Maintenance Cost For a 2004 Sprinter in 400k miles


Retired Expediter
You are correct. I drive around 60 mph. Rarely I drive faster than that, but it happens on occasions.
I can see 26 being a last run 1600 miles one fill up I got 27.35 next was 24.9 and so forth...average was 25.75 at about 61- 63 and a little 65 thrown in


Veteran Expediter
aileron wrote:

I used to drive the speed limit all the time, but the spike in fuel prices after Katrina made me change my habits. And I realized a few things. One, it is far more relaxing to drive slower than anybody else than to drive faster than them. I used to get angry when I wouldn't be able to pass or someone else would prevent me from going at my speed. But now, it is not my problem any more. Set the cruise to 60 and just enjoy the ride. I am so much more relaxed since I slowed down. And two, I save money on fuel.

Yea, Yea...Relax and Enjoy the ride!!! the "Little Train" said.." I Think i can , i think I can"!!!... now "If I can If I can"!....

I know it will go sooo much further in helping the MPG, and the "stiffness" in my neck will more then likily go away...its just "training the mind to do it!" :)


Seasoned Expediter
Ive fueled my 2005 Sprinter twice so far, and driving from Orlando to Atlanta I got 23. Second trip from Atlanta to Ft Wayne I got 26. Both times I kept it at 65.

Posted with my Droid EO Forum App


Veteran Expediter
US Navy
In my ancient old 2002 dodge van, slowing to 60 is the only way to increase mpg and the best it will do is 16 mpg overall. Above 65mph, its 14.8 or worse. Now all the swift trucks pass me, but it makes them feel better and thats a good

Saving up now for a cash and carry new ride.


Veteran Expediter
In my ancient old 2002 dodge van, slowing to 60 is the only way to increase mpg and the best it will do is 16 mpg overall. Above 65mph, its 14.8 or worse. Now all the swift trucks pass me, but it makes them feel better and thats a good

Saving up now for a cash and carry new ride.

Skyraider, is yours a 318 or a 360? I had a '99 with a 360 and if I got 16 mpg it was a miracle. Even with the cruise set to 65 I'd get 14.5 at best; 'course I was driving thru Jersey, where the usual speed is 55 in the right lane and 80 in the left.

Has your cruise control died yet? Mine wouldn't hold speed after about 250K miles, and failed completely at around 325. I finally traded the van in at 415K after being told I'd burned a valve. By then I'd spent enough on that van to send my mechanic on a spaceflight, if he were into that! ( I may be exaggerating ever so slightly :) )


Expert Expediter
I haven't run the numbers at all yet, h#ll its only been in service 35 days....i figure ill do some figuring at around the 90 day point...but like OVM, i am not much of a record keeper, I am more of a "it is what it is and i really don't care all that much, i just pay the bill" kinda guy...

As for drivig 60-63 mph...I give you guys all the credit in the word...i have slowed from 70 to 65 mph, and it is killin me..i have never flashed so many passing TT's back into the lane in my be honest, i am slwly working my way back to 70....bad dennis, bad....

Try running only 57-58, thats all I run in my van and I am in the N.E. 90% of the time. People around here don't take to kindly to my 8 second following distance and my slow speed. I get shown that I am number 1 atleast 2-3 times a day, but what do I care I am always early to my picks and drops. I actually get a kick out of the idiots that flash there lights at thats going to make me go faster:rolleyes:


Expert Expediter
63 to 65mph you guys are speed demons. Its to much work to drive that fast all the time.


Seasoned Expediter
63 to 65mph you guys are speed demons. Its to much work to drive that fast all the time.

I'm curios, how do you solo's do 1000+ mile runs over night @ 60-63 mph?

I find that running at the speed limit allows me to get a 2 hour nap at least and makes for a much safer and more enjoyable ride. I'm not fighting to stay awake.

I find that a lot of my 1000-1300 mile runscome in around 6-9 pm and have me drive overnight and most of the next day.

Granted I admit I don't pay for fuel but my safety and time are worth money to me even if I was.

I do admit though when I've reduce my speed on shorter runs, it is less work not having to change lanes and watch everyone pass you.


Veteran Expediter
Try running only 57-58, thats all I run in my van and I am in the N.E. 90% of the time. People around here don't take to kindly to my 8 second following distance and my slow speed. I get shown that I am number 1 atleast 2-3 times a day, but what do I care I am always early to my picks and drops. I actually get a kick out of the idiots that flash there lights at thats going to make me go faster:rolleyes:

You should change your name.


Expert Expediter
I'm curios, how do you solo's do 1000+ mile runs over night @ 60-63 mph?

I find that running at the speed limit allows me to get a 2 hour nap at least and makes for a much safer and more enjoyable ride. I'm not fighting to stay awake.

I find that a lot of my 1000-1300 mile runscome in around 6-9 pm and have me drive overnight and most of the next day.

Granted I admit I don't pay for fuel but my safety and time are worth money to me even if I was.

I do admit though when I've reduce my speed on shorter runs, it is less work not having to change lanes and watch everyone pass you.

Well for me personally I run my van like I am governed by HOS 95% of the time. I do not take 1000+ mile loads straight thru without a break built in, 630 miles max. That is just how I operate my business. All of last year I only took 2 or 3 runs that were 1000+ booked straight thru and I still built in a 6 hour sleep break with those running only 58-60mph. I under stand those that are leased to carriers and can not change the time table for the load, but are you really safe running 750+ miles straight thru or only stopping for 1-2 hrs on a really long trip?? Ya'll maybe, but I for one am not so I don't do it.


Retired Expediter
Well for me personally I run my van like I am governed by HOS 95% of the time. I do not take 1000+ mile loads straight thru without a break built in, 630 miles max. That is just how I operate my business. All of last year I only took 2 or 3 runs that were 1000+ booked straight thru and I still built in a 6 hour sleep break with those running only 58-60mph. I under stand those that are leased to carriers and can not change the time table for the load, but are you really safe running 750+ miles straight thru or only stopping for 1-2 hrs on a really long trip?? Ya'll maybe, but I for one am not so I don't do it.

Stand your ground.....:D


Retired Expediter
I used to be a 70 type guy but a certain flat rate everything type carrier broke my habit of that....putting that extra 20-30 buck a load in my pocket was paramount to survive...


Expert Expediter
I used to be a 70 type guy but a certain flat rate everything type carrier broke my habit of that....putting that extra 20-30 buck a load in my pocket was paramount to survive...

Ah yes the carrier that stole the dime.... I have heard many stories about this mystical much needed dime, where ever did that dime go:rolleyes: will they ever get it back:eek: me thanks no. At-least someone over there is making money and he don't even have to drive;)


Expert Expediter
That dime is almost half of the average fuel cost per mile on a Sprinter

Yes you are correct as I avg about the same mpg that a sprinter does with my D-max. I would have been part of the campaign if it affected me. How is Nick I have not seen him in awhile or you for that fact. Last time was in Carlisle at the J. I was the fat guy with tattoos on my arms and the silver Chevy with the roof top a/c. I knew Nick since he was with TS.


Veteran Expediter
We are doing well. We are leased to Load1 now instead of TS. We are still out here trying to save money to buy a house.