how long are you drivers staying out?


Expert Expediter
heres a question for yeas. how long on average are you staying out there before you go home? as a driver for an owner whats a good medium to work with on how long you stay out? i would like to stay out 12-14 days and come home for 2-3. that puts me out on the road 80+% of the month. does this still sound like a fair deal to have with an owner? as far as loads go i hardly ever turn any down. dispatchers knew that if i was offered a load there was a 99% chance i was going to take it so its not like i wouldnt be "runn'n the wheels" off the van. i live in northwest pa so gett'n home is not that far out of the loop. just curious what you think? is that a good comprimise for an owner? thanks so much and drive safe.


Veteran Expediter
Safety & Compliance
US Coast Guard
This, I think, is a topic best discussed with your owner whereby you should be in harmony with your on-the-road/at-home periods. FedEx Custom Critical would like all it's owner/operators to be available at least 70% of the time (and accept 70% of loads offered). That equates to a typical 5 day on 2 day off work week. That standard being good for this, as well as many other carriers, would likely be an acceptable standard for your owner.

Lot's of $$$ may be available on the weekends, so most of us don't give up on a good friday to monday run.

I would think your owner would be pleased to have you maintain your present 80% on-the-road availability. I would also say that, on average, most of us vanners maintan your schedule of a couple of weeks out and 2-4 days home.


Veteran Expediter
Wow, I JUST got off the phone about this very subject. I would think someone like you is a person an owner would kill for. For me though, being out 2 or 3 days at a time is enough. When I hired in I was upfront about it, & different people need different things out of this job. I told em what I felt I could do & asked if they felt I could be an asset to their company. They said yes so I signed on. I've done the 25 days/month on the road thing b4 & got burned out on this.

Even then, I have an apt. in the main city we deliver too. In a nutshell, I usually go from Michigan to the Toronto area, then from Toronto I'm open to anything, though I would prefer back to Michigan.

Last week was a decent week. I went from Mich to TO on Wed nite. Thurs I got a run to Ohio. I waited about half a day there & came back empty to Michigan on Friday. I was offered a run back to Canada that delivered Tuesday AM, but since I have to be here on Tues I couldn't do it.

As I was telling my friend on the phone, I like this job, but don't love it. Again, what works for me might not work for someone else. I want a balanced life. Living alone, I don't want to be the eyesore of the neighborhood & let my grass get to be a foot long. Trash comes on Wed so I need to be home every few Wed to take it out. Missing a week or 2 for trash is ok, because I don't have a whole lot. I can't let it sit there for months though.

Sitting in a truck for 2 days isn't something that appeals to me. If I take a run that pays $300 (or 400 or just whatever) it's a good run if it's based on a day or so work. If I make that 300 & have sat in my truck for 2 days after it, then now I feel I've made $100/day. If I'm going to only make that, I'd be better off doing it at a local job.

I like to think I work relatively efficient though. It may not always be perfect efficiency, but for the most part I think I do ok. Again as I mentioned to my friend, I have a hunch dispatch might be thinking "jeez, Danny always comes home & these other guys will sit & wait a few days for runs." To me sitting for 2 days after a run makes a $300 run worth about $5/hour (or something to that effect). By coming home, I feel like I'm no longer working & my rate of pay is closer to $20/hour.

I tend to think if I have waited 12 hours for a run, & none has arrived yet, what would make me think that something is going to come up in the next 12 hours? At the same time though, I'm also not complaining when things are slow. I'm fine if I can make $1000/month.

If I had house/car/etc payments I'd think differently. I have held off
on buying a new house though because I don't want the stress of HAVING to be busy & HAVING to stay out on the road. I figure what good is a new house/car if I have to be on the road 25 days a month to pay for it?

I realize my way of doing it isn't for everyone. I hope no one confuses "not sitting waiting for runs" w/ "lazy". That run I turned down was the 2nd one in 6 months. I think dispatch knows for the most part that they can depend on me. I've taken a few runs that after I accepted, I looked in the mirror & thought "what were you THINKING when you accepted?" We all have & that's part of the job.

I hope that answered your question. 2 to 3 days at a time is enough for me. The perfect week for me would be to go out Monday, back Tuesday, out Wed, back Thurs, out Fri, & back Sat. If we had enough Michigan to Toronto (or any 2 cities really) freight that I could do this, I could easily work 6 days a week pretty much year round w/ the exception of the college football weeks.

