New ULSD Economy


Veteran Expediter
They were telling us the MPG was going to go down. Have you been noticing this since October?

I have been doing better than I have ever been doing for the winter months. Its usually been down around 8.2 to 8.8 in the winter but this year I am actually in the Mid 9s.

No more additives the ULSD has more than enough cleaning detergents in it that the additives are of very little or no benefit. Actually my truck runs rough with them in and much much smoother with just straight Diesel. Has not been cold enough to put Anti Gell in yet.

Hope your seeing the same.

highway star

Veteran Expediter
Your injection pump needs to lubricated as well as the injectors. I've used Power Service for years. The more sulphur that is removed, the less lubrication there is in the fuel. Just like when lead was removed from gas and valves had to be redesigned to compensate.


Veteran Expediter
Actually Highway, the removal of lead did not cause a redisign but rather brought back what they did 30 years prior.

Back in 1939, a few auto companies started to use harden valve seats and stainless steel valves to avoid problms with low lead fuel if war broke out. I had a 1941 Cadillac that had these harden seats and SS valves and I still have engineering buletins in my collection about this subject. I wish I still had the car instead.

simon says

Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
In my opinion, it is too early to tell. There are so many variables on any given day (load weight, wind, terrain,truck speed...)and all the fuel is not yet ULSD. That being said, and given the fact that the weather has been so mild, it does appear that the new fuel has not diminished fuel efficiency very much. I too seem to be getting 9 mpg fairly consistently.
However,last weekend, traveling into cold and snow, with wind, load, and speed all acting against me, I believe the ULSD caused me to take a hit. I fueled in Minnesota, and went into Winnipeg during the big snow, then the next day into Regina as the temp. plunged. The ULSD MN. fuel (by the next fillup in SK)appeared to drop me down to 7.5 mpg. But, hard to say if 500 ppm. fuel would have been different...
I intend to get tall rubber tires this fall for sure, to slow revs by 50 at 65 mph. This should help offset fuel efficiency losses...


Expert Expediter
I'm up to three trucks now in my little fleet and I like what I see with the new fuel. The two old FL70's run much smoother with the ULSD and I'm actually seeing a slight increase in MPG. I'm still using the same additives as I did with the old stuff but less of it. My newest truck 06 M2 with the MB engine is not seeing a noticeable MPG gain but it is running smoother and has better climbing HP.



Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
I've noticed a significant difference to the upside in fuel economy, and the 6.0 seems to run smoother. I use no additives.


Expert Expediter
I can not see any difference in the fuel milage, but I do believe that you should run additives with the new fuel. Everything I have read and heard on XM radio states this.
I have been using Amsoil additive. I buy it in 5 gal. drum for $130.00 and add 1oz.per 5 gal. of fuel. Buying 5gal. at a time and transfering it into a 1 gal. can it does not cost very much for the piece of mind. I have had to replace an injector pump in the past and the $3,000+ bill is a little hard to take.


Expert Expediter
I might just be a nut and am called a nut a lot, but I have noticed my truck engine seems to be idling smoother lately. Only thing that has changed is this new fuel. I read somewhere that the main reason for the sulphur in the fuel was as a lubricant for the old style big fuel injection pumps, and that modern diesel engines with individual injectors have no benefit from it and the sulphur actually makes them dirty. Might be folklore but my truck's engine is running smoother that I can feel thus far no complaints from me with this new fuel. Mudflap


Expert Expediter
I guess only time will tell if the new fuel is going to harm us or not. We should be able to update this topic in a year or so.


Expert Expediter
Truck is running smoother but Noticed a dropped in my mileage, and have been having a time at trying to figure why, no doubt by now the new fuel has run through my entire system. Had a service done about 3weeks ago + New Steer Tires and thought it was from the weight and all the bad & windy weather i had been through, but even when empty it's down. I had not been using additives to much in the Cummins N14+. But I will try some to see if I can get it back up. ( Had the fuel filter changed again 1 week after service and it did go back up slightly) Was in that 9.8+ Range now around 8.7????

TranStewart #6680
Stand Tall & Be Proud