I'm not a breakfast person but


Seasoned Expediter
I'm not a big breakfast person. I'm not hungry when I get up. But, I know that to get my metabolism going in the morning and energy I have to eat. I was given a few idea that are light and good to get you going food. I don't like to cook in the morning, or I have no time. so, I choose to eat this every morning and it gives me what I need to make it to lunch or later. I thought I would share it everyone..

1 wrap I use wheat
Natural Peanut butter (spread on wrap)
add a handful of Raisins
1 Banana
wrap it up!
Its fast, easy and healthy!;)


Staff member
Sounds good!

I like to make a few cracker sandwiches! When driving I get a few Carr Table Crackers and a few slices of low fat cheese for breakfast. When we are parked I am addicted to oatmeal and berries. I make a small amount of oatmeal in the microwave add some blueberries and any other berries I have then a teaspoon of brown sugar and some low fat milk. It is awesome!