Just Leased a truck and need some advice


Expert Expediter
I just leased a truck that belongs to a guy that works for Panther II. I was a lease driver for him since May 20th and he offered me the 2005 M2 Business class truck I was driving for him for no down payment and no payments starting until Dec. 1. I know I need to get an accountant and some type of software for my laptop I carry with me and would like suggestions on both. Do you think it would be best to look for an accountant in my home area or should I go with one of the major firms that deals predominantly with truckers. Also, I would like to find a simple program to keep all my records in my computer. One that is transferable by disk to my home computer since I don't know how to network them together. Any help would be greatly appreciated. This is my first attempt at being and O/O. I drove an 18 wheeler for 5 years before I got into Expediting. I really do love it. I have always been a night person and 95% of my loads pickup of an evening then I drive all night. That is my favorite time to drive and be awake.


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In the new age of technology, I don't think it matters whether your accountant is local or not. There is a current article on here by PBS tax and bookkeeping and they are very knowledgable. They offer software as well for you to keep track of everything ect. You can then send them the disk and they download you info and do all the necessary calculations. The Alliance in Orlando I believe does the same kind of thing.
In addition, they have tax advise right on this site that you might want to check out.

Mrand Mrs

Expert Expediter
Our computer came pre-loaded with Microsoft Money...it's really for personal use but I went in and customized it just to keep track of the expenses and income for the business. It was fairly easy to set up, I just enter every truck stop, gas station, restaurant as a "payee". I set up the accounts as cash, credit card and business checking and pay out of these accounts. It works out pretty nice for us because I can run monthly reports, compare our income vs. expenses, etc. and it was FREE.:7 If you or anyone else would like help doing this, just e-mail me!!


Expert Expediter
not really an answer to your question but... I am curious as to what your strategy has been there. Have you taken every run offered or have you learned to decline loads? How has the money been overall?
Whats it like going in and out of Canada? Is it a big hassle or something you just get used to?

Like you Ive driven tractors and have never had the option of turning down a load.



Expert Expediter
I have the option to refuse any load at any time. I just get put to the bottom of the list of the area I am in when I turn a load down. So far, I have only turned down loads that I know I will make very little money if any on like deadheading 96 miles at my expense to carry a load 158 miles. Panther has been really good to me and I figure as long as I do my job right and dependably they will continue to do me right.