news item today, that supports my post above...

NATO countries offer just 20 reinforcements Afghanistan: report
LONDON, Sept 12, 2006 (AFP) - NATO countries have ignored an urgent appeal for reinforcements to combat resurgent Taliban insurgents in southern Afghanistan, offering only 20 more troops, The Times reported on Tuesday.

NATO Secretary General Jaap de Hoop Scheffer chaired on Monday an extraordinary meeting of alliance ambassadors called after the alliance's military chief appealed last week for an additional 2,500 soldiers to deal with increasing attacks by the Taliban militia, ousted from power in 2001.

Citing unnamed sources within NATO and in Kabul, the The Times reported that so far only the tiny Baltic state of Latvia has committed 20 more troops.

Major NATO members Turkey, Germany, Spain and Italy have all basically ruled out volunteering troops and France is unlikely to make any contributions, especially given its large role in the peacekeeping force in Lebanon.

"No one has come forward" with contributions for the NATO force, which took over from the US-led coalition in southern Afghanistan on July 31, the newspaper quoted a NATO source as saying.

"There has been no rush of offers so far," said another NATO official.

Norway and Denmark also have no plans to send reinforcements, while the Netherlands already has a large force in southern Afghanistan, the newspaper reported.

According to The Globe and Mail newspaper, Canada is preparing to send 15 Leopard tanks and an additional 120 soldiers to Afghanistan.

NATO's manning difficulties also come amid deep concern that nations which promised aid and donations in January to the conflict-torn country may be preparing to renege on their pledges.

An unnamed military source in Kabul told The Times: "We're not just looking for extra troops. We want a proper battle group of fighting soldiers who are prepared to confront the Taliban in southern Afghanistan."

"No one seems to want to commit combat troops."

More than 90 foreign soldiers have died in combat this year in Afghanistan, which has seen a spike in violence linked to the extremist Taliban movement that the US-led coalition toppled from government in late 2001.

psr/rl AFP 112313 GMT 09 06

Copyright (c) 2006 Agence France-Presse
Received by NewsEdge Insight: 09/11/2006 19:13:30


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
It's approaching time for a definitive solution like that chosen by Truman. Let allah sort them out afterward.

Leo Bricker, 73's K5LDB, OOIDA 677319
Owner, Panther trucks 5507, 5508, 5509
Highway Watch Participant, Truckerbuddy
EO Forum Moderator
Support the entire Constitution, not just the parts you like.


Veteran Expediter
Please understand Aviator,I have no bone to pick with you.I admire your patriotic attitude,and willingness to put yourself in harms way for your believes.
I don't need to remind you that one of the privliages of living in a democracy is the need to keep our leaders honest,and accoutable.If not,we may stray, and stray we have.All of what you have explained about the UN and European troops makes sence in the greater context.We had the support of the World when we went to get the bad guys.We led the way,we had European support,we even had troops that were unionized,as you pointed out.Thats just crazy.But everyone wanted to get the bad guys(Osama and his band of Saudi marrymen).
The World wanted to bring those accoutable to justice.This old Viet Nam protestor put an American flag on his refridgerator.I was on board.And then we blinked.
And then our leaders lied,and then they did not listen to the Generals,and they had no plan,and then blew it.
Iraq is now lost.The Anbar province is inflitrated by Taliban,who are setting up training camps.We no longer are taking the battle to them,we have given up.Just as we did in Afgahistan.
Most of all,we lost the support of the World.I agree,the UN are the last one's we need,but we blinked,and threw our money($300 Billion at last count)at a war that cannot be won,and have handed the Taliban just what they prayed to Allah for:An America that is in turmoil over the reckless misuse of power.
Just like expediting,no one forced me to get into this crazy business,I chose it.You made a choice to become a serviceman,no one forced you.The Afghan people have seen more then any of us Americans can imagine.The Taliban saved thier #####'s from the Russians.Like Hezbela in Lebanon,many Afghas,like the poppy farmers,have no problem with the Taliban,business is good,up 60%,and the Amricans are on the run.
Please don't believe eveything you hear about "the liberals",try and stay middle of the road,and do your job,and get home safe.Let the politicians,and the people,through the upcoming elections,decide what the next course of action is.Had we stayed and finished the job,and used that $300 B to win the real war,it would be a much different picture.


