Nano Ipod & Nike +


Staff member
One of my goals this year was to start eating healthier and to get more exercise. Our youngest daughter gave me a Nano IPod and the Nike Plus to keep track of how far I walk. The Nano in itself is awesome as you are able to listen to books, music or podcasts.

Then you couple the Nano with a Nike Plus

an you have a powerful incentive to get out and exercise. Since the first of the year I have walked over 200 miles and logged this on line. My challenge to get out and walk is between my girls and me. After I walk I plug my Nano into my computer and then log my time, distance and calories burned. The distance is automatically uploaded to Nike Plus and my girls can see how far I have walked and I can see what they have done.

I can listen to my music, books or my pod casts while walking so the time just flies by. I have been rather amazed at different things I have found around truck stops that are very interesting.

If anyone else is using this let me know and we can work on a challenge together!


Veteran Expediter
That's great Linda, it is a good combination. I like to listen to the BBC podcasts on history, but there is so much more out there if people don't like to listen to music.

But a little warning, make sure you wear something that is visible, bright in the day and lit in the evening. I almost got killed in last winter when a trucked claimed he didn't see me walking and almost ran me over. I had my coyote (bright tan) colored jacked on with my very bright NYFD yellow florescent hat on my near bald head. I lost the hat, I had scrapped up my legs and mess my knee up but I survived.


Staff member

I am very guilty of getting into my book and walking and not watching what is going on. Wow you are lucky not to have been hit. Very good reminder Thanks Greg.



Seasoned Expediter
I LOVE MY IPOD! I am on my third one.. I just had to upgrade once I relized how much I use it. I have not hear of the Nike, I will have to look that up. Linda where do you walk? Do you just loop the truck stops or go down the road? I love to walk, I use to do over 10,000 steps everday. Until a little over a year ago. I started feeling funny walking in the parking lot and in most of the areas were werer in, so I stopped. It's a great way to unwind and relax and it help's me get rid of that "I cant sit anymore feeling" so I could sleep.
My Fav. thing I use my ipod for is.... I put it on when I go to sleep... it blocks out snooring....and I can fall asleep...


Staff member
I have found some amazing things around truck stops since I started really pushing myself to walk more! I prefer not to walk around the truck stop if I can so I just start walking and looking for sidewalks or even a good enough shoulder to walk on. There have been several housing developments that are not too far from the truck stop I have walked at that have sidewalks. One of my greatest thrills was walking north of the Flying J in Carlyle PA and I found the Appalachian Trail. I have found if I walk at the truck stop a lot of people want to stop you and chat.

I also like the ability to put my IPod in my ear and set the timer and go to sleep. If I have anything troubling my mind I can drown it out and just listen to the book.

Kimberly you would really enjoy the Nike + as it keeps me walking faster and further then I would without it. I also have two IPods one big one that I have all my books in that is really too big and I do not recommend it. The Nano is big enough to hold everything I need. For some reason though it keeps losing my books so I walk with the Nano tracking my steps and my IPod in my ear listening to a book and the time flies by.