FMCSA - cheating


Veteran Expediter
so the court ordered the FMCSA to address drivers harassment before mandating EOBR's.
the court order was regarding the, then active, worst offenders rule. this court order effect any future EOBR rule-making. it's even effect the now Congressional mandated EOBR rule under 'map21'.
if the feds like to see an EOBR mandate they MUST first address the court concerns regarding EOBR used to harass drivers.
in an effort to comply with the court order the FMCSA opened a docket# and collected public input.
many thousands of comments have been submitted.
the FMCSA held 3 listening sessions. MATS, Seattle, and WDC.
during those sessions thousands more comments have been filed.
clearly the FMCSA did NOT liked what we told them.
the fact is that EOBR can, are and will be used to harass drivers.
even the Truck Load association tried to come-up for the FMCSA help. in it's annual convention. the TLA had a day long forum discussing EOBR's & drivers harassment. they claimed that the use of EOBR to harass drivers is not technology driven, but a management problem that can be solved by the carrier. good quality BS!.
Clearly the FMCSA cannot satisfy the court concerns.
so despite all of the above, this week the FMCSA published this :"FMCSA to survey drivers, carriers on EOBR/driver harassment issue": - America's Trucking Newspaper
in other words, a controlled survey can get us the answers we seek.
if we ask the right peoples the right questions, we might get the right answers !
500 drivers ? out of what, 7 million ? - surly we can find 500 drivers that are in favored of EOBR.
400 carriers ? out of what, 700,000 ? - surly we can find 400 carriers that are in favored of EOBR.

and that's how you cheat on EOBR !!!


Veteran Expediter
Nobody harassed prior to EOBR's ?
For every driver that is harrassed by an EOBR there will be one that will be protected by the EOBR. Sure boss, I'd love to help you, but I Can't because of the EOBR.
I was told early on in life, the logbook can be your friend. Use it to your advantage.
The real answer is educating the driver. Learn how to say enough is enough. I've got hours, but I'm too tired to drive safely, End of story.
If you can't handle the job, or you work for unrealistic people, it doesn't matter if it's electronic or paper, it's not going to work.
When you cut through the crap, most people don't like EOBRs because you can't cheat.
There was a time in my life when this would have been a problem.
Today, with GPS, computerized everything, you can't get away with much if you get in a situation where you need to be reviewed.
In a bad accident, that EOBR may keep you from vehicular manslaughter because you started running legal.
I had a bulk tanker of Flammable on, up 34 hours, the day I decided to start running legal.
The dot didn't scare me. Lawyers scare me.


Veteran Expediter
I have my doubts that an EOBRs will save you from being named in a lawsuit in the event of an accident, or even help clear yourself.



Expert Expediter
A good point also ... just wish she hadn't been reading something above the camera, and actually engaged the auidence more.


Veteran Expediter
Blackpup, my point is if the eobr has you running legal, it'll minimize your problems in the evident of an accident.


Veteran Expediter
i understand that you are running legal, just not so sure the EOBR will help you prove that fact.



Veteran Expediter
I think it would harder for someone to disprove the facts stated on the EOBR than it would be to disprove a paperlog.
When comparing the two, if your paperlog didn't match within 15 minutes, a sharp lawyer will have you agree that it was inaccurate.
Once that statement is made the jury will hear repeatedly that your logs were inaccurate, not truthful, yada,yada,yada.
Reguardless, it'll be cell- phone records,pre-pass,ez-pass,and cameras that will provide the timeline. Even loyalty cards for showers and credit card transactions.
If you think you can get away with much you're just kidding yourself.
And the lawyers will make you, your carrier, or your insurance company pay.
Why make it easy for them ?


Veteran Expediter
Very true about Quote "Reguardless, it'll be cell- phone records,pre-pass,ez-pass,and cameras that will provide the timeline. Even loyalty cards for showers and credit card transactions. "Quote

Yes the individual driver can be tracked quite well with out EOBRs.