Expert Expediter
Well, what you are showing me, (and I mean no personal attack by this), is that you have a complete lack of understanding of the history and current situation. If you are going to make a decision, you should take time to research what you are discussing. You are making my point for me.

Please understand Aviator,I have no bone to pick with you.I admire your patriotic attitude,and willingness to put yourself in harms way for your believes.

I don't need to remind you that one of the privliages of living in a democracy is the need to keep our leaders honest,and accoutable.If not,we may stray, and stray we have.All of what you have explained about the UN and European troops makes sence in the greater context.We had the support of the World when we went to get the bad guys.We led the way,we had European support,we even had troops that were unionized,as you pointed out.Thats just crazy.But everyone wanted to get the bad guys(Osama and his band of Saudi marrymen).
A lot of the European troops were sent here, not because the countries they are from backed us, but because they were looking to cash in once this area was stabilized. The Brits and Candians I can honestly say are here backing us. They are good tough fighters. The overwhelming majority of the rest of the countries were looking at this as a “peace keeping†mission after the fact. A way to get their feet in the door for post conflict reconstruction and trade. I have heard this many times from the soldiers of these countries myself.
The World wanted to bring those accoutable to justice.This old Viet Nam protestor put an American flag on his refridgerator.I was on board.And then we blinked.
And then our leaders lied,and then they did not listen to the Generals,and they had no plan,and then blew it.

Not sure what you mean by blinked. I am also unsure about what you say our leaders lied about. If it was Iraq, I’d say they made the best choice they could with the information they had. If I recall correctly, a majority of the other world leaders, and a lot of people in the US (Like the Clintons) backed the choice at the time as well. The only countries that did not agree were ones that had business dealings (legitimate or not) with Iraq. The plan? Well, we had and still have one. You need to understand though that this is war, not burger King. It is a fluid situation and things do change. You also do not get what you want immediately in a war. You sometimes have to wait.

Iraq is now lost.The Anbar province is inflitrated by Taliban,who are setting up training camps.We no longer are taking the battle to them,we have given up.Just as we did in Afgahistan.

Iraq is now lost? We are having difficulties in 3 of 18 Provinces. That is a pretty defeatist attitude. We would all be speaking German if people had thought that way in WW II. I was unaware that there were Taliban in Iraq. Correct me if I am wrong, but I believe we are fighting Taliban in Afghanistan. In Iraq it is insurgents (once again, mostly people NOT from Iraq). And as far as giving up in Afghanistan, perhaps I should tell some of the 1000s of troops from the US here that they should expect to be packing their bags soon. The same troops that are out there running patrols every day, taking it to the bad guys.

Most of all,we lost the support of the World.I agree,the UN are the last one's we need,but we blinked,and threw our money($300 Billion at last count)at a war that cannot be won,and have handed the Taliban just what they prayed to Allah for:An America that is in turmoil over the reckless misuse of power.

Again the defeatist attitude. Tell me exactly why it cannot be won? Or, as I suggested earlier in this topic, would you rather we did NOT win, so you can make a political point. America is in in turmoil, in my opinion, because of people who think that way. They hate the administration we have so much, they would rather see us loose this fight, so they can point fingers and say “I told you soâ€.

Just like expediting,no one forced me to get into this crazy business,I chose it.You made a choice to become a serviceman,no one forced you.The Afghan people have seen more then any of us Americans can imagine.The Taliban saved thier #####'s from the Russians.Like Hezbela in Lebanon,many Afghas,like the poppy farmers,have no problem with the Taliban,business is good,up 60%,and the Amricans are on the run.

Actually, I am a civilian contractor. I am ALSO in the Military, but took a year off to come here. Ever since Sept. 11th I tried to get into units that were deploying. I had no luck (because all the units, even lately, that were deploying had so many people that wanted to go, I was unable to get a slot). But, yes, I did put myself here. I would do it again in a heartbeat. Yes, the Afghans have seen more than their fair share of fighting. Once again, check your history. The Taliban did NOT fight the Russians. The Russians left here in 89 and Taliban did not really show up until 96 or so. The Mujihadeen fought the Soviets. Taliban fought the Mujihadeen and Northern Alliance. Also, as a matter of fact, the locals (including farmers) do NOT like the Taliban. They are just doing what a normal person would do. Sitting it out and waiting to see who is coming out on top. Meanwhile, they will do nothing to anger either side. When the Taliban come at night and tell them “grow poppy†they will. When we come during the day and say we are cutting your poppy, they let us. The farmers do not get hardly any of the money from poppy. Taliban and drug lords get most of it. Farmers would rather grow food. Again, talk to the troops here and ask THEM if they are on the run.

