It Figures!


Veteran Expediter
There are a lot of angry iPhone purchasers. It seems that Apple has decided to reduce the price of the iPhone from $600 to $400 and a lot of people are p*ssed about it.

So apple has decided to send a rebate for $100 to the people who already purchased the thing to appease the masses.

Get PR move, do they honestly think that Apple purchasers are dumb?

Oh, has anyone seen the new iPhone clone? It is supposed to be pretty neat and less than $100 from what I have heard.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
It was inevitable however one would have thought it would be longer from intro to price cut. I understand the people being mad however nobody forced them to be first on the block. They could have waited for the inevitable. This is probably only the first cut not the only cut.

Leo Bricker, 73's K5LDB
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Staff member
I'm in line for my $100. I was getting a little frustrated with price cut - then I realized if it was Bill Gates, we wouldn't get a dollar in return. :)


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Veteran Expediter
On the contrary, not to defend billy boy but when MS lower the price for some of their partner stuff (bundled software) we got a bunch of free software to make up for the lowering of the prices. I think I still have a few copies of XP pro somewhere.

Is $100 alright? shouldn't it be $200?


Staff member
Retired Expediter
They wouldn't do a $200 rebate. The $100 difference is what you pay for having it first. If you got it in the 14 days prior to the rebate announcement, though, you get the full $200 refunded.

The rebate is an in-store rebate, meaning a $100 discount on already way, way, way overpriced Apple merchandise. Good deal.

$600, and now $400, seems an awful lot to pay for what is essentially a 100% subsidized phone. They've already done away with the 4gig model, and they say new models will be cheaper and have more features. Won't be long before they'll be giving iPhones away with 2-year agreements. :)

Slow and steady, even in expediting, wins the race - Aesop


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
It could turn into a dividend if AMEX was used to purchase it. Besides the $100 credit from Apple it turns out AMEX is refunding $200 either in credit on the next statement or a check in the mail.

Leo Bricker, 73's K5LDB
OOIDA Life Member 677319, JOIN NOW
Owner, Panther trucks 5508, 5509, 5641
EO Forum Moderator
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