One last thing. If you're willing to stay out that long I would think you'd be better off buying a van (or truck) & working for yourself. As an owner though, I'd kill to have someone who wanted to stay out there like you do.

Best of wishes to ya,


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
This is not a one size fits all business.What is adequate home time for one is not what the next person would like.

It also makes a big difference in weather you run a van or a truck with a sleeper.

For us we are out 3 to 5 weeks then 4 or 5 days home.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
I'd say a 12/2 schedule is very fair to an owner. I'm discussing a team in my truck and suggesting a 21/4 schedule to them. As already stated, just discuss it and figure out what's an acceptable schedule to you both.

truck 4958

Support the entire Constitution, not just the parts you like.


Administrator Emeritus
Charter Member
One thing that also needs to be considered, is where the driver/drivers are based out of. Some may need to stay OUT 2-3 weeks at a time to make money, others, may just need to stay IN SERVICE.

For instance, someone living out of the main expedite routes, ie, out towards Kansas, etc, may need to stay out once they get out...

However, someone living close to a major express center, such as I do, (just South of Columbus, Ohio) can often stay in service, and still be home quite a bit, and still get runs...



Expert Expediter
I try to stay out at least a week, and no more then two. I've gotten to the point, that if I'm close enough to home on Friday, (a tank of gas), and I'm in a spot that seem slow for freight on the weekends, I head home. Got to doing some figuring one weekend, and found out that I was spending money and being generally uncomfortable, sitting at the some truck stop for 2 to 2 1/2 day. So why not make the best of it and get some home time.

Being an owner/operator, if I had a person(s) driving for me, I would make sure that they had a "proper amount" of home time, to balance out the time on the road. Since I live between Dayton and Columbus, I usually get something when I'm here, even if it is Bellefontaine, OH to Buffalo, WVa, three times in a row, so I know I'm not going to need to deadhead somewhere.


Veteran Expediter
I try to stay out for 7 to 14 days but it depends on how the freight is running and how close I am to home I never stay anywhere more than 24 hours before I start heading back to get into our Freight Lanes.

Owner/Operator since 1979
Expediter since 1997
B Unit
Somedays are Diamonds and Somedays are Stones


Expert Expediter
When out, what % of nights do you go without a run in a van? It appears to me that if your home area is a good freight area, it's almost always better to start heading for home and hoping to be closest to a load while deadheading.


Veteran Expediter
>When out, what % of nights do you go without a run in a van?
>It appears to me that if your home area is a good freight
>area, it's almost always better to start heading for home
>and hoping to be closest to a load while deadheading.

Now it's pretty much 0%. I agree w/ your assessment. Living about an hour outside of Detroit, hopefully I'm in a good enough area that I can get freight out of my home rather than sitting in a van for a few days.

When I'm in Toronto I have an apt. out there, so waiting there is pretty much the same as waiting here in Flint. When I'm in another location (say Kentucky or wherever) I'll wait about half a day & start heading back.

It's not a great feeling to wait 2 days & still get nothing. The company I'm w/ currently hasn't put me in that spot, but it happened a fair amount of times when I did this job before. Somewhere ya have to make a decision on how long you're willing to wait & stick to it.


Expert Expediter
i remember just a few years ago when i went from driving line-haul to expediting that it was hard to find an owner that didnt want you to stay out for 2-3 weeks at a time. guess thats how i got used to staying out all that time without going home. well, now i have a family and i do want to see my kid grow up. i want to make sure that 12-14 days out, 2-3 home is still fair for the owner? hey i know that the van doesnt make any money if the wheels arent turn'n. i see some drivers that like to be home every weekend. thats great! sometimes you do stand to lose some nice weekend runs though. sometimes you sit at a truckstop all weekend. it happens, thats the business. also does anyone know if a suspension of your license even if it was a non-moving violation will hurt your chances of getting in with a company? i was approved by panther 2 and conway now in the past so i hope it wont be a problem. i got a ticket for an expired registration, and in the process of moving i forgot to pay the whole ticket off. just found out from some mail i should have received 8 months ago that my license was suspended from non payment of the fine. i have since paid the fine, restored my license and am ready to go. hope it all dont come back and bite me in the rear in the end. any info would be much apreciated. thanks so much and drive safe.


Veteran Expediter
I try to stay out about 12 days and back for a weekend. The problem is I really hate to stay out over a weekend if I'm not working. If I'm on a load there's no problem but I hate it when I sit all weekend. All you do is spend money and eat.