Birthday! Happy Birthday to me


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
Yes 9/11 is Happy Birthday to me. The date has been noticed by customs when crossing the border.

Whats more My grandmothers birthtay is Dec 7. (Pearl Harbor)


Veteran Expediter
Happy birthday, Redytrk!
I can empathize with the happy/sad dichotomy, having 11/22 as a birthday. (For those too young to remember, that's the day President John F. Kennedy was assassinated.) I was a mite too young to understand exactly why everyone on the planet (it seemed) was crying in front of the tv all day, all I knew in 1963 was that my birthday was a happy day for nobody.
Now that no one cries over it anymore, I don't care to acknowledge the fact that I'm another year older...aren't we humans a perverse bunch? ;)


Expert Expediter
Ah yes 9/11. Got married the 1st time on that day, it ended about the same way. It felt like it anyway.