Mass shooting in Colorado theater


Veteran Expediter
Yeah some of his stuff is preaty far out there... I was almost wondering what he has to say but Ive worked enough EMS psychiatric calls and worked as a psych. tech. I dont want to wade through the B.S.

As I said about the media.
Bob Wolf


Veteran Expediter
You should broaden your horizons as well, you are being misinformed by the left and you are letting them. It is not the "right wingers" claiming this was a government conspiracy, it is people like Alex Jones.

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You misunderstood what I meant - but it's my fault for not being clear. I wasn't referring to any conspiracy - the only mention of that I saw was in post 85, which was too preposterous to bother responding to, right?
I was referring to the misunderstanding of the term 'social engineering', which some devoted followers of right wing media mouths have added to their vocabulary lately.
Unless he actually meant that the government is promoting the acceptance of homicidal mass murderers?:confused:
It's not the government that applauds violence - it's a misguided 'macho' attitude that might makes right. Heck, we can even read here, how the soldier's job is to 'destroy things and kill people', [which, judging by the alarming increase in the military's suicide rate, the soldiers aren't finding all that much fun.]
It is just one person who is ultimately responsible, but a culture that glorifies violence, and 'kicking a##' is going to have more of such incidents than one that promotes co existing with everyone else.


Veteran Expediter
If we are to blame it on the news media, are you saying the majority can't think for themselves?

Not at all - it isn't the majority clamoring for the incessant bombardment of screaming headlines, it's the desire to sell the sensationalism.
Most media are part of a corporate conglomerate, and they no longer provide the news we actually want, they provide what makes a profit. Which is sensationalism. Or scandal - sex and gory death sell.
And as long as they provide 'immortality' for some unbalanced individuals, some will take advantage of the opportunity to have their name & face & life story make headlines.
Depriving them of that would be a good starting point, IMO.