Sarah Palin speech n Nashville tn


Veteran Expediter
Using palin would inject the needed vitality into the party without the learning curve of "who the h*ll is that guy". It could bring the party 180 to moving forward in the shortest time, she already has a major following and her name in the paper every day. It is all about attraction, it is all about getting the dead wood out and replacing it, I can see where Eric Cantor, Michelle Bachman, Tim Pawlenty, Bob Corker or Paul Ryan can help but it would take a bit of time for them to build up their influence and change the direction of the party, maybe by 2012 if they are lucky.

Right now the party is riding on the opposition's problems with the people, but they are not showing anything of substance. If they move with Palin, by the election, they could garner more power in congress and seriously change the direction of the country.


Veteran Expediter
US Navy
The Tea Party Movement is like small brooks in a rainstorm. The brooks build up to large rivers and those rivers run into the oceans so to speak and now you have a very large group of people who now can come up against the socialist who are running our country. When our constitution goes, we have no foundation and the social progressive movement the President talks about will run us into the ground and take away one little freedom at a time till we do not know who we are anymore, its a thought.... send me $1.25 for a coffee please.:eek:


Expert Expediter
two parties? all I see is white hats and black hats...every 4 years they switch hats and the beat goes on....:rolleyes:

Could'nt have said it better myself, Like the republicans have done so much better, Wake up people, no democrats, no republicans, I have to ask, Why vote for the same two partys and expect different results then we have gotten? Wont happen!!! We need to start voting people in that have no affiliation at all with either party.
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Veteran Expediter
two parties? all I see is white hats and black hats...every 4 years they switch hats and the beat goes on....:rolleyes:

Could'nt have said it better myself, Like the republicans have done so much better, Wake up people, no democrats, no republicans, I have to ask, Why vote for the same two partys and expect different results then we have gotten? Wont happen!!! We need to start voting people in that have no affiliation at all with either party.

I couldn't agree more you guys. I highly suggest checking out the GOOOH plan, here is the link. GOOOH | Get Out of Our House: A non-partisan political party!

Steady Eddie

Veteran Expediter
two parties? all I see is white hats and black hats...every 4 years they switch hats and the beat goes on....:rolleyes:

No. Every 4 years we vote. Some times the hat stays the same for 8 years... below are two examples.


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