Security Gates


Expert Expediter
Ok, I dunno any other way to ask this, other than coming right out with it...

How troubling can security gates be, expecially now in this post 9-11 world. What type of information do they look for when you arrive? Anotherwords what paperwork should I already be in posession of? I've been to several State facilities, but they already know of our family business and it hasn't presented any problems (Gaurds know me, as I'm there regularly. They have my Drivers Lic. on file and write down vehilce info when I get there. They also fill out arrival time and departure time. I am usually handed a "visitor" pass), additionally we have Delivery tickets with us. I'm mostly concerned with what are considered "High Security" areas. I may be in a rental at first and I won't be operating with a large carrier, so they won't likelly be able to just call the carrier...

In addition, I have always transported items I loaded into the truck, and knew what was there. I am wondering how you make sure your not un-intentionally transporting something dangerous? Do you physically double check the load when it's put in your truck? Do you "trust" the paperwork is correct? Have you ever been a little concerened about what it really was?

Just trying to be safe out there.
-Joe Bohannon
Bakersfield, CA

Glen Rice

Veteran Expediter
Paper work wise you may need insurance certificate along with your DOT physical, qualification card from your company, current registration. When entering a high security area you have no rights. They can look thru your clothes or anything else that may be hidden away. You get what you give. In other words give them grief and they will reciprocate. You may also be asked to surrender any camera's and lap top computers also the microphone off of your CB as well as any cell phones in your possession. Hope this helps, good luck.


Senior Moderator
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Fleet Owner
I would also add to this is pets. Many do not allow pets. Some like Dupont have a kennel at the gates to leave your dog prior to entering their facilities.
20 years