Mercedes engines


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Mine is in the shop now. A hose on the turbo split and caused a power loss as well as reduced fuel economy. Based on what the service writer told me it has been seen a few times. I'm going to price the hose/boot/whatever and if it isn't too high I'll carry one along just in case.

truck 767

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Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
> the beast burped and
>farted all the way.
>Jim & Karin
> 4886
My MBE 900 260 6 speed has done the same thing since last October.3 computers, 28 days of down time and its still doing it.My problem only is during ambiant tempures of 35 degrees or lower.
It is in the shop again as we speak,for another computer download.Who knows what it will be like when I get it back.Also the Tech usally forgets to restore some of my parameters,like leaving the engine/exhaust brake off etc.
The service writer remarked,he does not like the MBE engines.He said it seems like the German engineers cant care less if we are having problems in the US.Maybe its there way of sticking it to us for wining the war.