Expediters Online Bumper Sticker


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member

Have you ever considered making bumper stickers available listing the web site for Expediters Online. I believe this could be helpful in two ways. This is a great website, with a lot of practical information. First, it would let other expediters know about the web site. Secondly, it would allow persons interested in becoming expediters have access to a lot of useful information. Most of these people are talking to expeditors and/or seeing trucks out on the road. By reading the current issues on the web site, as well as going back into the archives, they can get a more objective view of this business. Again, thanks.


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
Retired Expediter
US Navy
he has , you should have been at the truck show
also i have the very first one on a truck to


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
Geo; Actually I was at the show, that's how I found out about the web site. I obviously missed out on picking up a bumper sticker. In the past week I have seen about 8-10 trucks, none of which had a bumper sticker. In addition none of the drivers (5 or 6 in the past week) I have spoken with were familiar with the web site.

Lawrence; can we arrange for you to send me a few bumper stickers?



Staff member
Hello Larry,

Thanks for your input! We actually do have some bumper stickers floating around. Although, we probably need to update them.

They read like this:

Without Expediters - America Stops Faster!

Any suggestions on how the new bumper stickers should read? Post them here - Thanks!

Also, here is the huge bumper sticker that George has:

(Thanks George!)

Expediters Online.Com


Staff member

We would be happy to send you some EO stuff. Just send us an email to [email protected] and include your name, address and what you would like in it.

Also, did you say you where at our Expedite Expo or MATS?

Expediters Online.Com


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
Hi Lawrence!
I,m back home for a wopping 2 whole days,
Just started to get cot up on the forum and saw is first.
well here is my suggetion.

Have a picture of an E unit - t/t, a D unit - stright truck, and a B unit - cargovan. Then in the caption the words:
Expediting is America's Fleet to freedom.
Don't ya just love it????;) :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
So when is the bumper sticker going to be ready? I'll put it next to my OOIDA sticker.
Safe driving


Staff member
Hi Bearcat,

I would like to get some more suggestions for the new one. Teacel that was great! Let's get a few more!

Expediters Online.Com


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
I think the sticker in your previous post would be fine to get the ball rollin. Just add some color to it and maybe an american flag on either or both sides.
Safe driving


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
MY opinion on the new bumper stickers kinda goes with bearcats..I'd say put the whole background an american flag then with black or reflective letter E.O.dot com, or you could also do a D unit with the van body painted like a flag and the lettering in there.....just some quick ideas , well Good Luck Lawrence and keep up the great work.. Andy [email protected]..:7 :7 :eek: :9 x(


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
Lawrence: You have obviously gotten some really good ideas for a future bumper sticker aimed at promoting expediting. Those stickers will help in one of the areas of concern that I hoped to address.

My other concerns are the following:

First, we should consider a bumper sticker that would have the web site for Expediters Online. I believe this sticker should be aimed at informing current expeditors of the web site and what the web site offers drivers and o/o.

Secondly, too often there are postings on your web site from frantic owner/operators or their spouses asking for help. These people are frequently over their head in debt and disillusioned about this industry. They may have gotten bad advice about expediting and made financial decisions based on that inaccurate advice. There is more to driving truck than how much money you make. There are the long hours on the road; the days and nights away from home; the cost of meals,laundry, showers, fuel and repairs. There are also the hours &/or days of sitting in truck stops or parking lots waiting for the next load. And then of course there are the deadhead trips in hopes of getting someplace that will result in picking up a load. This web site has and hopefully will continue to provide those potential new o/o with the information they need to make an informed decision. It is these people that I think should also be targeted with the bumper sticker or sign or whatever is put on the trucks. When o/o are kept in a chronic state of desperation, I believe that they will accept any load, at any price/mile, which ends up hurting the industry. And as long as people continue to enter this industry with unrealistic expectations and large monthly truck payments, the o/o will suffer. Let's do our part to make the information available so that people looking at getting into the business have the opportunity to get more than one educated opinion. That's my opinion and thanks for listening.
P.S. How about developing a FAQ listing for the new o/o or even a printable check list for them to go over prior to making the big step.


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
In my opinion, you hit the nail on the head. Most of the recruiters pump a new person's head with lies and promises. Once that person signs on he or she is kicked to the side. Your idea of a FAQ listing and a printable check list is great. It may also be a good idea to have the postings go to a holding area for the moderators to look over to determine where to place them in the forum. The newbies paradise forum should be for them to post thier questions and concerns. This is the place where a new person, or someone wanting info will get it. I believe when the experienced expediters go to this part of the forum it is to help the newer expediters or the ones who are wanting info. This may even be the place to dock the FAQ list. It seems that the newbies paradise forum is being over looked, and everyone is using the general for everything.

I kinda sorta got off track of the subject. I wanted to agree with Larry and add to it, not meaning to get away from the subject, so I'll end it with: Please take this into some consideration!


Staff member

You have brought out some important issues.....critical issues. Correct information is powerful. I think that a well rounded FAQ would help in this effort. We do have a FAQ that we call Getting Started http://www.expeditersonline.com/faq/index.html

You are welcome to help build this FAQ. I believe the best information comes from people in the field, not a publishing group removed from the reality of the road.

Your thoughts.............:)

Expediters Online.com


Staff member
Hi Christyrose,

Their saying we should have them in by hand between Christmas and The New Year. EO Forum members get first dibs!

Expediters Online.Com

Wild Bill

Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
Retired Expediter
COOL! a Christmas present I can use for once! lol! Now if Santa would just bring me an Expeditersonline hat....lol ;-)


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
Retired Expediter
US Navy
having a new door put on and need a new bumper sticker put on back door or have copy that one


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
Is there any updates on the bumper stickers? Last heard was December/January. If I missed your post, I am sorry. :+ :7 :D