Please don't believe eveything you hear about "the liberals",try and stay middle of the road,and do your job,and get home safe.Let the politicians,and the people,through the upcoming elections,decide what the next course of action is.Had we stayed and finished the job,and used that $300 B to win the real war,it would be a much different picture.

I don’t believe everything I hear. Ask X06col about that. He's been telling me things for 39 years, and sometimes I still do not listen. :7 I DO however believe what I see with my own eyes. Like I said, I am OVER here in Afghanistan, have read 20 or more books on this place since I have been here to get the history. These are books from the right, left and middle. I take what I can from each one and process the information. The things I am explaining to you are not some crap I heard from a friend, over the CB, from a guy on the internet, or anything else. These are things I see. When was the last time you talked to a farmer in the Hilmand district of Afghanistan? Or a close friend that is in Baghdad? You can rest assured, I am doing my job, and hopefully I will come home safe. If not, I go knowing that what I am doing is a good thing. You keep doing what you can to influence the next election, but please stop parroting the liberal talking points without checking them out first. That was the purpose of my initial post here. If you do not like the way things are going, that’s fine, get a new guy in, but do not put our people at MORE risk trying to do it. Try using facts, not emotion. This sure seems like a real war to me.

Signing off from Kabul Afghanistan…



Just a word of advice. If I were you, I would refrain from voicing your opinons about how "We have been defeated" in Iraq and Afghanistan while you are around any of the members of the military. They would very likely show you a level of defeat that you have priviously not known.


Veteran Expediter
If we are lucky,we will soon have oversight hearings on just who cooked up the lies that were the basis for our invasion of Iraq.
A new book,called Blood Money,about the rip off of the "rebuilding effort"in Iraq by the likes of Parsons,Bechtel and Haliburton should be top of your list as a contractor and "expert'on this whole mess.I think you will find it quite enlightning,I know I did.Did you know the no bid contractors get to keep the 100's of Millions that they did'nt use for the work they did'nt do?Now thats a good contract buddy!!BUT ITS MY MONEY!!!AND I WORKED FOR IT!!
You know how many of the water plants that Parsons was contracted to build(130)they actually built?Eight,and only 2 work!!
Yes sir,mighty good business this "war"(sic).It's a joke my friend,enriching those close enough to the decision makers to profit and have zero accountabilty,ZERO!!
Meanwhile,they(top 10%) have been given the biggest tax break in American history!!!Is this getting through?Do you hear me?
There will be a day of reckning,in the not to distant future,when the chickens will be coming home to roost,and lies and fables and scams and ripoff's will come bubbling up through the muck,and it will be very,very ugly.By the way,none of this has anything to do with helping the "people"of the middle east.It's about profit and ego.
This IS w's Viet Nam,only 100 times worse.
Most,if not all,of my current and ex military member friends are in complete agreement with me on the state of this dismal situation.
I guess under the circumstance's you really have no choice but to go along with the program.Somewhere along the line we went from being "met with open arms as librators",to being invaders.Some how a"mop up"become a civil war (Iraq).
The sad part is that these guys were warned ahead of time they were going into unchartered waters.
I care as deeply about this country as you do.I lost 50,000 of my generation,(10 close friends) 30 years ago.I will not sit still as we once again attempt to do nation building in a place that posed no threat to our way of life.I will not be a REAL sheep,and follow blindly as we are led down one mans rosy little path.Call me a Pitbull my friend,I shred sheep dogs with my voice,and use my right to speak it as I see fit,and work for change within the system that real wars were fought for.It took 4.5 yeras to win WW2.Whats the problem here?Civilians are running the Military,thats the problem


Expert Expediter
Interesting post. Although you really did not respond to any of the points I brought up about the inaccuracies you posted. So, you keep talking about stuff you are not sure about and try to change peoples minds. Bend the facts to make things sound better for your side. The men and women you are putting at greater risk, will continue to put their lives at on the line so you can excersize those freedoms.

