Just Curious...who is for Obama?


Staff member
I got to ask...who out there in America is going to place their bets with this guy?

I'm wondering who and why?


Let's keep this xxxxxx and xxxxxx.
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Seasoned Expediter
Please take no offense, Lawrence, but I'm thinkin' that EO is not exactly a place where I would choose to talk politics lately. I think a lot of us have heavy hearts, jagged nerves, and concern re: surviving in the current econimic climate of the business and country. It would be just like picking up a CB mic and broadcasting...."Here I am, c'mon, abuse me." You know there would be takers!! I guess I'm looking for 'kinder, gent'ler threads.


Staff member
No offense taken.

This particular part of our forum is set aside for discussion of divergent topics - such as politics. The question still is open.


Seasoned Expediter
I am kinda like the guy in your avatar. I don't know which way to vote. Round and round and round I go. Who to vote for I don't know. LOL:)


Seasoned Expediter
Ahh yes. I check in often at EO, and do so by clicking on Open Forum and then New Posts. I took my focus off of the Forum column. Go for it, Folks!


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
Just imagine how poed the Reverend's? Jessie and Al are these days because they are not involved and getting the headlines.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Lawrence, I think your requirement to keep it positive is why there are no posts. There's nothing positive, as well as substantive, that can be said about the man. There are things that could be said, but they don't fit that requirement.


Veteran Expediter
I think Leo has it right. I will add that the pass on toughness that the mainstream press has given him is sickening. It's as though they've already crowned him "king" and there are so many folks out there that will take their word for everything and choose to not think and SEE for themselves.

He is a charismatic person for some (haven't figured out why yet) but it goes back to what Mom always said, "anybody can be charming for a short amount of time.

I'm concerned about what appears as fear to say anything negative about him, I expressed this in another thread and will say so again, if this (especially FL and MI) isn't handled with kid gloves I really believe we could be in for some problems that will make 1968 look like kindergarten play.

One last thing. Yesterday they released tapes of some of his pastor's rantings about America. Now I know he's trying to remove himself publicly from this person (in a kind way) but my concern is where his head has been for the last 20 years. If you haven't heard some of this stuff, you need to look it up. Twenty years is a very long time to sit under someone's "ministry" that you don't agree with. This man married him and his wife, he christened their children, why would you NOW say you don't agree with him?? I don't like it.

Glenn Beck - Current Events & Politics - Obama's Pastor: :censoredsign: America, U.S. to Blame for 9/11
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Staff member
Lawrence, I think your requirement to keep it positive is why there are no posts. There's nothing positive, as well as substantive, that can be said about the man. There are things that could be said, but they don't fit that requirement.

Fixed. :):D


Staff member
I guess I was just wondering if there was going to be a surge of drivers who support the Senator from IL. It doesn't appear so.


Seasoned Expediter
Obama and my thoughts.

He speaks of this and it is his campaign slogan. However I have yet to see any facts and numbers that would lead me to think that the well entrenched system he wants to change would ever back him to do it
I see no difference between Obama and Bush on their experience level on the national scene at the time they were running for the office. I see little advantage for Obama with the marginal majority to make any moves much like Bush that the system would back him on.
He will probably pull troops out of IRAQ. Will he do it at the rate he would like to. No. The military leaders will pull him aside and that plan will change. However I do feel he would get them out faster than McCain.
We all would like to believe this mess can be straightened out by not raising taxes. I would say you are living a pipe dream. I have seen quite a few views that want to send a lot of responsibility back to the states. Federal taxes in this instance would not be raised but HELLO. The state taxes would have to be as the funds are not available in most states to take on any more expense.
I read very little into this.
I believe some folks tippy toe around this subject. I for one do not. He is an intelligent black man that bleeds the same color blood as me. The color of his skin matters not. I want numbers and plans that I feel within my heart he can get the stagnant group on the hill to buy into.
Not at this time.


Expert Expediter
Me, I feel until these issues are addressed that I am going to boycott this election.
  • Gas Prices: None of the candidates are even talking about this issue. We could have all the jobs in the world….but we have to be able to afford to drive to these jobs. I feel at the current rate people are starving themselves just to afford gas. I can’t imagine being a senior citizen on a fixed income. How can they afford to go anywhere? The answer is that they can’t.

