Something is wrong here!


Expert Expediter
It could be just me. How can there be more interest on how Panther sucks then Senate bill s2910. This bill can effect every truck in America and should be of interest to anyone who owns or operates a truck. If passed this bill will effect you in some way. Some say it will help some say it won't but you will be affected. I could really care less about how Panther sucks. If it even does?
As of 1400 hours
Panther sucks: 426 hits 23 replies
House bill s2910: 109 hits 5 replies
I don't get it!


Veteran Expediter
Controversy, plain and simple. The majority will read and respond to controversy long before they'll take part in something political that may or may not be for their own good. It's just so much easier to sit back and complain than it is to get involved.


Expert Expediter
Controversy, plain and simple. The majority will read and respond to controversy long before they'll take part in something political that may or may not be for their own good. It's just so much easier to sit back and complain than it is to get involved.

Well said Dieseldiva!


Veteran Expediter
I think about that every time I see someone pass me with 'their foot in it'. If they won't help themselves, how can they complain that no one else is coming along fast enough to help them??


Veteran Expediter
It could also be that because PII truck already receive 100% of the FSC that the customer pays we don't see that we have a dog in that fight.;)

And what if this time next year, you find yourself not driving for Panther? Have we so little interest in the industry as a whole that we're unwilling to participate if it 'doesn't affect my little corner of the world' ?

I'm sure many of us saw the news yesterday with coverage of the trucks 'marching' on DC. I didn't know anything about this until the night before, I'm not paying close enough attention. Didn't see any expediters, that's not to say there were none there, I just didn't see any. We should have been represented there also, this fuel mess affects all of us.


Veteran Expediter
Diva asked: And what if this time next year, you find yourself not driving for Panther? Have we so little interest in the industry as a whole that we're unwilling to participate if it 'doesn't affect my little corner of the world' ?
While I will admit that I tend to only pay attention to my very little corner of the world, I have read and have only a very basic understanding of the proposed bill. Therefore I decided that to respond with only a limited amount of knowledge, would be a tremendous waste of peoples time. so I was trying to stay out of the discussion until I had a better grasp of the pros and cons.
On the other post about PII it seems most were light hearted attempts at humor, but if it will help I will go to the other thread and post something profound;)


Veteran Expediter
Diva asked: And what if this time next year, you find yourself not driving for Panther? Have we so little interest in the industry as a whole that we're unwilling to participate if it 'doesn't affect my little corner of the world' ?
While I will admit that I tend to only pay attention to my very little corner of the world, I have read and have only a very basic understanding of the proposed bill. Therefore I decided that to respond with only a limited amount of knowledge, would be a tremendous waste of peoples time. so I was trying to stay out of the discussion until I had a better grasp of the pros and cons.
On the other post about PII it seems most were light hearted attempts at humor, but if it will help I will go to the other thread and post something profound;)

Oh heck no.....I didn't mean you should jump right over there and post on that bill thingy! I didn't post on it (how profound would THAT be anyway). I'm just saying that we're all guilty of just ho humming our way through life unless it smacks us in the face. No offense intended. DARN I'M GREAT WITH WORDS.....NOT
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Veteran Expediter
Well I think that is/was the second thread on the subject, plus I get the e-mail alerts from OOIDA. So I really did not think to reread the thingy. Been kinda busy with some other things lately. And then as I mentioned we get 100% so my other stuff kept me busy. ;)


Seasoned Expediter
Well I think that is/was the second thread on the subject, plus I get the e-mail alerts from OOIDA. So I really did not think to reread the thingy. Been kinda busy with some other things lately. And then as I mentioned we get 100% so my other stuff kept me busy. ;)

As for your sig line, I am trying hard to be offended, and it just isn't working. :D


Veteran Expediter
Well if I remember correctly is says that they (PII )is to pass along 100% of the fuel charge that it collects from the customer. Dave will have a contract closer to him than I do. But I guess that it is a matter of trust. it's not hard to trust when the FSC dang near pays for all of the fuel that you burn while on a load.

But if you are asking if I ever ask ask to see the Invoice, nope. I guess I know that I receive the entire FSC, the same way that Fedex drivers know that they get their correct/full percentage of a load.


Expert Expediter
The thread is not a second thread about fuel surcharge or who gets 100%. This thread is simply to point out precisely what dieseldiva was saying. Think about it, the thread in reference titles only senate bill s2910. The other mentioned thread titles Panther sucks. I am simply astonished that more people here are have a greater concern on how Panther sucks opposed to learning about a bill effecting our industry that is going to the senate. This thread is not about the amount of replies to either threads, it is about the interest (views).
Today’s count:
Panther sucks 1044 views
Senate bill s2910 231 views


Expert Expediter
Here's the deal:

Fuel keeps rising because the dollar is weak in international trading.

The dollar is weak because the Fed keeps lowering the interest rate.

The Fed keeps lowering the interest rate to try and stave off the mass of foreclosures that will occur because people borrowed too much money with their sub-prime loans. These loans carried more principle than these folks could ever pay back. (Can you say "McMansion"?)

It's election year, and neither the Repubs nor the Dems want to be the "bad guy" and tell all of these people that they must lose their homes because they made a bad business decision. It seems we would rather play a game of "Level the Playing Field", Marxist style.

Don't expect it to change this year.


Veteran Expediter
Joe, How many times does someone need to read the information in that post? Very few people posted anything in that thread, so why would anyone go back and reread the thing? A few gave their opinion and some only gave a blanket statement saying that we (the payer of the fuel ) should get it all. If I counted correctly you only posted once in that thread, and when there was differing opinion you did not debate it.

On the other hand there were numerous posts that would cause the eraders to see what was said.


Veteran Expediter
Nope, not forgetting them. Straight trucks do fewer BH than tractors I would think. But with a back haul I would think your only interest is in the total per mile, and not how it is broken down. When you are dealing with brokers for a BH I can see them just bumping the freight rate up, and FSC down or not any FSC to get around that requirement. After all the shipper does not care about how it is broken down, they only care about the total cost to ship the product.


Expert Expediter
Not to seem totally ignorant,but...

WHAT is "Senate Bill s2910"?? How does it affect trucking?? I think I had a "Mature Moment" and missed this. I just joined EO, and I've been home for 8 months, so I might have missed it. Somebody please explain??