Panther - Solo or Team


Seasoned Expediter
Hello Everyone!! We drive a D-Unit for Panther, with 3 years of experience in expediting. My question is: Do you feel that Panther is solo or team oriented? I would like to know from the D-Unit drivers if they run more solo runs versus team runs. Thank you for your opinions.

Some days are better than others!


Expert Expediter
Panther is neither, it is all bout being in the right place at the right time. It is also about the industry itself, and how much freight is available. Been with Panther for almost 4 yrs now as a team. Sometimes we get nothing but team runs other times we get nothing but short runs. Just have to take the good with the bad and Panther like any expedite has to cover all there loads.


Expert Expediter
(Panther is a sinking ship)
A Company that has run itself into the ground.

I was supprised at my two day orintation for FedEx the parking lot was full of Panther trucks that just had quit Panther! "And that is a fact"

The day we quit their was a fleet owner who pulled out six units he had with them and switched to another company.

Panther deserves everything they get! It's about time they get a little payback for everything they have done to the deadicated owners/operators who almost went Bankrupt hanging on with them only to move over to other Companys in the last couple of months.

This is the busiest time of the year and I hear many teams etc only getting small runs at best for Panther.

Panther solo/teams they all do not make any money other than the favorites who grace these pages who openly admit it.

We are happy we have moved on to a professional Company who actually cares about their drivers, "and that is a fact":D :D :D



Veteran Expediter
Likewise, at Panther orientation, there were a good share of FXCC trucks, along with Tri-state, Conway, and Express-1. There are always ppl wanting to better their circumstances, and that usually means finding greener grass. Comes with the industry, and life in general.

"If I claim to be a wise man, it surely means that I don't know." - Kansas