If we are lucky,we will soon have oversight hearings on just who cooked up the lies that were the basis for our invasion of Iraq.

Once again, what lies? With as many people in the US as there are that feel the ay you do about our current president, if there was an ounce of proof of any lies, he would be impeached already. If you want lies, lets look at a guy wiggling his finger at me saying "I did not have sexual relations with that woman"

A new book,called Blood Money,about the rip off of the "rebuilding effort"in Iraq by the likes of Parsons,Bechtel and Haliburton should be top of your list as a contractor and "expert'on this whole mess.I think you will find it quite enlightning,I know I did.Did you know the no bid contractors get to keep the 100's of Millions that they did'nt use for the work they did'nt do?Now thats a good contract buddy!!BUT ITS MY MONEY!!!AND I WORKED FOR IT!!

OK so now you do not think I am an expert bacause I am a contractor? I am still living here, and walking the walk. Putting my butt on the line for what I believe in. And, as I stated above, I tried getting over here with the military. I might try and get a copy of the book. As I stated, I am not afraid to read something written by someone who holds a different point of view. Would you?

You know how many of the water plants that Parsons was contracted to build(130)they actually built?Eight,and only 2 work!!
Yes sir,mighty good business this "war"(sic).It's a joke my friend,enriching those close enough to the decision makers to profit and have zero accountabilty,ZERO!!

Well, I do not know anything about water plants. Will have to take your word for it I guess. I am not very close to anyone that makes decisions. I got this job by replying to an ad on, just like Jerry, our facilities Maint guy who was never out of Oklahoma before. Matter of fact, he was never even in the military. He worked for the same small company his whole life.

Meanwhile,they(top 10%) have been given the biggest tax break in American history!!!Is this getting through?Do you hear me?

Well, you just complained that you don't like your tax money going to fight this war. I think 33% of anyones money going to taxes is enough. I don't like a lot of the money wasted on welfare programs for people who refuse to work, as well as numerous other things MY tax money goes for. Any time the .gov gets thier hands on money, they NEVER use is as well as they can. That goes for ANY kind of program. Maybe if they did not get so much money, the would spend it a little wiser eh? You cannot have it both ways.

There will be a day of reckning,in the not to distant future,when the chickens will be coming home to roost,and lies and fables and scams and ripoff's will come bubbling up through the muck,and it will be very,very ugly.By the way,none of this has anything to do with helping the "people"of the middle east.It's about profit and ego.
This IS w's Viet Nam,only 100 times worse.

Very emotional and colorful writing, but pure speculation.

Most,if not all,of my current and ex military member friends are in complete agreement with me on the state of this dismal situation.
I guess under the circumstance's you really have no choice but to go along with the program.Somewhere along the line we went from being "met with open arms as librators",to being invaders.Some how a"mop up"become a civil war (Iraq).

Well, I have met very very few current military who do NOT understand and agree with why we are here, and in Iraq. Based on your comments above I have disputed, I will take what you say with a grain of salt. And under the circumstance, I have lots of options, but I choose to be here. And once again, we are still liked by the vast majority of the Iraqi people.

The sad part is that these guys were warned ahead of time they were going into unchartered waters.
I care as deeply about this country as you do.I lost 50,000 of my generation,(10 close friends) 30 years ago.I will not sit still as we once again attempt to do nation building in a place that posed no threat to our way of life.I will not be a REAL sheep,and follow blindly as we are led down one mans rosy little path.Call me a Pitbull my friend,I shred sheep dogs with my voice,and use my right to speak it as I see fit,and work for change within the system that real wars were fought for.It took 4.5 yeras to win WW2.Whats the problem here?Civilians are running the Military,thats the problem

And the fact is, that this is a differerent war, in a different place, and a different time. We are not fighting in Europe, not fighting regular forces, and the guys have thier hands tied due to media, public perception, and the unwillingness of the American public to actually be inconvienenced by the war. In WW II people rationed gas, Now people :censoredsign: if the prices go up. Imagine if it were rationed what people would sound like.

Maybe the problem is that your generation was not allowed to fight like they should have been and did not win, and that sticks in your craw. Maybe you feel that we should not be allowed to win this one? But that is just speculation. I feel bad for, and respect the guys who fought in Viet Nam. They did a hell of a job and were not allowed to win. The polititions and the people of the US gave up on them. I just do not want to see that happen again.



