Express 1 drivers.....hellooooo?


Expert Expediter

I would like to hear from you guys, maybe you can email me privately
as I have noticed there is alot of censorship with this site and no privacy in protection of real identities. Spy VS Spy kinda stuff huh.

Thanks guys/gals



Veteran Expediter
I dropped you a note asking what it is you are looking for with your POST. You did not specify what info you are looking for. If you wish to clarify I will be glad to share info with you.

Owner Two Straight Truck.
Part time driver of one of my trucks and local TT.
2 years OTR Expediting
1 yr local Expediting
Line Haul TT 2mon.
OTR Straight Truck Plt to Plt off and on 5 years.
Based in Cincy Ohio
Currently at Express-1
Father of 4 children
Grandfather of 1 boy
3 years without full use of my mind


Senior Moderator
Staff member
Fleet Owner
I would like to hear from you guys, maybe you can email me privately
as I have noticed there is alot of censorship with this site and no privacy in protection of real identities. Spy VS Spy kinda stuff huh.

I think the latter is only warranted when individuals write many negative posts with regards to a company or individual. In an attempt to bolster their opinions, a select few have use multiple screen names to voice their opinions within the same post.
I don't see a point of having multiple screen names and duplicating posts from the same individual within the same subject.
That is my take on it.
20 years

Doggie Daddy

Veteran Expediter
dave you are so right,when a person has to create a whole new screen name for the sole purpose of stirring $hiat that is just not right. :) :) ;-) DD.


Expert Expediter
Hi okay lets see,

Lets try it another way, Myself and my Team partner are pretty well educated we were looking for something fun to do, we both like the solitary lifestyle that the trucking field has to offer, I myself have been an owner operator and she is a professional sales person with 20 years exp dealing with large corporations like GM CBS (TV) etc

You people on here have a web page which in my opinion is pretty good however when you have too much positive information about a particular carrier someone with sense will tend to wonder and get suspicious about the carrier. EG. 100 posts all positive, you arrive at orientation, you are told quote," we are all business here dont expect hello's or good mornings". Are arrogant and speak to you like you are 3 then you wonder why there wasn't at least 1 post with that type of comment in it. ( I personally wouldnt do business of any type with a company that didn't know why I was there or didnt do introductions as in Hi welcome to "Slower than Slow expediting")

If someone was perfect there wouldn't be weekly orientations there would be waiting lists "Harden Furniture" in Upstate NY is one of those places with a waiting list to drive for them etc.

I can understand fully removing slanderous comments from view but when someone writes a post regarding a simple question related to lets say "Two Black Cats Expediting" and its removed and privately answered by a recruiter which suddenly calls you on the phone because he see's that you live in a certain area? so it just has to be you? I think that is quite shady.( Hence spy vs spy)

Just like companies do back ground checks on you to drive or lease to them we do government background checks on them to make sure they are as perfect as they have been bolstered to be. I personally dont see how thats a big deal.

You are not buying a hamburger here its a 100 thousand dollar machine and my credit and reputation are on the line.. Bottom line is that the company listed above ( not express 1) didnt want to answer our direct questions about anything and still have not returned our calls regarding questions asked.

So we have moved on as someone viewing a new television would do in a store if they didnt like the model.

Hope that better answers what we were looking for.



Senior Moderator
Staff member
Fleet Owner
Dukesadog wrote;

You people on here have a web page which in my opinion is pretty good however when you have too much positive information about a particular carrier someone with sense will tend to wonder and get suspicious about the carrier. EG. 100 posts all positive, you arrive at orientation, you are told quote," we are all business here dont expect hello's or good mornings". Are arrogant and speak to you like you are 3 then you wonder why there wasn't at least 1 post with that type of comment in it. ( I personally wouldnt do business of any type with a company that didn't know why I was there or didnt do introductions as in Hi welcome to "Slower than Slow expediting

Apparently if there was 100 positive posts, and they were all from different people I would think one would expect a positive experience. If a negative comment was posted, it would have only been removed if it contained personal attacks or was deragatory in nature.

I can understand fully removing slanderous comments from view but when someone writes a post regarding a simple question related to lets say "Two Black Cats Expediting" and its removed and privately answered by a recruiter which suddenly calls you on the phone because he see's that you live in a certain area? so it just has to be you? I think that is quite shady.( Hence spy vs spy)

I read these posts daily and am not aware of any posts that were removed and then forwarded to the carrier. I am not sure what the point of that would be anyway? If you wrote a negative post and it was removed as you indicate, why on earth would that prospective company want to talk to you anyway?
I'm confused :+
20 years


Expert Expediter
Thats why we have an attorney working on how the information was attained, it was a question involing what the basis of the letter of intent to hire was, if they didnt process any information.So I have a document in my hand to bring to a bank after I was told by their recruiter that my background was processed. We spent a couple days faxing documents. history's etc yet they told us at orientation that nothing prior to that was even checked? So what was the recruiter talking about when he said...yep you checked out your 10 year history was perfect..thanks for all the extra info? if it wasnt looked at?

A good company will process the application so it is done with all snags if there are any prior to vehicle purchase and heres the key orientation...not wait until orientation and hold you up for a week waiting on some reply.

My Team partner asked questions relating to who the owner was? who was hiding somewhere, if you are putting down a bunch of $$$ you want to know who its going to? right?

