Patriots go 16 - 0 !!


Veteran Expediter
Not perfect yet. Would HATE to see them lose in the playoffs/SB. Talk about egg on their faces. :7

-A bore is a person who opens his mouth and puts his feats in it. - Henry Ford


Veteran Expediter
I may live in the Dallas/Ft. Worth Metroplex, but 44 years as a Yankee in Rhode Island and Massachusetts makes me a die-hard Patriot fan. they are just awesome!!!!

Go New England!!!!

Also, Go Cowboys!!! I have to say that, or move out of Texas.

Chet Merithew
The Prodigal Son of A. Blair
Truck #81105
OOIDA #828583


Veteran Expediter
All to Predicatable, and boring.

Football Pro is just not exciting to watch anymore? Over analized? The Media has become the coaching staff with comment after comment on what to do, should A could A might A?

One cannot have an opinion on just the game itself it has to be the Media's job to tell us HOW IT IS anymore. You watch the games I am going to the gym. It has affected all sports, but Football and Nascar top the boring of boring lists to watch anymore.

Or maybee if it stops raining I can mow the grass today.


Retired Expediter
Broom..I really got to put baseball as the top boring sport. I don't and WON'T watch nor support any of the aforementioned sports and you can add basketball to that list as well...I'd rather go to the local high school or dirt track and watch the kids play then those over paid fatcats!


Not a Member
>Broom..I really got to put baseball as the top boring sport.
>I don't and WON'T watch nor support any of the
>aforementioned sports and you can add basketball to that
>list as well...I'd rather go to the local high school or
>dirt track and watch the kids play then those over paid
Go Cubs!!!!

"Don't Taze me Bro"


Retired Expediter
>>Broom..I really got to put baseball as the top boring sport.
>>I don't and WON'T watch nor support any of the
>>aforementioned sports and you can add basketball to that
>>list as well...I'd rather go to the local high school or
>>dirt track and watch the kids play then those over paid
>Go Cubs!!!!
>"Don't Taze me Bro"



Veteran Expediter
Hey!!! Don't change the subject to baseball. Start a new post.

I just started watching football the first year the Patriots won the Superbowl. Prior to that, I would have preferred to slit my wrists than to watch a football game. But now, I find them very exciting.

I follow the Colts because my sister loves them. I follow the Patriots because I'm a patriot. I follow the Cowboys because they have turned around so well in just 2 years.

And, I'm glad the commentators tell me everything that is happening because these old eyes miss a lot.

And thats it.

Chet Merithew
The Prodigal Son of A. Blair
Truck #81105
OOIDA #828583


Veteran Expediter
Chet, you hit it on the head. Yes, the commentators can do a little less opinionating, but overall, they do a good job explaining the game.

Take it from a fan whose team gets NO media respect! Same goes for RichM's team, the Jags. The media does no homework on our teams. They don't respect our teams. If we win it's because the other team lost, etc. But that's ok. I know my team and have a blast listening to them... moreso than watching, I think. Everything is about the media darlings on tv (Cowboys, Giants, Patriots, Colts). But that's what makes it better when we do win in the playoffs. Humble pie becomes the meal of the day.

Kraig... if you can't stand the hype of football, but still like football, turn the volume down when you watch. Or, better yet, get Sirius. ;) :7

-A bore is a person who opens his mouth and puts his feats in it. - Henry Ford


Not a Member
Big Deal!
If they don't win the Super Bowl the 16-0 run is nothing more than a footnote to a lost season.
I think they will have a tough time getting out of the AFC, but, I also think they have the best chance of getting out of their conference.
If they have to face Jacksonville in their first game I think they may have some serious problems with the Jags running game.
But, if they get past the Jags and face either the Colts, Pittsburgh or San Diego I think they could get the job done.
I hope not being a huge Colts fan but it will not shock me.
I believe, in order, here are the teams that have the best chance of taking the whole thing:
(1) New England - best passing, run game ok, but weak run defense
(2) San Diego - solid running, good defense, questions on QB taking the pressure of the play offs.
(3) Jacksonville - best running combo in the game, sold defense and a sound QB who doesn't make many mistakes
(4) Indianapolis - QB strong, up and down running game, solid WR, solid pass defense but run defense is questionable
(5) Dallas - just the best in the NFC and I had to put some team here. NFC is a joke.

Fort Wayne


Veteran Expediter
well Ive got a different look on pro sports,if it can be bet on,its going to be fixed,I know college sports gets bet on too,but dont think it is as corupt(is this the right spellling,need spell check,lol).nascar is getting to boreing. Id rather watch grass grow than watch baseball,and we just wont talk about basketball.The players are paid to much,the tickets to see these games are too high,and with what the leagues get paid by the tv contracts,soemthing could be done to make sports something the regular family man can afford to take his kids too.when I was a kid,went to many baseball,football games,not many kids can say that anymore.
my Buckeyes have all my attention,good bad or ugly,I'm a buckeye football fan,and even though they sort of backed into the national championship game,the boys from columbus will be the next national champs


Veteran Expediter
FtWayne... you're reading headlines from a couple years ago. The NFC has signifigantly closed the gap on the AFC. Yes, the top teams are still in the AFC. But look at the overall inter-division matchups. The AFC is currently 30-31 against the NFC. Pretty evenly matched overall.

Night... I have to disagree with the idea that pro football is fixed; tho I will contend the officiating in SB XL looked awful, and possibly tainted toward the NFL wanting Rooney to get one more ring. I would say there won't be another tank like that for a long time. As far as the players fixing the games, nah! Football is a billion dollar industry where the players are paid multi-million dollar contracts. It would take a huge amount in order to have the game tarnished like that. It's not gonna happen. Bad officiating? Yes. But throwing a game for money's sake? Nope.

-A bore is a person who opens his mouth and puts his feats in it. - Henry Ford


Expert Expediter
Did I hear the announcer on TV say that Tom Brady brought a videocamera to tape the win. I just hope they weren't using it to video tape the other teams sideline! lol.

(i hope it ain't snowing on the 401)


Veteran Expediter
LMAO!!! I thought about the cheating thing when Wilfork was trying to give Jacobs a Three Stooges eye-poke. Nyuk nyuk nyuk.

-A bore is a person who opens his mouth and puts his feats in it. - Henry Ford


Veteran Expediter
everyone loves to kick the top dog !! it was a great game
the patriots bring out football. as tiger has brought out golf...


Veteran Expediter
Don't know if I can agree with that. Tiger is one man who changed a sport. Pats are a team of many millionaires who just tied a record. Very talented? Yes. Changed the game? I wouldn't go that far.

-A bore is a person who opens his mouth and puts his feats in it. - Henry Ford