Expedite Expo Expedite Expo Assist Team


Veteran Expediter
Safety & Compliance
US Coast Guard
I have visited the Expo Convention site and I was sure impressed with the size of the facilities, the abundance of Truck parking and the availability of restaurant and lounges, all at the same location. This is going to be the best Expo yet.

We have received a great response from EO Forum members who will help us meet and greet Expo attendees, help them get registered and guide them to the exhibits in which they are most interested. We could still use some more help from other Forum Members and/or their co-drivers so that all the volunteers will have minimum things to do and maximum time to enjoy the events. No lifting or other hard labor is involved.

We have split the times between Friday 0800-1200; Friday 1200-1600; and Saturday 0800-1200 and Saturday 1200-1600.

If you can help out during any of those time periods, please send me your preferences either here or PM or e-mail me. You could also call the EO office at 1-859-746-2046 and talk to any of the folks there.

Thanks, Terry and Rene'


Terry you are Right the place is great. I was by there this past weekend for my High School Reunion in Xenia. Man is it a big place.

Drive safe

Dave Mayfield
FEDExCC/Roberts Express O/O Since 3/1/1995