  • Health care is also a primary concern in this country. I drive for a company and can’t even afford health care right now.

  • Social Security: What happened with this issue and why can’t they fix it?!!! I feel that as an American I am getting “Hoodwinked” by congress.

  • Earmarks: Who cares about earmarks when you’ve got poverty in America….maybe we should be spending our money on other things like homeless shelters and funding other programs like our highways? Folks, from what I’ve seen our highways are a mess. Especially here in Ohio. The other day I hit a pothole that practically threw me in the other lane and I was only going 25 mph.

  • The only thing that I agree on with Obama is NAFTA. Too many companies are leaving the US for cheaper jobs in Mexico or because of the insurance which they don’t necessarily have to provide in Canada.

Until the candidates address any one of these issues I am going to refrain from using my voting privilege. However, I would much rather see Obama or Clinton get into office than McCain (another Bush). The war is one of my issues and I do feel that this is fueling the sluggish economy. If Iraq can’t pull its own weight then why the hell should we do it?! I am really not an Obama supporter because of his health insurance plan. I do feel that Hillary’s plan is better. I sort of liked Ron Paul’s idea of getting rid of the IRS and having the “fair tax”. But that’s another thread.
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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
If you can't afford health insurance now just wait for Hilama's plan. Either way we're all doomed.


Veteran Expediter
What a wonderful thread:
Well Here ya go.
For Years I voted for the Republican.
I admit I made a lot of mistakes, Who dont, No ones perfect.
However Obama has changed a lot of my thinking.
1st off he take office the Senate and Congress have 30 day to put together legislation for Health care for all Americans Citizans. Or he is going to wipe their Privilage of Health Care out and they will have to get it on there own. Note Health care for senators and Congressmen is a privilage not a right so it can be taken away.
The Health Care U pick ur own Dentist, DOC, Optomertist and U dont have to wait like Canada. and $5.00 is the coe pay and meds free if generic. Good deal if done yes do you agree.
Also he has stated he will do away with the Privilage of Paying a congressman or Senetor 15,000 amonth if they only do one term. That sirs he is doing away with. As orginaly it was a privialage for them to recieve pay as to hold public office was at point and time a volunteer thing. Pay is a privilage and there for can be taken away as well.
Also He going to wack the Opec in the NADs so to speak and bring down the oil price by open up our reserves. He stated prices of around 1.50 a gallon. Hmm we shall see.
S&S Well talk is to overhaul that and keep it going if he can wonderful.
Overhaul The Education Program as well that would be great.
Close the borders and penalize companies for moving outa us to make there products then ship em back in. Wonderful I hope he can do it. but its going to take the the House and Sen both on that.
Ya OBAMA Ill give it a whirl ya can do worse Mc Caine or Hillary
No Chains Allowed
Ridge Runner


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
iceroad, if you believe all that I'd like to talk to you about a bridge I want to sell.


Seasoned Expediter
Well I guess its left up to me to break up the kissy, kissy.
Some are so critical of the democratic candidates. I just wondered with the only thing to offer in your defense of the republican party is John McCain, you surely can't believe the current administration has done the working man any favors. And do you believe John McCain is any different than GW?
Obama may not be the best, but I do believe he at least will try to change the out of hand government we have. This is not to say that he will get my vote, but I think that we all sometimes get so wrapped up in our party winning the white house that we forget to look at what happens if they do win. In the republicans case with McCain there will be nothing hidden. We will be in a war with Iran within 2 years of his inauguration, singing all the way bomb, bomb, bombiran. I doubt he would even ask congress for approval, or maybe he could fabricate evidence, that is the republican way isn't it? Do it and ask forgiveness later.:cool:


Veteran Expediter
Well , from a Democrat point of view maybe the question should have been "How many of you are against Hillary " And for Republicans not "Are you for McCain ? " but "Do you favor a probable continuation of the current administration's policies ? " I'm not really for Obama but I'm definitely against Hillary . I decided long before any candidates were decided I will not vote Republican . The whole administration has to go . Look at the poor management at Fema and Homeland Security . How about Bush appointing ATA officials to DOT positions and pushing for a guest worker program that would allow the megacarriers to fill thousands of seats with immigrants ? Maybe a Democratic administration won't do better but the deadwood needs to go . But what am I saying ? Same old , same old - going to the polls basing my decisions on who I DON"T want in office .