Misconceptions about life on the road


Seasoned Expediter
Looking back I can laugh at myself about what I thought was a god plan.

When packing our truck for the first time I was sure to take along my change bank for tolls, how funny!

What is your funniest misconception about life on the road?


Staff member
I took everything but the kitchen sink when we first went out. I had stuff packed in every corner possible. I felt like we where going into the great unknown and I would not be able to buy anything on the road. We had an upper bunk in that truck and I bought two small chest of drawers and Bob strapped them in and then made latches on the front so you could lock them. I used very little of what was in those drawers but they where also a home comfort item. When you first go out on the road those comfort items help a lot and then after a time you realize you dont need them. Now the truck is stuffed with more usable items.


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
I remember packing just like I was going on a long vacation,in 1 location.Since I had never did alot of traveling,I didn't understand that it could be 70 degrees in one state and 40 degrees in another.Lets just say,I learned a very valuable lesson:
Pack for all seasons.
I hate to admit this: I should have listened to my husband about packing but I did it "my way".


Senior Member
Retired Expediter
Someone, I don't remember who, once wrote on EO about packing. He or she said, lay out everything you plan to take with you in the truck, and leave half of it behind. Right on!

Diane and I made the same mistake. We took too much stuff. The misconception was that what we did not take from home we could not get elsewhere. We had no concept of buying items just one or two at a time as they were needed. Almost everything you need to get by day to day as a trucker you can get at Wal-Mart. Truck parking is easy there too.