Veteran Expediter
You amaze me, absolutely truly completely amaze me.


Why is it that protestors always go back to Vietnam when trying to make a point?

Look the 50K or so who died, died because of liberal leadership that led to a policy that increased the killing on both sides to win something that we lost because of our arrogance – Kennedy/LBJ/McNamara to be exact. I truly wish not one of them died but at the same time so thankful that many thought enough of our country to go over there and fight for something that many still think it was worth the fight.

The sad thing is the so called patriotic people who protested they claimed that they were protesting an unjust war because; they believe they had the wisdom to see through the politics, get into the head of the enemy, understand the hatred of the enemy towards us and know more about the issues that led us to war.

Unfortunately they have no clue then as they do today. Their willingness to learn and study the situation we are in an unbiased and neutral fashion is nil and they allow others to think for them or decide what is important to talk about.

In the past these protestors and the strife it caused did more harm to us – according to several former Vietcong generals and leader their best weapon was the war protestors here in the states, even better than the AK-47 - This is a FACT, not a fallacy. Today the same thing is happening but it has been expanded to include politicians who for a lack of a better words their speech borders on and sometimes cross the line of sedition and treasonous. People like Durban (soliders are NAZIs), Murtha (solders are killers), Kerry (soldiers are terorist) and Carter (we must leave because we are wrong)all have been part of the group who are so unpatriotic towards the country THEY SERVE. Their consitutents are to blame for them, it reflects on the people who have elected them. Coupled with the press, they are all disaffection people who want to see the fall of the US at any cost. Do you honestly think that the Vietcong then didn’t or Al Qaeda/Hammas/Hezbollah/Iran now don’t see the division and the opportunities that serves them?

I don’t doubt that many who protested truly believed this is the right thing to do but really the enemy was smart then as they are today and like then count on people like Sheehan and her supports with Murtha and Carter and their proponents to draw attention to the negatives of the war and our country to undermine moral.

As for being a sheep, yea protestors were/are the real sheep; they don’t want to face reality and have no clue that they can damage the moral of the troops and cause more deaths by acting in the best interest of organization or people who do the thinking for them. Like sheep they can’t learn for themselves.

Yep sheep, BAA

Sorry Aviator for hijacking your post and thanks for the posts.


Veteran Expediter
For Gods sake Greg,you sound like a writer for Bill O'.
You have either had a really bad attack of "I've got to get just to the right of Atilla the Hun",or you really are just putting us on for the pure pig stabbing joy of it
You were far more to the center 6 months ago.I guess you just have a violent reaction to my blabbing.Sorry about that.
Be that as it may,my money is on this whole stinking 8 years of W's little game being recorded as some of the darkest days in our countries history.Even darker then the tricky dickie days.
I will remain proud of my assistance in bringing sanity back to our country,including the impeachment of the trickster,many moons ago.
And it could have been so different for W.The real terrorists could have been dealt with(for $300 bil wasted,we cound have eradicated every cell in World and caught Osama the Vidio guy))but instead, w palyed like a stuborn red heaaded step child.
But he can't help it,he was born with a silver foot in his mouth.And then,through a series of tricks and ballot scams, actually became Predident.Amazing.
I'm still predicting impeachment for high crimes.
If it happens,you heard it here.


Veteran Expediter
But see Tallcal, you are not bringing sanity back; you are causing more of it and more of a division by repeating the rhetoric that is being said in the press and on the radio/TV.

You should be putting some of that intelligence to work to find the truth out for yourself, but as much as I can go on and on, I just find your emotional statements to be the same as what happens when you are led by people who put emotion ahead of logic and facts. The enemy counts on you, they want everyone to be repeating everything you are repeating. Whip up a frenzy of hatred, march in the streets to demand the heads of our leaders and bring the troops home NOW. They love that.

You seem to have missed something along the lines in this entire thread, the people don’t care about Impeachment, they don’t care about what Halliburton or others are doing, they care about safety of themselves, the people they care about and the troops and contractors. A lot of people know that this all takes time and things don’t have an instant just add water solution. They also know that it is far better to fight a war in the Middle East than on our shores – which will happen if the Democrats get into power, we will have more than one terrorist attack happen and end up fighting them here. They also get tired of the same old story, W lied, W did this, W did that, W is tapping your phones; watch out the BIG W will step on you.