I would say maybe 40% of the info we recieved over the phone out of 100 was correct...we did go to the orientation but we didnt stay...just too many unanswered questions.

My Team partner has a post on here somewhere too and I see you slammed her pretty hard on her question as well.. thats okay despite how 2 black cats feels we are still grown ups. Oh and just so you know there are two seperate IPs involved..not the same computer



Senior Moderator
Staff member
Fleet Owner
Dukesadog wrote:

Thats why we have an attorney working on how the information was attained, it was a question involing what the basis of the letter of intent to hire was, if they didnt process any information.So I have a document in my hand to bring to a bank after I was told by their recruiter that my background was processed. We spent a couple days faxing documents. history's etc yet they told us at orientation that nothing prior to that was even checked? So what was the recruiter talking about when he said...yep you checked out your 10 year history was perfect..thanks for all the extra info? if it wasnt looked at?

Again, I am confused. How does this translate into a post being removed and information being relayed to some recruiter?

My Team partner asked questions relating to who the owner was? who was hiding somewhere, if you are putting down a bunch of $$$ you want to know who its going to? right?

What owner? and for what? again, I am totally confused

My Team partner has a post on here somewhere too and I see you slammed her pretty hard on her question as well.. thats okay despite how 2 black cats feels we are still grown ups. Oh and just so you know there are two seperate IPs involved..not the same computer

Lastly, as far as your ISP addresses, it is of little concern. The issue with regards to a ISP address, was the use of multiple screen names and how they were used.It was not whether two computers were used.
20 years


Expert Expediter
Doesnt much matter to me other than the fact of sending me a document to take to a bank after lying to me that my application was checked out and everything was good etc ( other than DOT related stuff) is a crime,

Bringing a letter of intent to a bank and telling them yeah...they plan to hire me can they hire you if they didnt check your info. what I asked was what are you basing the letter of intent on? which got the attention of one of the owners of P2 himself,

I dont like lying but that is what I did when I went to the bank with the bogus letter of intent and the recruiters word that everything checked out.

They didnt like the fact that we wanted information on what we would make yet they wanted our money, they didnt answer the question of hey...what do I stand to gain by leaving my job right now and driving team with him...they didnt like that infact they dont like most reasonable questions and think that we're it lease on with us cause we're the best etc ...we dont answer questions.

That message you sent the other day regarding landstars lawsuit to that other guy, well I would imagine there will be something following behind pretty soon about P2.

I have not personally decided whether or not to swear out a Federal warrant regarding the probably 20 something HIPPA privacy laws that were violated during orientation but sooner or later someone may take the time to do so.

That dry erase board in the same room as the orientation with drivers names and other info as to what was passed and not passed is a biggie, cant be less than 25 feet from the closest person sitting in the room and cannot have any type of medical info on it including results of physicals.

I think I will just stay home and write a book about whos who in the trucking field, open a law office to protect guys like that "truck-cop" from getting robbed by owners that dont answer questions, educate the new guys coming into the field, that 32 grand is for 80 hours a week, offer consultation to law firms about why Ms Smith got squished in the road by a tailgating truck.




Veteran Expediter
I am pretty lost on this entire post but let me say the business overall is pretty darn cool and you can make money at it.

As for oreintations and questions and companies etc. The business is kind of odd that way. No place I have ever been has liked to be questioned, you pretty much get told whatever it appears you need to hear to get rolling and then you simply learn or you don't. That may sound sad but it is what I have found to be true in my case.

I can really lay into a company but don't think it would change anything so I just learn from some more experiences and move on. My feeling is if you want to get in the business you gotta start somewhere and I tell you at this point I dont think any of them try to darn hard to be your best freind. I would suggest you get in some where start learning and in three months you will either be happy or at least know enough to pick a company to move to in hopes of finding what you are looking for.

Best of luck with whatever you do but be sure not to give up because of whatever happened out of the gate

Owner Two Straight Truck.
Part time driver of one of my trucks and local TT.
2 years OTR Expediting
1 yr local Expediting
Line Haul TT 2mon.
OTR Straight Truck Plt to Plt off and on 5 years.
Based in Cincy Ohio
Currently at Express-1
Father of 4 children
Grandfather of 1 boy
3 years without full use of my mind


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Based on my somewhat limited experience of 3 different orientations, 2 of which were expediting, my opinion is that orientation isn't a place to get questions answered. It's a place to get a very large amount of information conveyed in a rather short period of time. They will stop to answer some questions but mainly they want you to sit and listen and learn all you can and hope for the best.

Questions generally have to be asked and answered prior to the orientation. Answers will be wrong to a given percentage of the questions. That's the nature of everything. Look at the IRS for an example of that.

I attended the P2 orientation and as I remember the board it didn't give any information that was improper. It had the driver's name along with truck number and numerous columns that were either blank or had a check mark. The checkmark went in when that particular item was completed. I think the worst thing on it was maybe the cell or pager number but I am not certain that was even listed. It certainly didn't have SS number or anything else to worry about. It also didn't give any medical information or indicate failing anything. It just got a checkmark when something was completed so they knew they didn't have to bug you about that particular thing anymore.

This thread makes me think of the story of the kid who wouldn't be satisfied until dad fried a worm and ate half of it with him and then bawled because dad ate the kid's half.

truck 4958

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