June 2015 Locations & Logic


Veteran Expediter
Well this week didn't pan out like I had hoped. Couple of round trip repair visits to Toledo, with a few poor location choices not helping. Back at home deciding if I really want to spend the money on a generator and portable a/c unit.

I got home around midnight, go into the kitchen and swear I saw a mouse running out of the corner of my eye. Haven't seen any signs since I freaked out over the one last fall and went all Rambo on it.

Cue Jaws music....This came to mind...

Martin Brody: But I'm telling you, and I'm telling everybody at this table that that's a mouse! And I know what a mouse looks like, because I've seen one up close. And you'd better do something about this one, because I don't intend to go through that hell again!