If people were so interested in all of this stuff the left is putting out, why in the h*ll are so many going over there to get this all done? Are they stupid? I don’t think so. It is not just people who join the military but also the contractors, like Aviator and friends of mine who left a near mid 6 digit job to go there. They all have their reasons but most of them boil down to loving their country.

What absolutely amazes me is that people claim that they are patriotic, but fail to back the government in doing a job to get out of a situation properly. I mean that you and all these other people are calling for troop removals, calling for the leadership’s head in a basket and calling for bunch of other stuff miss the point that if you get involved in helping our troops/contractors and actually supporting the troops/contractors and the mission by shutting up for a few minutes, we may get this done faster because the enemy will lose.

What I also find troublesome is the lack of compassion for those who have decided to go over there either to fight or to help as contractors. I see very little from the left about the compassion that is needed, but most of the right has done a rather good job of it. People like Murtha telling us that marines are killers or Durban comparing our troops to NAZI storm troopers, where’s the outcry from the left is over these statements? There is none. If the Dems accept this rhetoric as the truth, the Dems don’t have a patriotic person in the entire party. You can not claim that these or people like them are patriotic to our country, read my signature – it fits McCain, Murtha, Durban, Reid, Kennedy and Kerry but especially Carter.

I haven’t really changed my political position other than I see more and more of the enemy here in the form of the left and I see more of the possibilities that something will happen, not may or if, but will sooner than I every care. I see that the Democratic Party needs to have a serious overhaul with people like Pelosi and Reid saying what they have been saying and not caring about leaks in the CIA that damage our country, or their tolerance of gitmo prisoners who have more rights than you or I do and are treated better than some urban school children. I see that if they get into power, all the country can do is just sit there and listen to hearing after hearing while the enemies of our country plan and position themselves to attack us. Our country will decline and no real legislation will be passed for at least two years and our lives will eventually change for the worst.

Truthfully, as I said before, I don’t care about wiretapping foreign calls, I don’t care about people looking into the bank records in foreign banks, I don’t care about torturing terrorist, as long as this country is protected – yes by any means like it was until the 1960s. Aviator posted a fact about the Abu Ghraib Prison which made me think is this coming to a prison here if we loss the country and our enemy get in charge – if you don’t think it will happen, think again. Read it carefully because I know what some of these people are like, you don’t and so doesn’t a lot of people in this country otherwise you would be as passionate as I am about getting this all done.

I ask a while ago why Richard Nixon was so hated, he did more for liberal causes, like Civil Rights, than any other president, but still hated – you avoided answering the question, why? I am trying to figure out what made him so hated, he met with war protestors, tried to push for cease fires and a bunch of other things. But why?

Oh yea one other thing, there is a book out there that speaks about Vietnam and how the north almost lost the war until the war protestors became a force in the US. Also stated was the fact that when we pulled out, it gave the green light to nice people like Pol Pot to start cleaning up their country. The loss we endured shared by Cambodia through mass killings.

AND if you want an idea how our enemy thinks and feels, buy this movie.

Enough said from me, sorry again Aviator.


Veteran Expediter
Ok,I get it,it's ok to bring impeachment against the single most popular President since Kenndey(even after the BJ)but going to war just for the h*** of it is,well,OK!Lots of people have died here Greg,and it was based on a pack of fabricated lies.If we have oversight hearings(far more urgent then the hearings for the,well the BJ),the facts will speak for themselves.
Frankly,with this administrations record for lies,half truths and deceptions,anything is possible.
The current congress has no interest in over sight hearings,but that could soon change.What a short and selective memory you have Greg.
When you say no one cares about impeachment,which "no one's" are you speaking about?
I can assure you, there was far less popular support for the BJ hearings then there would be for the "How did we get ourselves into this mess"hearings".There was never more then 30% of the population that cared about the "big"lie to congress.Wake up my friend.
There is over 60% of our folks who question this invasion,and many have lost friends and family members.Most of them would like to know why their loved one's died.And so would the rest of us.
Yes Greg,it would be so wonderful if those of us who are"supporting the bad guys" with our right to ask questions,and hold our leaders accountable for their actions, would just go away.But,my freind,Hitler went un opposed,and the free World had to bring sanity back to the World,for all the right reasons.It can happen anytime and any place.
If you are so full of your stars and stripes to think that I represent a small band of liberal hippies who are just trying stir up 60's style nonsence,you are short changing 60% of your fellow citizens.I just happen to be stating my position on a forum that represents the minority,for the most part,which is Ok too.
Your inference that I,and people who think like me are,not supporting our troops,is a joke.A joke,which I will not even give time for.
Contractors,on the other hand,fall into another category,they are there for profit.I know,as I have had drivers who drove tankers over there, and could have cared less about anything but their $100,000.00
They had no concern for the Iraq's,h***,they did'nt do anythig to them!!
Much is likley to change over the next 2 years.Hard to say where it's going.Never been this much division since the 60's.This President took a situation where he had us all pulling together(even the rich rock stars and actors) and managed to squander it all.In so many ways it's a pity,as we,as a country,were so respected and could really influence World events.When we were not divided.
WE are now viewed as a second or third rate bully who has let North Korea and Iran come to a boiling point.
I regularly hire veterens,treat them with all the respect they are due,and am proud to be an American.


