Palins Fraud...


Retired Expediter
Well, you got me on that one!!! That garden slug IS pretty low!!! :eek:

I don't know why that guy sticks in my graw like crap I would guess...I read about all his goings on for many years when I lived in Canada...and the way he is held in high regard just baffles me...he is one prime reason why Canucks think badly of think of the pomp and ceremony when he kicks off..they'll prolly lay him in State and lower the flags....which apparantly is the only thing that has been at half mast since they (brothers)were born...:eek:


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
I don't know why that guy sticks in my graw like crap I would guess...I read about all his goings on for many years when I lived in Canada...and the way he is held in high regard just baffles me...he is one prime reason why Canucks think badly of think of the pomp and ceremony when he kicks off..they'll prolly lay him in State and lower the flags....which apparantly is the only thing that has been at half mast since they (brothers)were born...:eek:

It is going to be WAY worse than when MJ died. I cannot fathom why ANY one would vote for him, and that goes double for a woman!! I guess all you have to do is SAY what they want to hear, you don't have to abide by it then. He is a DISGUSTING person. I would not let my dead dog near him!!


Retired Expediter
The family line is just rotten...Dad ole Joe being a booze smuggler during Prohibition made the family fortune...The apples did not fall far from the tree.....


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
The family line is just rotten...Dad ole Joe being a booze smuggler during Prohibition made the family fortune...The apples did not fall far from the tree.....

More evidence that our "Beloved Polititions" think that they are all above the law. AND we let them get away with it!! EVEN excuse it!!:mad:


Retired Expediter
When you get new people like me trying to learn US politics and they hold up the Kennedy clan as pillars of the just blows ALL credibity out the door.....The power that this family has on the Hill...and withstand all that has happened to them...and still time after time get re-elected..that the party tolerated them belittles the party as a whole...
I can understand State pride and home boy pride..but this goes to a new level of ignorance...

Can ya tell I hate the scum bag family?*L*


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
When you get new people like me trying to learn US politics and they hold up the Kennedy clan as pillars of the just blows ALL credibity out the door.....The power that this family has on the Hill...and withstand all that has happened to them...and still time after time get re-elected..that the party tolerated them belittles the party as a whole...
I can understand State pride and home boy pride..but this goes to a new level of ignorance...

Can ya tell I hate the scum bag family?*L*

It is a black eye on our politics. MMM I bet I know who he endorsed!! Birds of a feather..........................:rolleyes:


Seasoned Expediter
Victor Davis Hanson on Sarah Palin:

In the End, What is Wisdom?

6) Euripides asked that in the Bacchae? So who is the better one to sit down across from Putin? What training is critical to size up a Chavez, or say ‘no thanks, bud’ to Iran?

Does it require brains to manage a family with five kids, live on a limited budget, get elected to local office, fish, hunt, go to sea, cook your own food, navigate in politics with no money, without an influential dad and powerbroker husband — or is real wisdom finishing prep school, doing B+ work at Yale, and writing a novel, column or short story? (A little of both, you say? That’s why I started this piece off with my suggestion she take her new time to read and digest.)

In all seriousness at last, I’ve found it was harder to calibrate an old spray rig (without getting Parquat ['liquid death' we used to call it] up your nose and Simazine down your pants), with a shot roller pump and worn nozzles. It took some skill to put one pound (and only one pound) of Parquat and Simazine per acre on a two-foot-wide vineyard berm, correcting for tractor speed, wind, leaks, pump idiosyncrasies, soil conditions — knowing that too much preemergent herbicide gives you sick vines, and too little, weeds — than it was to do an apparatus criticus of 200 lines of the Greek text of Aeschylus’s Suppliants — all things, of course, being considered.

Sorry for the ‘either/or’ reductive binary: but I saw more stupid people in graduate school and three decades in academia than I ever did who ran 100 acres without going broke — and more of the latter whom I’d trust not to bankrupt the country and let down our defenses than of the former.

While we rightly argue that the Sarahs of the world, if they are to be taken seriously as leaders, must read and study more, why do we not also suggest that the Baracks of the world could do a little more chain-sawing, run a coffee shop for a summer, or drive a Winnebago cross-country? (Who knows, he might meet a fellow woodcutter who knew there were 50 states or that it was dumb to make fun of the Special Olympics.)

After all, a lot of geniuses are now calling for a “second stimulus” to borrow another trillion or so still, but I don’t think they come from Wasilla.

So I am afraid right now, but not of Sarah Palin.

Read the whole article at: VDH's Private Papers::What Is Wisdom?.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Sorry for the ‘either/or’ reductive binary: but I saw more stupid people in graduate school and three decades in academia than I ever did who ran 100 acres without going broke — and more of the latter whom I’d trust not to bankrupt the country and let down our defenses than of the former.

Amen to that! Some very good points made in this post that compare living in theoretical la-la land as opposed to dealing with the real world. Barack Hussein Obama has no real world experience, and that fact will become more obvious as time passes. His economic ineptitude is on display at this very moment, and when his and the Democrats' obscene budget deficits and tax increases result in Carteresque inflation it will be back to the future - hello misery index of the late 1970's.

Regarding Obama's eloquence compared to Palin's inarticulate manner: keep in mind BHO has had handlers, editors, speechwriters and managers that tell him exactly what to say and how to say it (or read it from the teleprompter), write his speeches and articles for him and otherwise script his every move and sound since being elected Senator. Sarah Palin on the other hand has been without any of these resources since Nov, and was ill served by the clowns on McCain's staff that were supposed to advise her during the presidential campaign. Obama has had plenty of gaffes and brain-dead moments but you never see them on the mainstream media - only on YouTube, maybe. However, every slip-up Palin has made (and some she hasn't) has been turned into a degrading SNL skit or a snarky article by the AP or NY Times.

Some may call her a quitter, but there's a difference between "I quit" and "I'm not putting up with this BS any more." There's been quite a few politicians that have been declared dead by he media only to rise from the ashes - more than likely this will be the case with her.