I found this guy on craigslist called the DATA BROTHA

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Seasoned Expediter
I found this guy on craigslist called the DATA BROTHA. I was having issues with my computer and I did not have the money to spend to take it to Geek squad. My laptop needed a screen because I accidently dropped it and it cracked down the middle. For a while I had it connected to my flat pannel tv in my truck. But you cant really drag a tv and a laptop into a customers office.

Anyways Best Buy wanted to charge me like 210 dollars to repair the screen and ship it to an outsourced company in Kentucky. Sorry uhh no couldnt wait that long. So I called this guy and he overnighted a screen and got it done the same day when I brought my computer to him. The best part is it cost me 140.00 dollars. Not 210.00 dollars to and 4 months of down time.

His number is 616-328-5774


This guy is a third rate wanna be SCAMMER!!!

He is posting about himself!!

bigshow345 IS the data brotha AKA DataTard!!

The computer scammer from an unknown ho!!

A Third rate at best wanna be!!!


Staff member
Retired Expediter
"He is posting about himself!!"

Uhm, yeah, that's pretty obvious. No one extols the virtues of someone they found on Craigslist, unless they are extolling themselves. Craigslist is the mother ship for scammers, hookers and simpletons.

So, Mr Data Tard, now that you have discovered this site by way of a furious Google search for any and all posts made around the net from the Brotha, and you have said your piece, you can go away and leave us out of the rivettingly infantile Craigslist squabbles.


Expert Expediter
Well I dont really know how to takes these posts because you have one that says he has had service from this person before, however if you google his phone number he is listed in a lot of scammer alerts..I would just be careful.

Also just as a side note, I have repaired computers for 15 years and without knowing what laptop was worked on I can pretty much guarantee you it wasn't a new screen more than likely an Ebay special..lol
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