Seasoned Expediter
The war is lost. Yeah, I agree with that statement. I came to that conclusion when we overthrew Saddam and didn't leave immediately. We lost the moral high ground and it looks like we can never get it back.

Me? I don't want to bring democracy to anybody who doesn't want it. They can have whatever they want if they leave us alone is the way I figure it.

I support the troops. Bring them home now and put them on the Mexican border. No more wasted lives.

One other thing, America is not its goverment. It is its people. I love my country and I am a proud patriot -- I just hate my current government. I work to change it.

And I don't hate Bush, I don't know the man, but I do hate his policies.



Veteran Expediter
I had a really good reply but I got another load and had to go take care of that.

Look I am not trying to insult you or convert you, all I am saying is to learn the facts. I get a lot of email from a lot of left leaning groups, more so than right leaning groups and most of the info in those emails is wrong and full of hate.

I believe you are patriotic and know that you care about the country but the defintion of being a patriot is to sacrifice for ones country. All I am saying is that it may be hard or you may feel it impossible to do so but make the sacrifice to learn what is going on, go beyond the hate filled retoric that is in our country and beyond the talking points and see what I and others are talking about. You don't have to support W, but you may see what we are talking about and see how dangerous waters we are in.

You can start with the link I posted. Check it out, if you can't afford the movie I will buy it for you. This movie should be shown in every movie theater and every school to teach people what true hatred is all about. As a freind said who lived through NAZI Germany, she was reliving the late 1930's. This is what I saw in Africa and Dearborn. You don't have a clue how it feels to have kids hate you that you are trying to help.


Veteran Expediter
I don't believe I have ever used the word hate in any of my postings.I would bet an expensive dinner on it.
But I can find response's from others where hate has been used in the same sentence with Hillary,on this forum.But I won't.It does not matter.
I agree 100% with what you have to say.As I said,the country is divided,and I think you and I are sufficiantly well versed on the "othere sides"arguments to have a very well researched discussion.You are well informed on both side of the coin.
I happen to think William F Buckley in a very bright man,and keep up with his writngs (he's almost 90).He's an old school conservative,his opinion s don't change to suit the situation.I don't always agree with him,but he is consistant,and calls them as he see's them.
Just as Clinton,and his inappropriate actions, brought out the rage of the Republican party,patiularly the far right(Christian)groups,W has brought that same rage out in not just the left,but the far left.Now,my premis is that the far on both sides don't speak for all of either persuation.In other words,when the word hate starts to enter the convrsation,the point of further discussion is kind of pointless.It's why I don't say it,or use it.(I may owe a dinner,but I don't think so).
My point is,do you think thoses that rode high on the horse and demanded Clinton atone for his sins by public humiliation and censure really believe thay changed anything?It really was kind of silly,since they knew he really was not impeachable.And most of the counrty did'nt care?
So if it's hatred that you think might be a driver for the left,blind hatred,I suggest you step back and jog you brain cells about the final reward for all the money spent on special councils to get a censur for a personal matter.Hate was hiding there somewhere.
Unfortunantly,our counrty operates on an agenda of one upsmanship,and kick the other guy when you have him on the mat.Watch cable tv if you doubt this.It's part of our(American)collective make up.
It mostly hurts when your guy is taking the beating.


