New Venture


Veteran Expediter
By now most know that my truck is sitting with a blown up motor.Been driving a company truck for TRI STATE,BUT Monday,starting orientation for Colonial Freight System Inc,KNoxville Tn.Going do a lease purchase,which I haven't believed in,but after much concideration,think this will work.Going on the temp controlled division,and I'm told I can do 6000 to 7000 miles a week with my team.THey pay FSC on all miles loaded and empty,the highest fsc I've found.Even though the linehaul may be a little low,total miles ,loaded and empty will be more than I have been making,at both FDCC ,and Tri State.
When I have more news I'll keep everyone posted


Veteran Expediter
Volvos,V13 motor,and I think 10 speed trans,no automatics.Most of the trucks are the 670's mine is going to be the 780.I'm suppose to get a 2010.My ex co driver is also checking on lease to run solo.Ill be running team
I'm driving a 2012 Volvo right now,with v13 motor,Its been getting from 6mpg to almost 9 mpg over the last 2 weeks,and that is running 65 mph.Ive change all my thoughts on Volvo
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Veteran Expediter
I am no expert, and I'm sure you have thought of this, but one reoccuring theme I've heard and read is recruiters have a tendency (not always I'm sure) to over estimating miles/week. However, let's say 6,000 X 45 weeks out, that's 270K/yr. Be sure and put some dollars away to cover repairs down the road. And....that's a lot of windshield time compared to careful out there and best of luck to you.
Oh, and I still want your Ram Air when your done with it LOL.
Just my thoughts.



Veteran Expediter
Good luck Steve,
hope you'll do well.
in all the research that i have done over they years, i DID NOT found Expedite to be a best place for a tractor team, and definitely not the best paying job for a solo tractor.
simply put, the loads don't pay enough .
expediting the E division sure makes for an interesting and comfort lifestyle. but the opportunity's for a hard working trucker, hoe is in it for the money, are greater elsewhere.

after running cost to cost for so many years, i changed carriers a few weeks back, and doing specialized decking now.
i run the logbook off each week, and home most weekends. loads are paying 87% of linehaul and 100% of a great FSC.
in many cases i exceed 2.2$/M paid to the truck.

i will 2nd the comment above.
those leases are a sure way to earn windshield time, whether you wish for it or not.
just make sure it is a walk away lease, save some money,and get back on your feet, buying your own truck.
all the best !
& keep us posted.


Expert Expediter
After building up a nice escrow the miles dry up.Driver ends up bankrupt,ruined credit.Typical company lease.They control the freight and the miles,not a good situation.I hope i am wrong in this case.Steve seem's to be a good guy!


Seasoned Expediter

do you know if they are taking on people with their own truck. Ive got t660 132 inch ari 475 cat tractor any ideas. Thanks


Veteran Expediter
Nite my cousin works at Mack Volvo in Sioux City IA You know how much I wanted to own my own Tractor I have since taken his advice not to even get near a Volvo due to all the new Complution junk they have put on there Engines and The what not. He told me better to just drive for a company then own I asked how about a lease he laughed and said if you can afford to be in the shop for warrenty work 1/3 of the time as thats the statictics on the problems they are having then its for you but if you cant then best just be a driver and let the Headace be someone elses.
That for Volvo. Do as you will or must. I for one liked the Volvos look but since he told me that I have reconsiderd.
Not saying I dont want to own my own Tractor and Put it on with FedEX I do but. Hereing the reality of what I have to look forward to. Not at this time. Not a Volvo at least.
Now I seen a few Shakers Id like to get my hands on but
then again they got their problems as well. As does Petes and KWs ta boot.
Good Luck Steve and best Wishes.


Veteran Expediter

do you know if they are taking on people with their own truck. Ive got t660 132 inch ari 475 cat tractor any ideas. Thanks

yes tell them i sent you 865 966 9711 ask for daniel
they say 25 to 3000 miles running solo,6 to 7000 team in you want,no forced dispatch.they have dry box division and reefer.Can run percentage or mileage,might be too heavy to pull reefer though


Veteran Expediter
kevin,been driving Volvo for last 3 weeks.fuel mileage ahas been from 6.5 to 8.2,running 65 mph.if it breaks warantee will cover i


Veteran Expediter
After building up a nice escrow the miles dry up.Driver ends up bankrupt,ruined credit.Typical company lease.They control the freight and the miles,not a good situation.I hope i am wrong in this case.Steve seem's to be a good guy!
ive been checking about this company,better than 30% of the contractors there have been there longer than 10 years.I have talked with a few of their drivers,very happy too
I know all about lease purchases,I dont want to own this truck,just want the write off.If all goes well,Ill have my Coronado back together in 6 months,and Ill put it back on with Tri State