Quebec City Truck Stop(s)


Active Expediter
We know there's at least one but can't recall what it is or where (new garmin, few favorites). Any help would be appreciated. Google is not a lot of help but if you know some Google secret then feel free to post that as well! :confused:


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
We know there's at least one but can't recall what it is or where (new garmin, few favorites). Any help would be appreciated. Google is not a lot of help but if you know some Google secret then feel free to post that as well! :confused:
Hope these help.

Québec Canada Truck Stops Travel Plazas Directory Cities A thru G

Québec Canada Truck Stops Travel Plazas Directory Cities H thru R
Québec Canada Truck Stops Travel Plazas Directory Cities S thru Z
QC (Quebec) Truck Stops


Active Expediter
I saw that website too. Will probably check out the Garmin suggestion below but wanted to get some feedback from anyone who's been there in the past and had good experience with a particular location.

So far we've got Petro Pass Vanier, 500 rue du, Marais, Quebec City.