Veteran Expediter
Here we go

I don't believe I have ever used the word hate in any of my postings.I would bet an expensive dinner on it.
But I can find response's from others where hate has been used in the same sentence with Hillary,on this forum.But I won't.It does not matter.

I don’t think you have either, but my point is that we now live in a world where the open hatred is too evident and growing. It seems that the most vocal is coming from the left and the emotional rhetoric has taken over the logic and sensible speech that used to exist on the left. When you have groups who want to see leaders killed, it should be taken seriously and condemned but it hasn’t at all.

I agree 100% with what you have to say.As I said,the country is divided,and I think you and I are sufficiantly well versed on the "othere sides"arguments to have a very well researched discussion.You are well informed on both side of the coin.

Thank you, I appreciate that. I agree with all of that.

I happen to think William F Buckley in a very bright man,and keep up with his writngs (he's almost 90).He's an old school conservative,his opinion s don't change to suit the situation.I don't always agree with him,but he is consistant,and calls them as he see's them.

OK? I think he is 81, b. 1925. He is a rather nice guy too. Yes I agree he is consistent and makes a lot of sense of a lot of issues.

Just as Clinton,and his inappropriate actions, brought out the rage of the Republican party,patiularly the far right(Christian)groups,W has brought that same rage out in not just the left,but the far left.Now,my premis is that the far on both sides don't speak for all of either persuation.In other words,when the word hate starts to enter the convrsation,the point of further discussion is kind of pointless.It's why I don't say it,or use it.(I may owe a dinner,but I don't think so).
My point is,do you think thoses that rode high on the horse and demanded Clinton atone for his sins by public humiliation and censure really believe thay changed anything?It really was kind of silly,since they knew he really was not impeachable.And most of the counrty did'nt care?

OK again, I think that this specific Clinton situation was somewhat focused on after the long attempt to find anything that they could pin on him. See the problem was not what went on in the oval office but rather the fact that the congress found enough evidence to charge him with perjury and obstruction of justice. The acts of sexual desire(?) that he committed offended the Christian right and they were the most vocal of the people on both sides of the aisle. There was not as much rage as what I just saw with the bush tax cuts. I never heard the words Clinton needed to be shot in public, Clinton needed to be killed in public or heard of a film that portrayed his assassination, did you? But I see what you are saying; hate seems to disintegrate a conversation and brings out more emotion.

I agree with the idea that the extremes don’t speak for the majority but the minority seems to be running BOTH parties and this needs to be changed, Republican and Democrat.

To answer your question, I think that they think they change things but in reality no they added to the division.

So if it's hatred that you think might be a driver for the left,blind hatred,I suggest you step back and jog you brain cells about the final reward for all the money spent on special councils to get a censur for a personal matter.Hate was hiding there somewhere.
Unfortunantly,our counrty operates on an agenda of one upsmanship,and kick the other guy when you have him on the mat.Watch cable tv if you doubt this.It's part of our(American)collective make up.

I understand what you are saying, but I can’t see, if the Dems win in the fall, the use of putting together the same type of investigations that we saw in White Water and other 90’s events? I mean really if this is what we are going to face after the election, what work would our elected officials do outside of going from meeting to meeting and spending even more money to prove something that happened that they all knew about in the first place. To make it worst, as a country during a war – real or otherwise, the distraction to people who can’t multitask (our senators and congressman) would cause too much delays and eventually damage the country too much. We never had to face this situation in our history. Does this make sense?

Yes there is hate when these investigations take place. I remember Watergate and the way some handled it, rather they didn’t care what happened, they were going to get Nixon. I heard it with White Water and other investigations.

Now don’t get me wrong but I don’t see after everything I read from all the sources I found what W actually did a lot wrong outside of making a mistake with Iraq. I make it sound trivial, but I don’t want to keep going with the details here, rather I would ask you just to understand that what everyone is saying about what we face is serious enough to put aside the politics and pull together as a country. We do face someone who wants to destroy us, like the NAZIs killing the Jews but worst. They are not stupid, they know what it takes to infiltrate our country and they have been taught by both KGB and former NAZIs.

Yes our country is messed up, there is sometimes no sportsmanship involved in elections or much of anything anymore – it will take time to correct.

It mostly hurts when your guy is taking the beating.

Well yes this is true.

I again ask you to watch the movie.