scale house violation


Expert Expediter
My wife got pulled over at a michigan scale house for driving under the posted speed of 25-30 mph.They Said she was doing 22 mph.She Got a violation report to send to Panther.She Did not get a citation. How is this going to affect her record? Will it go on her CDL. Should we do anything about it.



Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
Retired Expediter
US Navy
do you belong to ooida, if not join and ask them
or call a lawyer and ask them
i have found out having ooida decal on both sides of the truck
helps out crossing the scale's


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
I'd right a letter to, or call the media, and have them plaster it all over the news. You get a ticket for speeding now the #%&*#@! @#$ (Starts with F) gives you a ticket for going to slow. And they wonder why people hate cops!!!!!!!!!! The media may jump all over this one!!!


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
If she did not receive a citation, the incident will not go on her CDL or record in any way. Sometimes they just do stupid things like that purely for the sake of showing their authority and annoying you. They also need some sort of daily paperwork to show they are "doing their jobs" and if nothing obvious comes along they start picking at drivers for very minor insignifcant things. A similar thing happened to he in OH a few years back over an out license plate lamp. When pulled over for this, I just stated to the officer, "Now that's a hell of a thing to pull someone over for." But it also gives them enough of a reason to check everything else and possibly find more, better violations. Do you get the idea of how state police work now x(


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
>My wife got pulled over at a michigan scale house for

Geoguy, (had to edit forgot the "guy" part)

I hate to say it but here goes....sexist as it may sound....women are targeted at scales. I am convinced of this. I am a the secret is out..<g> BUT I felt this topic worthy of me "coming out". I am routinely pulled in. Mind you I have NEVER had a ticket and drive a 2001 truck that we take excellent care of. I would guess that I, on the average, have been pulled over once a month for the past five years. Either I have been stopped on the scales or just driving down the road. We often joke that our truck is the most inspected truck of anyone we know doing this. I have been ordered out of my truck WHILE the truck was sitting on the scale in Tn. I had two DOT inspections in one day in NY. I was stopped two times in 3 days in Kentucky...and the list goes on. My husband has went thru three DOT stops/inspections in 5 years! You tell me. I have tried wearing my hair in a cap, sitting way back in the seat, going fast over scales, going slow over scales and found that it makes no difference. We used to think it was because our truck was odd looking...<g> Now we have concluded it is me. As a matter of fact, I would like to hear from other women and see if they have the same problem.

As far as the violation, I have gotten one in Co for not having 2" vin #'s on my truck (they may be short 1/4 inch or so) and one in Il for not having the time filled in on my bill of ladding neither violation affected my CDL or my status with the company we drive for. Frankly, your violation is a BS piece of paper that some power hungry DOT official got his/her jollys out of handing out.



OVM Project Manager
McBride..although I'm just a partner in a van operation I do believe what you say is true..the other half generally handles the brokers and the customs guards, but one night he was completely tuckered out and I pulled up to the gate only to be asked why the hubby wasn't driving..actually the question was put to him.."don't YOU drive?"

Needless to say I was too flabergasted to respond which was probably a good thing or we'd still be in the lockup!!!x( x( x(

cat can do

Veteran Expediter
It is amazing to hear that a scale house was open in Mi. They wont give you a ticket for being overweight but go 2 miles per hour under the speed limit and oh boy its ticket time. I think who ever said it above about it being a woman behind the wheel said it all. I for one dont think it is fair but it seems to be true. I like the thought about going to the media but it may just bring more bad than good to a state that has a media that loves to talk about every big truck accident and how they are destroying the roads and bridges.
PS. dont mention all the overweight garbage getting hauled into the state via Canada.
Not to bash Canada it is one of the most beautiful places I have ever been, it is all Michigans wonderful goverment.


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
Over the years, in all weight classes of trucks, I have also been a victim of overzealous scale house "goons". It comes and goes. Weave was right in the sense that, some will find a minor thing to pull you over, and that gives them an excuse to roll under your truck on a creeper, and really give you the once over. One of the worst states seems to be Kentucky. ´The last time I was stopped and given the once over multiple times, I lost it on the last one, and confronted the moron in the scale house, and threw my previous inspection report at him (that previous inspection only occured a few hours before). I got agressive and asked for his ID number, and wanted to know why there was no networking, or sticker program, like used to be in California, so that the next scale house down the road knows you´ve been inspected. Don´t be afraid to go after those "goons", in a polite but firm manner, if they want to play hardball. If you start writing letters about any of them specifically, they will be investigated. And, if you have a witness, hopefully they will be dicsiplined. Some of them can be down right ignorant, in thier attitude, like they are sick of dealing with truckers, and sick of thier station in life. They need a reality check! It doesn´t happen often, but as we all know, it happens. So, give them one! Most are helpful, and business like.


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
RE:Garbage from Canada

PS. dont mention all the overweight garbage getting hauled
into the state via Canada.
Not to bash Canada it is one of the most beautiful places I
have ever been, it is all Michigans wonderful goverment.

As a Canadian citizen I do not agree with shipping our garbage to Michigan. It is unneighbourly.
Unfortunately, some chicken hearted politicians took that as the path of least resistance.


Expert Expediter
Yes, mcbride I would agree w/you. I am a male driver and I have had several co-drivers w/me male and female black and white and it really does seem that women drivers especialy black women are a target. It is sad I am not raciest or a sexist but I have come to a conclusion that women are a target in the highway dept. and D.O.T.


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
I wonder why they target women more? Knock on wood, I have not been given a DOT inspection in well over a year. Do they figure women will be less apt to argue? Of course they are cuter and generally smell better to male DOT inspectors, but the other thing I thought of was this: I do recall my last 2 or 3 DOT inspections (including the plate lamp one) were done by female officers. Interesting.


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
re: female officers

My worse experience was with a female officer in Il. She had me in the scale house for an hour BEFORE she inspected our truck. License, registration, health card, our company bill of lading, the shipper bill of lading...logs...compared times...checked name it she saw it. Then she inspected the truck and even asked for my husbands logs. Two hours later we left with a clean bill of health. She had no sticker to put on our truck so while in Kentucky...I had my two more inspections in one weeks time....



Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
That is another thing as of late I have heard- people I know who have been getting DOT inspections have NOT been getting CVSA stickers, regardless of inspection level. I have not been given a CVSA sticker since I had my old FL70 a year and a half ago. Have they done away with that because states have been complaining about not being able to make enough money or something? Because you know if they really nitpick, they most often can find something to fine you for- an out bulb would almost be better than an inspector wasting two hours of one's time nitpicking with the time is money factor. You just can't win:-(