

Seasoned Expediter
Should European Licences be made easier to Exchange to Permit same entitelments? ie U.S.A C.D.L - UK L.G.V - U.S.A C.D.L. I have been looking into the test that you have in the U.S.A, and have found that your C.D.L Test is very much like our Large Goods Vehicle (L.G.V), The only difference that i have found, is the way they are Grouped, ie: your c.d.l class A is equivelant to our C+E, our Class C is the same as your Class B, but in the whole its the same licence.
I dont know if i have made any sense but i would like your opinion or thoughts on this.

:) Jock


Veteran Expediter
I am courious about UK licenses, is there any manuals avalible on line - like in a PDF file for UK L.G.V.?


Seasoned Expediter
Hi Greg,
I have not been able to find a site that you can Download Material from but,
I have just found a web site that you may like to visit, then click onto Driving Standards Agency, then you will find Bus,Lorry and Specialist Vehicle Drivers Manual.
I hope that Helps You
Safe Journeys
Jock :)