Jennifer Granholm


Veteran Expediter
As much as I would be the first to sign the petition and even travel across the state on a bicycle to do it, the petition is not valid for a number of reasons and the website is rather, well done with.

I have already talked to the AG's office and the SOS office about a recall of Levin based on his performance in not being a senator for our state but for special interest outside of the state, a list of things he has not done like get the passport processing center for us, help get the contract for General Dynamics here in Michigan for vehicle upgrades and refurbishing and the list goes on. I know that it would be an uphill battle to get the 373,000 signatures needed in a state that has no idea how the system works.

Granholm can be recalled easily but again the people here would not go for it, they are too complacent and stupid in general. Why do I say stupid? well for one reason when I asked different people if they would sign the petition they didn't or could not bring themselves to blame her for our problems but rather Engler and Bush - they fell for the cr*p she pulls by pointing the finger to others for the problems she 'inherited'.


Expert Expediter
Well i do find that engler and bush do have some hand in our crappy situation we are in. I know engler did as much as he can to cut most of our programs and spend as much as he can. It is hard to follow in the shoes of a usless leader for another pretty usless one. Am i sticking up for Jenny nope. But am i placing all this on her, no i am not. The economy sucks, the automakers are taking a dive, housing market is the worst in the US. What can you do?

One idea i came up with that is udderly insane. Have the autoworkers take pride in their work and make a better product. Better products = More sales. More sales = More jobs. This worked in Canada why not here?


Veteran Expediter
“Well i do find that engler and bush do have some hand in our crappy situation we are in. I know engler did as much as he can to cut most of our programs and spend as much as he can. It is hard to follow in the shoes of a usless leader for another pretty usless one. Am i sticking up for Jenny nope. But am i placing all this on her, no i am not.â€

The problem is this – most of what engler did was to improve the situation in the state to make it more attractive to businesses to come here. He cut back on Welfare (welfare reform) and he actually had a real surplus. Most of the economist that I have read said that out of his administration, the state was moving forward and if it continued it would be a lot stronger than most. U of M who was paid to do a study on Michigan’s economy, sided with Granholm on the tax increases.

I am trying to figure out what programs were cut except welfare and I can’t blame Engler for that because I would have done the same thing – a 35 year old single white male living at his parents home should not have gotten even considered for any assistance but they got a lot of money out of the system. Now Granholm did increase spending for programs like the Auto Worker education assistance program and laptops for schools – neither has done a thing for the state, oh she did bring into the state zero real jobs.

“The economy sucks, the automakers are taking a dive, housing market is the worst in the US. What can you do?â€

Well Randy think about this, in 2000 the state wasn’t all that bad. We didn’t have the housing market scams, the automakers had the same issues as they have always had but in other states they pulled through by cutting spending and making the state more attractive for a business to be started in or move here.

“One idea i came up with that is udderly insane. Have the autoworkers take pride in their work and make a better product. Better products = More sales. More sales = More jobs. This worked in Canada why not here?â€

The problem with that idea, and it is a very good one is we do not derive our entire state economy off the automobile manufacturing like we did twenty years ago, it is a small amount of it now. It does not matter what deal is made with the auto makers and the UAW, it does not matter what the quality of the cars are, the fact is that jobs are generated by companies who do not move off shore but come to the state. The fact is we are seeing a reduction in manufacturing which has nothing to do with auto companies inability to be competitive in the home market from poor quality of the product or health care cost or the state's economical shape but it comes from the lack of a product to sell and the consumer wanting it. Even if they would make a product to sell, the influx of jobs would be minimal in the state because they would have to continue their move to Mexico or China.

I read the interview that she did this past weekend and the one thing that stands out in the transcript was she was blaming us for the problems and not caring for the common good of the people. The last time I checked, I wasn’t doing too well compared to some welfare recipients I see in line at Krogers, they have nice new clothes and driving a rather nice car which is 7 years newer than mine, so what is the common good here? By the by, I wasn’t the only one who caught jenny’s slip there, apparently she is on the outs with others who supported her and the comments I have run across are just plain mean but well deserved.

The truth is Randy, we as the people of the state need to get smart about what is really going on in Lansing, like the state police HQ scam, the first husband’s state paid staff and transportation and putting political hacks on the payroll after they lost an election. We need to get a grip on how to really improve the state and it starts with getting rid of her and Levin.


Expert Expediter
Another program cut by Engler was schools. I started Kindergarden in 1990 and for the first 2-3 years i was able to enjoy art/music/gym/recess. After that all those programs were taken away or serverly cut back and i was told that it was due to the governer cutting schools fundings. My classes were always short on books and supplies and other supplies. Most the time i had to share a science or math book that was about 10 years old. I dont follow political news as much as i should or even want to so i'm ignorant to many of things that go on in this world.

Edit: The poor grammer and spelling above is courtesy of the Michigan Public School System!!!


Veteran Expediter
If it makes you feel any better it's not any better down here in Arkansas. Where my cousin is a senior in high school at they have no money in their budget to buy library books. So all the library books have to be donated. So now my mom,sister, and myself go to rummage sales looking for book to buy to donate to the library so the kids can have something to read if they would like. BTW anyone have any high school age approiate books just collecting dust pm if you would like to donate.


Veteran Expediter
The problem is simply this, since the teacher's union got so much power, there are too many administrators in the school systems. The school I went to now has 6 consolers, one nutritionist, several vice principles and has a student population 70% of what it was when I graduated. They spend more money on the infrastructure of the school system than they do on teachers and teaching the kids. Granholm has given even more money to enlarge this system where we need to really look at just getting rid of public schools and let the parents get control of their kids education.

It used to be that teachers could do double duty outside of teaching but as my sister told me it is not the case any more. She was reprimanded by her school last year because she advise a student to look into college - it wasn't her job. She is getting out of teaching soon because there is too much money wasted in the district on administrators and the kids are not getting educated on what they need.


Veteran Expediter
The high school I went to had 4 vice principals. 1 for dealing with the black girls, 1 for dealing with the white girls, 1 for dealing with the black boys, and 1 for dealing with the white boys. Each one was of the race and sex they disciplined. The school board set it up that way because they were worried about people yelling that there was discrimnation going on.