Need Your Help ASAP

GM man

Expert Expediter
I was all pumped up about expediting,looking forward to getting back on the road.
Was getting everything lined up.
Getting ready to call some places and even gona go look at some new vans.
Then it happened,got a chance to take a job in maintenance at a hospital making close to
$15 hour,when I drive there big loader to move snow it's close to $20 hour.
No holidays,got to work 1 sat.per month unless we got a big snow,then they would pay me double time to come in drive the loader.
If I want to work overtime there's no limit.
They are set up like most hospitals would work three 12 hour shifts a wk and they pay you for 40 hours. I know I can make big money expediting but not sure what to do now. If you were starting all over again and this happened to you,what would you do?


Senior Moderator
Staff member
Fleet Owner
Tough question to answer. I think it would depend on your own personal and family needs. You have numerous considerations to make prior to any decision. If it were me, I would try the job because it may not always be there. Expediting in some form or fashion will be.
Additionally, it is a slow period for vans, and you must also consider your finances ect.
Remember, this is just my opinion with limited information.
Good Luck on whatever you decide.


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
In reply to your SOS:
Let me get this straight, you can work 36 hours for 40 hours pay($600.00)then you can work all the overtime you want? Lets say you choose to work a modest 14 hours overtime,($315.00).This gives you a total gross of $915.00 for the week of 50 hours.

I would have to say that especially this time of year expediting in a van you would never see that gross many weeks.

Expediting is a change of lifestyle, the way you look at compensation for hours worked, and a commitment to risk assets in pursuit of the sometimes elusive freedom of self employment.



Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
I would take the job at the hospital and see how it goes. You can always go into expediting at a later date. If the 3 days aren't rotating you could even get a part time job for 1 or 2 of the 4 days you have off. I would think there would be benefits at the hospital as well and you won't get those expediting. Good luck whatever you do.

truck 4958

Support the entire Constitution, not just the parts you like.


Veteran Expediter
That is exactly what I left in charge of all of Housekeeping for one if not the Premier Nascar Team JGR Tony/Bobby Loved working for them. Have a stronger determination to be selfemployed and be my own person again. No regreats, the question is really yours to answer. If you think you will be happy there take it, money is OK if you live in a rural area not to good in my opion for a metro, but the benny's are gona be great at Hospital.
Good luck sounds like youve already made up your mind and thats wonderfull.


Expert Expediter

Let me begin by saying "hi" to ya neighbor, I live about 10 minutes north of you, in Plainwell.

Next let me preface anything I may relate to you with the fact I have absolutely no driving experience in the commercial transportation industry, so I will not offer any advice in that field. That being said, I know the area we live in and the quality of our fine hospitals; if the hospital you are considering is either Bronson or Borgess, it would take a remarkable offer from the expediting industry to lure me away from the hospital offer. Also, as you are aware, it snows heavily here in western Michigan; your loader driving skills will enable you to make a substantial amount of additional money above and beyond your normal wage of $31,000. Add to this overtime during the rest of the year, the benefit package (whatever it may be)...on second thought, maybe expediting is more your cup of tea. In fact would you be so kind as to give me the name of the "contact person" at the hospital, so I can contact her/him when you decide to go "expeditin'!" <hee-hee>

Joking aside, send me a private message and I'll give you my cell number, we can chat and I can relate some of the pro's and con's which I have gleaned from this wonderful forum. Hopefully, you will receive a plethora of extremely qualified advice from the folks here in the business before you must decide which course to take.

Larry Badger
Plainwell, Michigan
Future expediting company driver
Stay-at-home Dad, 2000-
25 years self-employed in landscaping business

Glen Rice

Veteran Expediter
You are very fortunate to have to make a decision between two great careers choices. There are many in todays economy who would be very jealous of your position. You probably already know how your gut and heart are telling you the obvious choice. Better go with the sensible decision for now. Expediting will be there when the time is right. On Sunday my Pastor said we pray for doors to open, and then do nothing about it. It sounds like your door opened! Good luck..

Tom Robertson

Veteran Expediter
You have six solid responses from 5 expediters and one very well read expediter wannabe, all in agreement.
The majority of those on this site try to give accurate and useful information to anyone considering this endeavor.

I endorse every post that you have received and encourage you to consider the benefits and the steady income, stay at home and care for and about your decision.

By the way for eveyones benefit the wannabe is LarryBadger, who jumps in with his valued and excellent opinions from time to time.
For anyone thinking that newbie's or wannabe's advice cannot be sound and on target, take a minute and search this gentleman's post. He is informative, concerned and if he ever decides to try expediting, I hope he will consider my company, and that I have a vehicle available.


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
Anyone whose hobby is reading Government Court decisions is well worth having around.Keep em coming.

Tom Robertson

Veteran Expediter

Excellent question... also shows you pay attention to detail, which will bode you well in this industry.

Larry wants to enter as a van driver and also needs to be home a few nights each week. Insurance requirements for vans differ than those for straight trucks, and given this man's intelligence,enthusiasm and home location we might just work something out.

GM man

Expert Expediter
Thanks guys,my mind wes pretty much made up to take the hospital job when I posted the question.Just wanted to make sure I was doing the right thing and not missing something turning down. expediting.Good luck to all of you and thank you again.